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Wednesday 25 March 2015

The mysterious rug

The story of this rug is one I have been meaning to share with the world. Please learn from my experience.

   I remember when I was still a child in my parents house. My dad loved to buy biscuits and sweets for us the kids when returning form work. We also had a shop very close to the house and any little money that was giving to us by our dad or visitors was either taken by my mum or spent on chocolates, biscuits and sweets. Because of the rate at which we consumed these things the house was easily a mess with wraps of each item floating around. Mum used to get very angry at this and shout at us to clean up the house. Of cos as kids we looked for the easiest ways to do this and we finally found one solution.

Each time we ate something and had to dispose the wrapper we would neatly tuck it in between the seat of the cushioned chairs that we had as furniture back then. I must say our chairs had a really large storage compartment because we could go for weeks stuffing it full and it still wouldn't get full, well it's not like we cared about that.
   It was only a matter of time before something led my mum, dad or any elderly person in the house to one of the chairs to miraculously discover the hidden biscuit and sweet wraps. Questions will be asked, we would all deny, get flogged and the cycle just goes on like that.

   As we grew older we were upgraded from sitting around and causing a mess to sitting around, causing a mess then cleaning up after ourselves. As you would suspect this didn't sit very well with us, especially the part of cleaning up. I mean why couldn't we just sit down and have our biscuits without being disturbed, the elderly people just had to shift their responsibility on us. Anyway I must tell you that we were really smart kids because we also discovered a way to get this done without much stress.

This discovery was made by my elder brother, weeks after my mum brought a piece of heavy material, placed it at the center of our living room, called it "RUG" and put a table on it. My brother called us one day and showed us that we could simply leave all the dirt under the rug and it would automatically dispose of everything and to be frank I was jealous of his finding. I would have thought of that before him if I was given enough time or at least if I was born before him. Anyway we all loved this new idea and that was how we took care of any mess we made from that day on. It was really fun to just toss anything at all we wanted under there. My personal favorite was this, I would turn the fans regulator to the highest and chase the flying wraps all over the living room, trying to catch and tuck them under the mysterious rug that would swallow it all up.

On one faithful day as I was playing close to the rug. I noticed that the rug had gained a little weight in certain places. It bulged slightly with no particular shape at different ends but the most obvious was the bulge at the center. Regardless of that I decided to keep playing around. It was another day filled with abundance of biscuits so consequently there were wraps all over again so I had to go through the pain of cleaning up. However I remained grateful for the magic rug that was brought into our home and how it had made our lives less stressful.
  As usual I got a broom that I could hardly get my grip around, swept the wraps along with some carefully selected dust. I swept it close to the rug then lifted the rug slightly to feed it with my daily offering but what I saw next shocked me.

The very same place that the rug had gained weight thanks to my effort and that of my siblings was filled with filth. I couldn't believe my eyes, something fishy was going on. Someone had been stuffing this rug with dirt. There was too much sand and filth under there and to make it worse it wasn't the type that was usually in our house. You see our house sand was brown but this one that I found under the rug was darker and very close to black. I saw some biscuit wraps under there and could identify some to look like the ones I had offered to this mysterious rug but something was wrong. Although they looked like mine, they looked a lot less attractive. When I gave them to the rug, they were glowing. This wasn't my biscuit wrap... or so I thought.

Another thing that I noticed was the stench that oozed from under the carpet. Come to think of it the stench had been slipping slightly into the living room but wasn't so bad. I noticed the wet patch on the floor and under the rug was responsible for the stench. I recalled pouring ice cream there some weeks ago but here is the thing, vanilla ice cream didn't smell bad. Vanilla ice creamed smelled like vanilla, there was no way vanilla ice cream could smell and look that bad. So here was what I did next.

I called on my siblings and regardless of the fact that I was the last born, I summoned the courage to hold my very first meeting and find out who was spoiling that rug. I asked each and every one of them who was feeding the rug with bad biscuit wraps and smelly liquid substances. Personally I was suspecting my elder brother that discovered the wonders of the rug before me but I kept my composure and asked everyone without directly pointing any fingers.

   As we held the meeting my mum walked in and asked what the problem was and we all stopped and stared at her. To me she was also looking very suspicious. I mean this was a woman that made us sweep! Who knows what other evil she could come up with. Anyway before I could lay my accusation she noticed the rug behind me and the biscuit raps sticking out from under it. I guess she noticed the bad smell also because of the way she squeezed her face and covered her nose. She walked over to it, lifted the table and set it aside then with one clean motion pulled the rug aside also.
     She stopped in shock and stared at what lay in front of her and my suspicion towards her increased. She was shocked with guilt I thought to myself. But then she turned around and my look of suspicion turned into a look of horror and fear when I saw that look in her eyes. The look that she would give before going berserk on us and leaving our behinds sore for days to come. It dawned on me right there, We were in trouble....

Okay Let's stop here for now and look at the meaning of this. Why did I tell this story? Well it's simple actually. It is because of something that we do every single day in our life. It is pushing things away until they become too much for us to handle. It's about storing up problems till they build up and become one big problem. It's about trying to boycott responsibilities instead of dealing with them. It's about how every little evil we do looks little till it piles up. It's about how little lies turn into big issues that could affect us in the future.

Listen to me when I say this. If you keep sweeping things under your rug or hiding them in the closet. The day they finally get exposed, they would have gone so bad to the extent that you yourself would hardly recognize them. Every single day, in our relationships and general life be it family work or school. We sweep issues and responsibilities under the rug feeling that they won't harm us. Here is the thing, they always still come back to us, it's just that they come back worse.

Take care of issues in your life the moment they come up. Do not leave them or believe that they are too small for you to make a fuss about.

If it's emotional then view your emotions as a bottle, every little drop of water counts and it's only a matter of time before it's full. Do not push yourself to the extent that issues that should have been taken care of become too much for you to handle. Do not let trivial issues destroy what you have because you thought they meant nothing. Learn how to address issues until you are completely okay. Do it for your own good, do it for you partner, do it for the sake of peace.

Oh and finally. Do it because if not, my mum will flog you o!

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At 25 March 2015 at 19:02 , Anonymous S. said...

Lol. Nice one Ralph.

At 27 March 2015 at 09:27 , Anonymous Brielle said...

lol....i definitely enjoyed the story you used to pass the message across, more grease to your elbow ralph.

At 13 May 2015 at 16:07 , Anonymous Olusola Ukaegbu said...

you really caught me there. i was still waiting for what happened, not realising that the story was over. Well done mate!!!

At 13 May 2015 at 16:09 , Anonymous Olusola Ukaegbu said...

I was still waiting for he climax. weldone. captivating story.


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