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Thursday, 5 February 2015

Never Compare the struggles: Mr Taiwo and Mr Franks Story

There are no two situations that are the same. Even if two different situations are exactly the same the response to it from two people can never be the same. The fact that there are no two people who are then same is enough to change the response of different people to a particular situation. Click the link and read more. You will want to gain this knowledge believe me.

Frank wasn't the wealthiest person in Ibadan but he was okay. In fact he was living a little below average. He had a little family and managed his funds as much as he could. His wife managed with him and saw his struggles. His children were brought up with what little funds that was available and they learnt their fathers trade to survive. After a particular deal that Frank was trying to secure went bad he lost all the money he invested and had to start again and struggle through. His personal cash was affected also and the money he borrowed from his friend that was helping with the business was the only thing he had remaining on him.  He tried to make ends meet and told his family of the misfortune. His wife wasn't happy because she advised him against the deal earlier but he wouldn't listen to her. He said it was going to help the family expand. Now that the deal had failed and their savings were gone they had to readjust and start again. The wife after voicing out her annoyance, understood and readjusted. They downsized a little, made the necessary adjustments and adapted. It was just a matter of time, they would make up some money again and continue from where they were before while hoping that luck would shine on them one day. They were easily settled again after the unfortunate event and this was just 5 months later.

In Lagos Mr Taiwo had a mansion in banana island. He was one of the big shots in town and had a little family also. His kids were trained in the best schools and ate the best foods. Their food was of the highest grade. His wife drove the best cars and the family was really living the dream life. Mr Taiwo tried to help one of his friend in Ibadan called Frank with a business and along the line something went wrong, he was duped and he lost all of the money he invested. His wife had warned him earlier that the deal was going to go bad but he wouldn't listen. They had to sell most of their property. He had given Frank some money but couldn't collect it at that point because Frank really needed it. They moved out of their house, sold their cars and bought smaller ones. Relocated to their former house that was 6 bedrooms and had to start hustling for the money again. His wife was furious and couldn't take his incompetence but stayed with him, she loved him regardless of the money and they just had to start trying to readjust. Mr Taiwo was still stunned from the loss that hit him to coordinate himself as much as he needed to. He was born into a rich family and the business he just lost had been in his family for generations. He just single handedly ruined the legacy that his ancestors had built. He wasn't going to give up though, he would start somewhere and pick himself up.
    After 9 month he wasn't still able to coordinate himself. Although his wife was trying her best, they couldn't handle the way they spent money. The kids were only used to the very best of everything. From clothes to  the food they ate and everything in between, they were used to having the very best. The wife had grown used to changing her jewelry every month and even though she knew she had to stop. The urge and want was there so when she couldn't have what she wanted, she grew frustrated. Mr Taiwo wasn't any better, he found himself sub-consciously purchasing cars again without thinking twice and when he realized himself. He would sell the car but only cheaper. It wasn't easy for them and they kept struggling to find their footing through the years.

Look at this story, these two men suffered some serious loss and had to adjust. Frank was able to adjust easier than Taiwo. On a normal day, if this was happening around us we would hear all sorts of insults shaped with arrow heads flying towards Taiwo. The usual mentality would be to condemn him for not being able to manage his funds and how he got too relaxed and "irresponsible" because of the wealth he had acquired. Then Frank would be praised like a king for being able to coordinate himself and his family.
     I just need you to look at this situation again. It isn't Taiwo's fault that things are the way they are. He was born into wealth and never understood how it was to have to manage funds. It's not like he got up and squandered his money, he made and investment to help himself grow and help his friend Franks. Unfortunately it went south and he found himself in a situation he has never been in before. He has no experience in managing funds, he has never had to limit his spending and let's face it, it can never be easy for him to adjust immediately.

You see that he that these two men went through something similar and Taiwo didn't fall as low as Frank did. But if you compare how much change each person went through you will see that Taiwo went through a whole lot more than Frank. He might still have more than Frank but Frank is used to adjusting and managing funds. These are things we need to consider before judging a persons situation. We have to learn to look at everything that is surrounding a particular situation and not just the situation itself. Two people can go through a loss but the effect could be greater on one person. Let's learn to drop the judgement and try to look closer before concluding.

Oh and another thing, make sure to listen to the women in your life.



At 5 February 2015 at 09:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good write up.....thank you ralph

At 5 February 2015 at 09:39 , Blogger ada said...

Very true, but not just any woman but listen to a woman who has not lost her integrity and her intuition. a real woman


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