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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Are omissions also lies?


Good morning everyone, how's you all doing today. Something actually crossed my mind out of who knows where and I decided to talk about it this morning and of cos as usual get your own opinions on the matter. So the topic is on Lies and Omissions in relationships.

So let's say you're in a relationship now and probably doing something that you know that is wrong or that would cause an issue between you and your partner. It could be something that you both just don't agree on, it mustn't be morally wrong but that isn't an exception either. Very few people are able to keep tackling the issue head on until an understanding or conclusion is reached. While a whole lot of people either fall back to Lies or Omissions. Now I know you all know the meaning but let me still explain a little still.

Lies: This is when you openly tell a lie to your partner for reasons best known to you. Either to protect yourself, the information you refuse to release, deceive your partner into believing something else or protect the relationship form any harm that the truth might cause.

Omissions:  This is when you knowingly leave out an information or a particular detail of an event that might or will put you in trouble in your relationship.

So now let me paint a picture for you guys...

Take for instance, you go out with friends and amongst those friends there is a certain someone that your partner normally wouldn't approve you to go out with.Not like you invited the person to the hang out but the person is there. Now your partner asks how your day was and you simply say "fine". Your partner asks, "did you go anywhere " and you reply with "yes, I went out with friends and it was fun". Your partner asks after your friends that you were to hang out with one by one and you respond. Now your partner didn't ask about that particular friend and so you didn't tell...right? Yet deep inside you, you know that you weren't meant to go anywhere with that person and that it was only right to let your partner know what you did. However since he didn't ask anything, you didn't say anything. So to you, you believe that "you didn't tell a lie"
   Now also picture when mistakenly, something goes wrong and you just somehow happen to sleep with this person that you've been warned against. Your partner still doesn't come out to ask "did you sleep with Mr or Mrs x" so as usual you still won't have to say anything.  So right now, "you still didn't tell a lie" Right? Alright cool. However remember that bringing technicalities into a relationship and trying to play mind games is one of the sneakiest ways to quickly destroy your relationship. Relationships aren't like businesses that you can use technicalities and details of contract to bend the rules in order for them to suit you. Turning your relationship into a game, a mind game can wreck things for you and your partner.

I believe that even though an omission doesn't technically mean a lie, it is still a lie of some sort. It is callled a 'lie of omission'. Now of cos "technically" you didn't come out straight and deceive your partner with the wrong information but I also believe that the fact that you know right from wrong, and still chose to do wrong tells a lot.
           I read a meme online saying that cheating doesn't mean that you went to sleep with someone outside your relationship, that as long as you have found yourself hiding your text messages, then you are already cheating. This is exactly the same thing that applies when it comes to lies of omission. Simply because you left out an information doesn't justify anything.

Another thing about omissions is that even if you do it for the sake of peace, it could lead you into temptation. For example, picture the scenario I painted above about you going out with someone and with time you start having an affair with the person while 'omitting it from conversations'. I strongly believe that it's because you gave room for the so called omissions, that is the reason why with time you have become comfortable with the mind state of "What they don't know wouldn't hurt them". Through that mind state you are now able to do whatever you like with no boundaries while giving yourself the excuse of 'omitting the details'.

The lie of omission starts out as a very little lie that you can classify as not being a lie at all but could lead you into many different things. Always remember that playing games in your relationship is very dangerous. Try to be honest and build trust. Even if you keep fighting with your partner over issues, it's best to fight it out than to destroy trust through lies. A relationship built on lies is just fiction in my own opinion.

Now my question here is this...

To you, whether you are the one being omitted to (if their is such English) or the one doing the omission. Do you consider an omission as a lie? Have you ever done this in your relationship? What would be your reaction if your partner were to do this?



At 12 May 2015 at 13:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice question dude,i choose the second question since am not in relationship for now.
What we be my reaction if my partner were to do that.
I can start by saying omission is lie with different meaning and spelling,is like deleting or excluding some thing or act of neglecting some thing or left it undone which you know that just happened or you did or is part of ur explaination or word.
Omission is at times the reason of failed relationship and at times marriage's because when the partners find's out latter it becomes a dilemma and a heavy problem so it has eating deep in some many relationship for lies is just a trend of today as i do believe any relationship built in lie we crumble or capsize as ship to me i found out that lies is more dangerous why omission is part of cunning,crafty an devious and cagey both of them are harmful and dangerous as far as relashionship is concern both of them are the same irrespective of the meaning or spelling.
Lie and omission are like two friends so if i found out that my partner is part of it all i have to do is to let her know it,an that she should desist from it and leave a honest life worth of emulation.
I have to give her some time to watch over her by tempting her if i found out she still omit or lie in her word's i've no other alternative than to tell her my next step and she should leave her life an i have noting to do with her again.

At 12 May 2015 at 14:11 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I've done these several times and I must say that omission is as good as a big fat lie, it used to b a cool thing to do until I was busted, details for another day...

At 12 May 2015 at 14:37 , Blogger esit said...

I hate that relationships are so tricky. You know sometimes you just wanna say that white lie that will spare you and your partner that unnecessary 5 minutes argument or just spare the lover his feelings. Like why it gotta be a problem? Anyway like my boyfriend used to say "don't do to me what if I do to you, it will pain you". Damn I hate that he can be so smart. And the scenerarios you gave tho, tsk tsk, I am guilty as charged. Except the cheating part. Nope that's not me but I'm not judging nobody.

At 12 May 2015 at 14:40 , Blogger esit said...

I posted that comment without concluding but a lie is a lie is a lie is a lie is a lie. Just put everything out on a table when you're in a relationship. Sounds stressful but it'll save yall breakups and then some.

At 12 May 2015 at 14:45 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lovely piece this is!!!!
A relationship build on trust and transparency needs no ommission or telling of lies,but mind you,there are some 'white Lies' that pops up once in a while...such white lies should be such that would not lead to the break up of your relationship when your partner gets to know about it........the issue of infidelity is a NO NO!!

At 12 May 2015 at 15:09 , Blogger Nwamaka Onyekachi said...

I'm new on relationship issues. So I will just wait to read subsequent comments.

Heart Rays

At 12 May 2015 at 15:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

However u see if u omit it intentionally its a lie but if it's not intentional then it's ommission ..

At 13 May 2015 at 07:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that omission is not the same as lying. If your partner doesn't ask you about something that will cause wahala, then why start it by talking about it. You will be the problem in the relationship. I belive we should all be able to leave out details. My opinion sha


At 13 May 2015 at 09:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that omission is not the same as lying. If your partner doesn't ask you about something that will cause wahala, then why start it by talking about it. You will be the problem in the relationship. I belive we should all be able to leave out details. My opinion sha


At 13 May 2015 at 12:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the input mr freeborn

At 13 May 2015 at 12:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Sodiq you evil

Well I also believe that lie by omission is equal to a lie as long as the person did it on purpose and not out of forgetfulness.

At 13 May 2015 at 13:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

I know it can be quite tempting to just leave out some info to avoid some unnecessary trouble but at the same time we have to put honesty as a priority and realize that if we don't work through our issues in our various relationships, we might be avoiding problem right now but then we would be piling up the heat for later on. THe disaster later on would be worse than the argument that it'll cause today

At 13 May 2015 at 13:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

Transparency is the correct word. I understand the need the tell some white lies every once in a while but trust can be broken though those white lies if they pile up. Also it take little drops of water to fill an ocean right? that's the same way it take little white lies to make a big huge one. We should learn to be careful and not go out and do something wrong on purpose while weighing it as a thing with little to no effect. These things always pile up.

At 13 May 2015 at 13:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Nwamaka, welcome to the blog. It's really nice to have you here. Even if you don't contribute to this one do not worry, we have many other topics that we discuss here. Feel free to go through the old posts and contribute when you can. Also let me know if there is a topic in a field that you are more conversant with that you wish to be discussed and i'll bring it up for discussion. Welcome to the family.

At 13 May 2015 at 13:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very true chigozie. You have a solid point, when it's out not intentional or out of forgetfulness then a person can be excused. Thanks a lot for the input

At 13 May 2015 at 13:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the input Lizzy, I'll like it if you can explain further on your stance that omission is not the same as lying. Let's discuss.

Although I know that it's easier to just leave something out when you aren't asked in order to avoid quarrels. Remember that even though bringing the issue up could cause problems, it could also build trust and to me, trust is very important, it is the trust that would help reduce the arguments in the relationship.

What do you think?


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