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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Morning Coffee

Hello and Good morning everyone. How are you all doing. We are on a countdown people, we just have 2 days to go till the end of the month! Hope you are getting prepared for August!

You know what I dislike in life? Negativity!...Like I really hate people who are negative. I also dislike it when people hate on you without you actually knowing what you did to them. What's even worse than that is when you ask for an explanation and they don't provide it. Crazy stuff....Anyways, we can't let things like that hold us down can we? Let me tell you today that the most important thing is what's in your heart. Do you have a pure heart? Do you do the things you do for the best of reasons and without any intention of hurting anyone? If you do then just forget what people might think of you. People will always think negatively of you no matter how good you try to be. It doesn't stop you from being that good person you want to be. You just have to learn to ignore them, let them do what they can, believe what they want and act the way the want. The less attention you pay to their ignorance, the better for you...

Alright then time to swallow this coffee before it get's cold. Quickly people let's do this!...

I might be a little slow or absent today. I have some work to take care of before the end of the month but i'm still going to try and put up some posts today okay? So don't abandon the blog and run away. I've just really gotta concentrate on this and get through with it before the end of the month. We have 2 days to go and if I don't get through on time, someone is going to be missing their salary. I don't want to be the one without money to buy drinks at the end of the month...nope! So just be patient with me okay?...Alright thanks

I was going through some history facts earlier today when I had just gotten to work and I discovered something. Today is International Tiger Day! Weird huh?...I never knew that there was a day separated in honor of tigers. It got me wondering if there was a day also separated not to take care of but instead to annihilate all cockroaches and rats! Silly stupid things!..... Mcheeew. Anyway back to the tigers, I guess we have to take care of nature the way nature takes care of us right? It's our responsibility to take care of these animals and make sure that they don't go extinct. I personally have this love for wild life, especially those in the dog and cat family. Like wolves, cheetahs, cougars, tigers and lions. I would like to own at least one when my pocket is over flowing with funds. Not like i'll go out into the wild and go one down then try to tame it. I'll like to just have them as cubs then as they grow, if I notice excessive aggressiveness then I can give them to a zoo to be looked after properly. Preservation of life, that's animal life as a matter of fact is very important so thumbs up to whoever dedicated the day to tigers. I also read about a family that owned a lion for a while, it grew with them and never caused any problems, it died naturally out of old age and it was treated as a member of the family, awesome stuff right?'ve just gotta love wild life.

So what is the coffee cup telling us today? It says to "attack the day with enthusiasm" so that's what we are going to be doing today. We have just 2 days to go so this is like a rush hour for us to accomplish what we want to before the month runs out. Either way just still try and take it easy in order not to make mistakes while rushing. All I ask for is that you approach today with a high energy level and not with a careless rush. You still need to pay attention to details of the things you do today. It's possible to be enthusiastic and careful at the same time. So try to balance your energy levels today. Get that job done, fulfill that goal and complete that project...

Speaking of projects. You guys know the beautiful lady that had her birthday last month? Brielle? Well she is having her project defense today. So let's wish her best of luck as she defends today. Best of luck dear. Go and show 'em all who's boss...Don't stutter, speak with confidence, dress smart and give out no hint of confusion even if you get confused at a point. Best of luck!

Later guys...!



At 30 July 2015 at 09:28 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice one mr ralph.i fill like asking chief ezenwuo nyesom wike to employ you as his special adviser on relationship matters or youth empowerment cause you are superb than those bunch of looters,dodo that has noting to offer.

#sad indeed

At 30 July 2015 at 12:01 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

All d best Brielle...... Oga Ralph how u dey? Gm blog fam

At 30 July 2015 at 16:46 , Blogger Unknown said...

Tiger day? Hmm, never heard of that ooo. This world can like to have some funny days

At 3 August 2015 at 09:18 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I love animals also and my love for dogs is beyond this world,i love them to pieces,their loyalty amazes me,i grew up with dogs all around me!!


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