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Saturday 16 May 2015

Yes! We struck the Deal!

Yes ooo! Deal really dey!

Hello, Good morning and a happy weekend to you all. How is everyone doing Today? I have to apologize for my absence yesterday.  I attended the burial of a close friend who had been battling with a terrible illness for a while. He was laid to rest yesterday and I had to be there for his family.  We still have a couple of things to do today so I am still going to be absent for today. However I thought to make a little announcement on our next giveaway. Y'all ready?...Of cos you are, it's a giveaway.

You know how I told you guys that we were going to do more than just cash giveaways on the blog? Well I've been talking to a couple of companies and so far I've been able to get a couple of them on board. Most of them aren't a done deal yet just one. I have to say that of all the companies, is the best I have come across. Their customer service is the best and they do not care if you are a little upcoming blog, they would attend to you the best way possible and offer you amazing deals and advice. They respond really quickly and you just have to love their services. A couple of other companies wouldn't even answer your request and would treat you with the most disrespect that they can offer. Anyways enough of that, we scored and that's whats up. One word for Miss/Mrs Hilda (dealdey agent) is 'Awesome'! and if any dealdey top official is reading this then you need to put her up for some kind of promotion.

So here is the deal, among cash prizes, i'll be offering dealdey coupons for shopping on their website. Remember that the coupons would be strictly redeemable on only So the amount i'll be giving out would be used by the winners to shop for items or services on the website that are equivalent to that particular amount. However if you wish to shop for goods of higher value, you will have to complete the amount with your own money. Your second option would be to win another coupon from this blog. These coupons have an expiring date of about 3 months, so after the date of expiration, they won't be redeemable anymore. It's possible to win coupons 3 times in a row and use them for a purchase of higher value but it's a gamble and if you aren't sure you are going to win in the next giveaway after your first win, instead of waiting then just go ahead and shop with the coupon you already have.

As usual the people on my top contributors list, especially the top 5 would be receiving some for free. If you haven't been able to get on the list then you can start by dropping your comments on the blog. Each comment you drop on my post would add up to boost you, so you can snatch the first place from the present holder just as she snatched it from the previous person. To learn how to stand a better chance then read our HOW TO WIN ASKRALPH GIVEAWAYS page. Click that link and read up.

There are other companies as I said before that I've been talking to and I won't be revealing them until I finalize the deals with them. So until the giveaway next week, I suggest you head over to and start adding items to your shopping cart. Get ready to shop till you drop, go look up those items that you have been trying to purchase. Not too expensive o! lol

Once again I apologize for my absence yesterday and for my absence today. I just have to be there for this family today so please bear with me. Have a wild weekend everyone, don't forget to have fun, loads and loads of it. You live only once right? Then make sure you don't have any regrets on the day you step out of this earth. Have all the fun you can, do everything you want to do. Be all you can be. Help those you can help and make sure that no matter what, you are always happy. Seek happiness through positivity and live life to the fullest.

Happy weekend everyone!

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At 16 May 2015 at 10:08 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

RIP to your friend and may God console his family, this giveaway sounds like something one should look forward to, well done Ralph.

At 16 May 2015 at 10:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice one Mr ralph.
Extend my commiseration to your friend's family may God almighty give them the fortitude to endure the lost.
Have a nice weekend guy's.

At 16 May 2015 at 10:37 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

So sowi about your friend's demise....
looking forward to a lovely weekend...
Hey mr freeborn,hw are you doin??..
And for the giveaways,thanks and God bless you so mux mr ralph.....

At 16 May 2015 at 11:11 , Blogger esit said...

so sorry about your friend ralph. You're doing the Lord's work on this blog & we thank you!

At 16 May 2015 at 16:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

So happy for you.may your friend'soul rest in peace.congratulation to all Ralph top contributor's right from aunty thelma,sweet heart freeborn,aunty esit,mr sodiq........

At 16 May 2015 at 16:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

Pls Ralph am having problem with my mentor aunty linda over my blog failiure what we i do she keep on promising to ratify it but to know avail.

At 16 May 2015 at 23:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph i'll be glad to see your ugly face one sorry for the death of your friend.
Your good work's is alway's here speaking for you.
crying......................for not being among one of the top contributor's its well.

At 16 May 2015 at 23:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

My wonderful beautiful sister miss/mrs theIma am good and you.
Happy weekend as we weep with Mr Ralph over the sudden death of his friend.

At 18 May 2015 at 21:25 , Anonymous Brielle said...

welldone ralph, sorry bout ur loss...bin too busy to comment and drop by everyday but i am here now...yaaayy!!! # i missed the fam too!

At 19 May 2015 at 09:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks a lot sodiq, I really appreciate

At 19 May 2015 at 09:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you very much Mr Freeborn for the concern

At 19 May 2015 at 09:22 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Thelma, how are you doing? Thanks for the message and care.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:23 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Esit, thanks a lot for the warm message. You guys rock!

At 19 May 2015 at 09:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello amaka. What is the problem, if you could explain more I might be able to help

At 19 May 2015 at 09:26 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello anonymous, don't worry you will see the ugly face one day. Just don't run away when you see the face. lol.

You can't get on the top contributors with an anonymous identity that's the reason. Create a google identity or use the name/url option to make one.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the message brielle. We missed you over here also, don't leave us like that again o! lol. Glad to have you back here dear, how is the project going?

At 20 May 2015 at 23:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As u weep wit Ralph ke? Hian! !


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