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Monday 30 March 2015

April Polls: What is the Number 1 reason for failed marriages.

From cheating spouses, Lack of communication, No compatibility or understand and  down to Lack of respect. The reality remains that relationships seem to be breaking apart more frequently everyday. Now we don't know if things have been that way ever since but all we can do is analyze with what we have in front of us right?

According to certain people, it would be possible to reduce it if the society to could pinpoint one particular problem from all these that is responsible for this problem.

But before we continue I want you to look to the left of this blog and scroll down a little, especially those on PC (i'll try and support for mobile devices soon). You will see a Poll with 4 categories and the title matching the title of this post. Got that?! Awesome! Alright just keep reading and i'll tell you what we will do at the end of this post.

 I am going to simply analyze very briefly what each of these problems could bring to your home and your relationships before we conclude so let's start with

  1. Cheating Spouses: This one brings that ghen ghen ghen action film soundtrack to the scene of your relationship. lol. This could be the most popular reason for relationship disasters and as the name suggests, your partner would feel cheated out of the love that they thought you both shared. They would feel cheated out of the commitment and promises you verbally or non verbally made to each other when you entered the relationship.
  2. Lack of Communication: This boasts to be the most popular amongst relationship analysts. Without communication then there would be no understanding. Without understanding there would be clashes and with constant clashes, one person is bound to get fed up and decide to move on
  3. Compatibility Issues: Or should I say lack of similar interests and lifestyle. Although it is said that sometimes it is important to look for your direct opposite and be with the person but it isn't always so. Sometimes it's important to have that person that you can relate with, someone who would be interested in what you are interested in and not just to please you but because they understand and appreciate it naturally. Nothing is forced.
  4. Lack of Respect: Without respect from the both parties in the relationship there are 2 things that could happen. The first is that one person is bound to get tired sooner or later and start lashing out. Also if the lack of respect comes from both sides then it's only a matter of time before the couple wear themselves out and get fed up of each other. The second is that the thrill of the relationship is going to wear off faster than usual and unlike other relationships that would be left with friendship or emptiness (worst case scenario), this situation usual ends with bitterness and detest for each other. This is also one of the reasons of abusive relationships.

   As you all can see, every single one of all these is very important in relationships. However we are still trying to figure out which one is the Number 1 so here is what I'm going to do.  I'm throwing this one to you the audience. I want you to tell me what you feel the Number 1 reason for failed marriages is. Leave it as a comment below then also do one more thing for me...

Look to the left of the blog and you will see a voting pole titled "What is the Number 1 reason for failed marriages". All you have to do is click and vote then by the end of April we will check the results. Hope to see you all participate from now in the monthly Polls.



At 30 March 2015 at 15:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

**waves** Hiya Papi, So I checked out the poll and I voted 'Lack of Communication'. Personally, I believe that relationships these days lack a great deal of communication. You cannot understand the other party if you both do not communicate. You cannot even love the other party if you both do not communicate. You cannot know how compatible you both are until you communicate....buh for cheating?? You can't communicate to prevent that cuz people cheat because they can. No amount of communication can make one not cheat unless the person has self control. Nonetheless, Communication goes a long way in EVERY aspect of your relationship...from the bedroom to the kitchen...physically and mentally too....and that's what I think tho'....

Thank again Papi for reaching out. I am really humbled.

At 30 March 2015 at 19:51 , Blogger Unknown said...

ola mami, the pleasure is all mine, thanks for being here. You have really solid points but you said something about cheating not being able to be controlled by communication. So I want to ask this. Don't you think it's possible by communication. to change a persons mind from cheating. Think of it in another way. You and your partner might not naturally have the same view towards a particular thing but through communication you both might get to understand each others view. So it's safe to say that if you convinced them to change their view, you did it through communication right? Now don't you think there is a possibility that by expressing your view against cheating in the right way verbally you can change your partners mind?

At 1 April 2015 at 16:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought 'lack of sacrifice or selflessness' will be one reason.

At 2 April 2015 at 10:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

Well that is a reason also but you can help us explain more. These reasons aren't all the reasons in the world, I just put up a few for a competition between these points. So how do you feel lack of sacrifice or selflessness affects a relationship?

At 19 April 2015 at 17:25 , Blogger esit said...

Since I can't vote I'll leave my comment here.
Personally tho I think most failed marriages come from not having God as the foundation. I've learned that from my parents.
Every now & then there might be miscommunication, your interests might vary( I mean opposites attract) right? Once you start taking each other for granted, then comes lack of respect & then the gbim gbim one - cheating. It's only someone with the fear of God that won't cheat, yes there might be temptation and stuff but yea. I feel like at one point in marriage, seeing as it is a lifetime thing, one of these problems might creep in & only God being the foundation of that marriage can hold it down. When that is absent, divorce is inevitable.
Woah I feel like I just brought church up in here.
Ok bye!

At 30 April 2015 at 07:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

You have a good point esit, it's going to be hard to see a marriage standing with only physical efforts. However I know a few people that aren't so religiously inclined but still have the self respect and self control to not cheat on their spouse. Opposites can attract and similarities can attract but I feel the most important thing is actually values and reciprocated respect.

At 30 April 2015 at 07:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

You have a good point esit, it's going to be hard to see a marriage standing with only physical efforts. However I know a few people that aren't so religiously inclined but still have the self respect and self control to not cheat on their spouse. Opposites can attract and similarities can attract but I feel the most important thing is actually values and reciprocated respect.

At 30 April 2015 at 16:40 , Blogger Unknown said...

For me it's compatibility issues, because when partners are not compatible, there is always disagreement because they don't reason alike and don't take things the same way, they sees each other being so difficult and unreasonable and that's where problems starts.


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