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Tuesday 13 October 2015

Back From the Other Side

      I swear I have started this post like a million times over without knowing what to type. Day after day I have place my fingers on these keyboards that were once familiar to me but right now they seem so strange that my thoughts fade right away the moment I make contact with them. I have been away for a Month and some days but it feels like I've been gone for ages. I have been gone for a while but not without reason. I ask for forgiveness with all sincerity and offer my explanation. Hopefully you guys can understand why I had to leave...

  You see so many things happen in life and we just can't explain them. I am told and made to understand that most of them are just a test of will but sometimes they can be really harsh. Sometimes the situations and things we deal with in life could come so unexpectedly and put us in a position we never imagined or thought possible. I'll let you guys know of a couple of things that has happened to me. Although not the toughest I have been through, somehow these past weeks have nothing been short of a horror story for me.

Before this long break, I slowed down my posting for a while. This was because I had a project I was handling at that point. I was actually building a bar and it was difficult to do everything at once. My regular job takes up a lot of my time already and blogging takes up what's left of that time. When I started building the bar I had to cut out some time from both my regular job and blogging. Unfortunately, the blogging had to suffer more because I couldn't afford to loose my regular job (that's what pays the bills). As much as I hated that, I still had to manage and hope for understanding from you guys. Although it was very unfair of me to expect that much understanding from you people seeing that I never really explained anything that was going on with me to you guys.
         After a couple of months I succeeded in setting up my mini bar to the standard that my pocket could afford at the time but then a couple of months into it I got robbed. The little cash we got from the little sales we made was taken. Some of our equipment was taken like our speakers and a couple of other things. A lot of other things had happened before this (which i'll explain later) but it was this particular even that almost broke me. I had to take some time off because it was like I had lost everything I invested. It really wasn't easy dealing with at all.
    I had to take some time off from the blogging because deep down in me, I had already felt like I was drifting from my original reason of opening this blog which was strictly to reach out to people out there in the world who feel like they have no one to talk to about their problems. With the events that happened in the bar I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to continue with blogging at that moment so I had to take a break. I know that most people would advise me that I need persistence and continuity when blogging but honestly I feel like persistence and continuity without a proper focus, reason or direction is just wrong and dangerous. I love this blog and this family too much to continue doing this without my initial focus in view.

During my absence I lost a friend and his father to the cold hands of death, I personally got robbed (apart from the bar), lost friends to misunderstandings due to how I distanced myself and that was because of the series of unfortunate events I was going through, I went through a whole lot more but I just want to drop it all right now. I can't afford to wallow in sorrow for the remainder of this year. At a point I figured I just had to brush off the dust and pick myself up again.

The issue at the bar and the way I lost it was just the final nudge that sent me toppling from the top of the cliff that life had pushed me to, however there were a lot of other events that contributed and got me to that point. I wouldn't exactly say that I landed on my feet, as a matter of fact I landed on my back but I think the most important thing is that I am willing to get up, dust myself up and start my climb again.

I know from day 1 I have asked for too much. I have asked you to trust a total stranger with your life's problems. I have asked you to open up your deepest secrets to a man who wouldn't even show you his face. I have asked you to take someone you might never meet as family. That is more than enough to ask for but right now I really want to ask you all  for one more thing and that is to forgive me. I hope I can pull this family together again. I might not be as regular as I used to be or put up as many posts as I used to but my priority remains the same which of cos is offering a listening ear to your issues.

I owe you guys a lot more than this short explanation but please bear with me for now. Simply thinking of every single thing that has happened right now is almost starting to weigh on me again. The most important thing is that I am back. I don't know if anything is going to happen and take me away again but I just want to enjoy my stay while it lasts while hoping that I never have to leave like that again.

Maybe not right now, maybe not this year but I hope that with time I am forgiven and accepted again. I love this family very much and yes I still do see this as a family. Please accept my apologies and try to understand my explanations and reasons even though they aren't enough....


At 14 October 2015 at 00:25 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralph,I'm so sowi you went through those unfortunate events all alone..
Ure highly forgiven
Affliction will not rise the second time in Jesus name,may you recover back all that uve lost
It z well with your soul
ΐ miss the blog
ΐ miss freeborn,sodiq,anu,and the host of odas..
ΐ miss mr ralph so damn mux and ΐ love you all

At 14 October 2015 at 06:02 , Blogger Unknown said...

My dear Thelma, thank you so much for your forgiveness. Thank you so much for waiting for me. I really appreciate your presence. I wish there was a way I could repay you all. I miss everyone also and I want to reach out to them and let them know I am back

At 14 October 2015 at 08:11 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Dis is so touching!! I was really concerned dou... i chated u up and it dint even drop, I even had to drop a msg on ur last post here but noting still.
Thank God u came out strong still!! Watever it is just know we are here for u just as uv got our back, Dats y we are one fam.
I so miz dis family!! Next tym b4 u go AWOL on us abeg jst try brief us.
Glad ure back.... Sending lots of hugs to u right away!!

At 14 October 2015 at 08:16 , Blogger Unknown said...

I kept checking on ur blog day after day buh nothing came up. You have really gone through a terrible ordeal and we thank God for the strength he gave you to pull through despite all. Nice to have you back.

At 14 October 2015 at 08:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

*spreading my arms wide for the hugs*....Thanks a lot Funke, it's been ages. Sometimes these things happen out of the blues and get you off guard. I wouldn't have left without saying anything if not for the impact it had on me. I just had to take some days off and those turned into weeks, that's how it stretched this long. I am just glad to be back... I'm still recovering but i'll be good soon. Can't keep a good dog down

At 14 October 2015 at 08:36 , Anonymous Brielle said...

Ralph dear, I know you are stronger than how you were before, u know that saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" are just exhibiting the truth in it, im so sorry for all u went thru, just wished u kept us in the loop, we'll have been dere to give u support too, we love you plenty and forgiveness isn't even an issue here, welcome bak! I missed this fam too

At 14 October 2015 at 08:54 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Oh my, i'm really sorry about ur loss Ralph, even the strongest of us gets broken, all that matters now is that u survived and u're going to thrive again. Just be strong bro, everything is going to fall in place again and better things will come. Welcome back.

At 14 October 2015 at 09:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

wow...Mrs/Ms Leema Momoh, this is a big one for me. I mean i've never noticted you on the blog but the fact that you have been a frequent reader makes me feel really good about this blog. It just goes a long way to show me that there are a lot more people like you out there that tune into this blog that I might not even realize. Thanks for being here and pleaase accept my apologies, I didn't mean to go AWOL....and to everyone out there that reads from the shadows, as much as I want you to come out and participate in the blog and be known, I am just happy that you are here at all. You guys are as much a part of the family as every other person....Thanks a lot!

At 14 October 2015 at 09:27 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I'll be right here with youuuuuu
U̶̲̥̅'ll be right here with meeee
We'll be right here with you
(Sing songs till fades)

At 14 October 2015 at 09:31 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

This song is dedicated to our lost but found Mr ralph!!
#picks Mic up#
You are welcome in da name of d lord!!
You are welcome in he name of d lord!!!
We can see all over you
The glory of da lord!
You are welcome in da name of da lord!!!
#shakesbumbum outa post#

At 14 October 2015 at 09:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

awwww...thanks a lot brielle. You know I love you guys also, it's just that sometimes I feel like I can handle somethings on my own which really is a bone headed way of thinking. I'lll have to adjust that. It's good to be back and it feels better to know that you all have still been where is esit. I have not seen that woman since.

At 14 October 2015 at 09:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks my brother, i'm definitely going to thrive again, nothing is going to keep me down. All I needed was to step back a little, plan myself well and defeat my demons. They are all dealt with and I doubt they will be messing with me anytime soon. If they do come out again i'll be more prepared

At 14 October 2015 at 09:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Awww...thelma, you are too sweet, I love all the songs you've put up for me. Lmao @ shakebumbum outa post. i can see you have been practicing your squatting still.

At 14 October 2015 at 10:01 , Anonymous enomo said...

I am really sorry for all you had to go through, I know you are only stronger from it . It gets better, remember its not the load that gets you down but how you carry it. so as you have made the conviction to stand up again, you will and you will do much better.
I sent you countless messages but none delivered, checked your blogs nothing new. I was a bit worried but I just felt you were busy.
I am glad you are back and yes that you are better too.

lots of e-hugs dear. you are loved!

At 14 October 2015 at 11:12 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I'm so glad you liked dem!!
Ure so loved by us all..

At 14 October 2015 at 12:06 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Yea whre is Esit? Missed u guys shading. .lol

At 14 October 2015 at 18:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol...I really wonder where she is, I am still going to try and contact her. I hope she is okay, i've tried to contact her before but she didn't get back to me.

At 14 October 2015 at 18:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

I sure did...Thanks dear, you all are also deeply loved by me

At 14 October 2015 at 18:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks so so much enomo...your words of encouragement are very important to me, even more than you might imagine. I am sorry that I couldn't get the messages due to my absence, please forgive me. Thanks a lot for the concern you have showed, it is very well appreciated. God bless you real good.

At 15 October 2015 at 07:15 , Blogger esit said...

I know we talked on the phone but reading actually broke me and I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. I hate that life sometimes throws us this curve balls without any warning signs and what,just expects us to weather the storm and keep pushing through. But know that God always has a bigger and better plan and things will always work out in your favour.
Ugh, I feel like a selfish little brat for turning that call into me time. It was supposed to be about you okay. All will be well daddy. Remain blessed.
And Anu,hey booboo

At 15 October 2015 at 07:18 , Blogger esit said...

I've missed you sugar

At 15 October 2015 at 08:16 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Hiya!!! Aw av u been darl.....see as Ralph jst make us disperse like Sure ure doing great.....XoXo

At 15 October 2015 at 09:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's okay hun, I had left for a long while and you needed to get some things off your chest. I was really happy I could give you a listening ear once again yesterday. God always knows what's best for all of us and I pray he also favours you. Thanks for your concern dear and don't feel selfish at all, you aren't selfish at all to me.

@anu funke. I'm so sorry dear. Lol....Hope you won't call police to arrest me

At 15 October 2015 at 09:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

Soon we will be at each others throats again, you can count on that. Lol

At 8 November 2015 at 08:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

Am glad you are back...sorry for ur loss esp d death of ur shall rise again..


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