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Wednesday 6 May 2015

Learn to work your abs every second of the day.

       Hello and good afternoon everyone! I kind of got tied up at work yesterday right after my first post and didn't get the chance to post my Tuesday Tip. It was going to be on our BEDROOM BUSINESS category but I missed it yesterday. Today I am going to make up with a tip but it's not going to be in that category, instead we are going to do fitness. I know the bedroom business would have been more interesting but we can't neglect our health now can we? Don't worry i'll make up with something interesting later.

So today I am going to teach you guys a very simple but not easy to remember tip I use to keep my abs in check even when I am not always exercising...

As you might have discovered by now, the abdominal muscles are one of the most stubborn muscle groups in your body. Sometimes when you work them out, it almost feel like you are doing nothing and that they are never going to get any better or stronger. I always mention that the key to flat abs (note that flat abs is different from firm abs) is doing some cardiovascular exercises that will help you burn fat like running, jogging, skipping and many more. Now when your stomach is down to the level you want it to be, you are still not safe until you tighten it up. This is where my tip comes in. It is all about core contraction and building the muscles in the abdominal section. Note that flat abs are different from firm abs. Your abs can be flat because of weight loss but still not firm, it is till you build the muscles through core contraction that they will become firm and tight. That is when the packs will become visible.

The key to crunches is that the exercise puts you in a situation where you have to contract/tighten your abs. Even when you are doing sit ups and crunches, if you do not make conscious effort to tighten your abs, you will see no results.  They key is to tighten your abs each time you exhale. This can be done even when you aren't exercising but for more and better results, this should also be done when you are exercising. Do not forget to keep breathing. I mean it literally, just focus your mind on inhaling and exhaling. Never underestimate the work of oxygen in your body during any physical activity. Now, when you exhale I want you to tighten your stomach muscles simultaneously. Just like you would do when you are taking a stubborn dump *looks away*.

The only reason any exercise doesn't show any reasonable effect is either because you aren't doing it well enough or as frequently as you should. Abdominal muscles are one of the most stubborn so they need more focus if you want them as quickly as you do. Use this tip and work on them through every breath you take for a particular period of time. It's only a matter of time before you start noticing changes. They won't come in the click of a finger but that doesn't mean you should give up. Keep at it and you will surely see results.

So try it now, concentrate, wherever you are whatever you are doing. Be it sitting in your office, walking, talking to people, driving or any thing at all. Breathe in and out as you normally do. I want you to then focus your mind on contracting your abs each time you exhale. Remember there is a difference between sucking in your stomach and contracting your abs. When you inhale you will suck in your abs but contracting your abs is different. You have to make conscious effort to tighten the muscles once again just like you do when you are taking a stubborn dump *looks away for the second time*.

Finally remember that to make any muscle group workout better, you have to learn to visualize and isolate it. So check on how to do that when you click ThIS POST. So when you try it and you can't still get a hand on it. Remember that it's the feeling you get when you are taking a stubborn dump... *looks away and walks away*......

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At 6 May 2015 at 14:37 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Nice piece mr ralph!!

At 6 May 2015 at 14:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey blogboo, do you know I started my workout today?....It's crazy...I am yet to have those body pains that come with working out and taking a break...and boy! I am not looking forward to it at allllllll...God help me....I think my abs are fine tho'...I got a flat tummy.....buh I have a part of my body I am concentrating on....Mazel tov right?

At 6 May 2015 at 15:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

As a fitness coach i reserve my comment for my beautiful and handsome one's here.
Working on abs is not only made for men alone both agender are made for it thou it might be painful when starting but the more you keep working on your abs,muscle!exercising your body the more you keep enjoying it an the more you get far from sickness only when it become's part of your hobby.
So is essencial to make it part of you and try to keep the rule's that guild it,that is when you we see the effect of what you'er struggling time's you don't need to be in gym house to do this you can do it any were you fing your self in.

At 6 May 2015 at 16:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

Good one, but it's not easy ooo

At 7 May 2015 at 07:29 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks thelma

At 7 May 2015 at 07:32 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello blogboo. Oh nice...that's really great news. I hope you will continue because the key is consistency. You are one of the few people blessed with a naturally flat tummy, most of us have to kill ourselves to get one. I'll like to know your workout progress as the weeks pass by....oh and brace for the pain the following morning or later in the evening, that's when it kicks in

At 7 May 2015 at 07:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

Didn't know you were a fitness coach freeborn...nice one!

At 7 May 2015 at 07:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

nothing good comes easy at all's all about determination. Best to sweat today and look good tomorrow right?

At 7 May 2015 at 08:32 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Good to know this helps, will begin to practise.

At 10 May 2015 at 02:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

You don't know how I want abs badly, just a little cos am a girl. But each time I try it people shout and beg me to stop maybe because am slender and already have a flat tummy but I need abs *crying*

At 10 May 2015 at 16:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello E Rella and welcome to the blog. Abs actually look good on ladies and some guys actually find it sexy. It's okay if you want to build some abs, it doesn't eliminate the femininity.

At 25 May 2015 at 15:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

will definitely start doing this


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