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Tuesday 28 July 2015

Morning Coffee

*inhales deeply*...You've  just gotta love the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. It just comes with this aroma that says "new opportunity to do it right". That is exactly what this morning is, it's an opportunity for you to correct the mistakes of yesterday. But before we dive into the topic of the morning which is about daily self improvement of course, let's give honor to whom honor is Who started their debates in high school like that? Accurate time keeper and all that...

Good morning Fam! How is everyone doing this morning. Hope you all got the much needed rest after what I know must have been a hectic Monday. I've been thinking and you know, I feel It's really good that Mondays come with a rush. Regardless of the fact that we hate that sudden wake up call after a short rest from the weekend. It's that rush that gives us the boost we need to kick start the week.

Anyway, let's quickly down this morning coffee... Oh, did you notice I've started replying comments again. I'm awesome like that....Alright moving on

As I said above, today presents you with a new opportunity to look back on the mistakes of yesterday, to reflect on them and pick out where and where you went wrong. They say that experience is the best teacher and you know experience is only gained by going through different phases of the life out there. One of those phases happens to be making mistakes in different areas of that life. Now all the experience and mistakes you make wouldn't count for nothing if you don't learn anything from them. So how do you learn from your mistakes and make sure you don't make them again? How do you take those shortcomings, set backs, unfortunate events and make them work for you instead of pulling you down?'s by reflecting on them and studying them closely. It's by looking back, reflecting and picking out where and where you got what and what wrong. I can confidently tell you that taking this approach would keep you on a steady self improvement every single day of your life. Yes, it's actually very possible, you can improve yourself every single day. Now imagine improving yourself every single day by following this simple method till the end of  this year. Do you know how far you would have come? Just simply waking up and looking back at yesterday while most likely doing some push ups or doing some jogging. You wouldn't fully understand until you actually do it. Just close your eyes and learn from at least one mistake of yours every single day. Mark your calendar today and reflect on this particular day at the end of the year and see where you would be. I am begging you, do not just read this and do nothing. Practice this and you would thank me later.

Finally I just want to remind you guys one more time of our monthly focus. This month, It's on patience and it doesn't stop after this month. It has to continue, it has to be a part of you, you don't just drop it after the end of the month. This is something you strongly need in your everyday life. These struggles you face everyday, they come in different forms. They could come from friends, your partner, parents, kids, work and many more areas of your life. However you must learn how to apply patience in everything you do...well almost everything at least, i'm sure you get the point. Patience is a virtue that most people do not possess. That is the reason why the unsuccessful people outnumber the successful ones. It's because most people lack the needed patience to get to where they need to be. The few who "feel" they have made it let go of patience and in no time they find themselves falling or worse they don't realize it till it's too late for them to catch themselves. So which number are you going to be counted among? The majority that are inpatient unsuccessful or the minority that are successful because of patience. It starts from you today. Give it time, be patient, do the right thing, stick to your hustle and it will eventually pay off. Not everyone is going to make it young but you will eventually make it if you can just be patient enough. Remember that patience isn't just the ability to wait, instead it's the ability to KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE while waiting. This is very important. You just have to learn to smile through the bull crap and wait it out until your time reaches. Everything will be okay and yours will get to you in due time! Spend this time preparing yourself for when it comes. You have to learn to handle success or it will still slip from your fingers when it finally comes to you. How do you handle being humble but that's a story for another day. For now concentrate on waiting it out an being patient.

Well, it's the morning coffee section. You know what it is, let's see your heart flow through your fingers into your keyboard and onto the blog...

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At 28 July 2015 at 09:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice one.good morning every one.

At 28 July 2015 at 10:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

Good morning mr freeborn, have a nice day today

At 30 July 2015 at 16:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

I defiantly did dat accurate time keeper stuff #smiles

At 3 August 2015 at 09:53 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Gud morny fam!


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