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Saturday 9 May 2015

Do you believe in the concept of "necessary evil"

       Good morning y'all. How is the weekend going?! Mine has been really crazy, just because yesterday was Friday the boss man decided to punish us with excess work. I'll get back at him don't worry, I have scheduled some serious chronic late coming throughout next week just specially for him. I just hope I don't loose my position in the company. Lol. Anyways let's go straight to the post, he is going to be at my neck very soon and most likely for the rest of the day so let's do this quickly...

Necessary evil is what we are talking about today. Let's do this...

So yesterday night I stayed up really late doing nothing in particular. I was just thinking a lot to myself and something crossed my mind. The topic as you see is on the "Concept of necessary evil". Do you believe that there is such a thing as necessary evil? For those of you who don't understand what it means let me give some examples.

For instance in a society, you are ruled by a very corrupt system. Certain people see necessary evil as substituting the corruption for a different evil that the people might be able to cope better with. In order words it could be substituting a greater evil for lesser evil. Like in our society today, in politics. A necessary evil would be substituting a corrupt leader of any sector with a different leader that is also corrupt but in a different way.
     Also some people see necessary evil as an evil that must be done today in order for things to get better tomorrow. For instance in a country where power is controlled by one family or just a set of people. The leaders in power oppress the people and due to that, corruption is burrowed deep into the roots of the nation or state without any hopes of change. Now some people will view a necessary evil as killing off all the leaders in order to have a chance at a new and fair beginning. A country once did this...Can anyone remind us of the country?

If you read comic books and superhero novels then Marvel's character "Spawn" as a person is seen as necessary evil in his sequel. He is an evil used to extinguish other evils. I won't go into details because i'll just divert so you can just research the character later on via google.

Generally there are different definition to the term necessary evil but i'm sure you all understand it better now. Personally I would say that their are times that necessary evil is required. Their are times that the "good" way of doing things just isn't enough. At times some necessary sacrifices are to be made for the greater good. I only believe that labeling that necessary evil as a "good deed" and having people believe it is, isn't right either. It would still come back to bite you in the behind. The way I see things, good is good and bad is bad. Evil can only be excused when it is the only remedy to another greater evil. This is strictly my opinion and i'll love to hear yours....

So do you believe in necessary evil? Have you ever committed any in your life, your relationship, your family or at work? No matter how small....
If a necessary evil was to be committed in your country and you were to choose what it would be, will you choose?

NOTE: I am not talking of demonic evil or any of such things, I mean everyday bad decisions and actions

Good morning and have a lovely day everyone. Look out for a giveaway soon...Thelma is leading and is up to grab 10k



At 9 May 2015 at 09:46 , Blogger Unknown said...

Necessary evil??? Nah evil is evil and I dn't believe evil can be used to achieve I dn't think have done any necessary evil before except of course eliminating anyone that's of no good out of my life, is that necessary evil?

At 9 May 2015 at 11:05 , Blogger esit said...

I think Buhari was our lesser evil and he won. Glory be to Jesus. Change is coming yall. As for that one family that led a nation, I'm thinking that was Ghadafi from Libya or Kim Jong Un from North Korea I dunno? Honestly my social studies is a C+ so excuse whatever error. As for the country that killed off a leader, I was 10 when them indian ladies killed off Abacha. I dunno if I have committed any necessary evil in any aspect of my life so no comment. Side eye to thelma. How you gon defeat me like that? I know I'm earning my coins every month but I'm going to need that 10k to buy my man an expensive dinner. I hope I'm in top 5. I know my comment game hasn't been strong. Bye yall x

At 9 May 2015 at 11:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

Is obvious that every sector or system in this country is corrupt as hell evil an good can't work the same some times people do it for survival.
i do believe in necessary evil yah i do because there is a time in some one's life necessary evil is required likewise good to do thing's.if that evil is required to get thing's done i believe its a welcome development even if it get back hurting at last.
Because i did one in my place of work last year... an it favoured me even thou good is better than evil yes i concur.let's just look at present nigeria we are in,for you to coup at time there are necessary evil attach to it unless the person is demented or daft.the problem at times in necssary evil is this when some use it to achieve there aim's it now become's a life style without minding the danger ahead?that is another reason why is dangerous and must be stoped.
To me majority of necessary evil are done by desprate folk's like me.evil that men do live with them that is my no1 weakest point when ever i see my self trying to do it.

At 9 May 2015 at 13:13 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I believe in necessary evil, there are times that we lie not because we really want to but because we just want to avoid trouble or long explanation, or something like that, I really hope it's not counted as sin tho because there's plenty of that already.

At 9 May 2015 at 16:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Yea, I so much believe in that, though I ve not done it before but can if the need arises.

At 9 May 2015 at 18:28 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

As for necessary Evil #evil grin# i did one few days ago,,,am presently in a villa where there's no light,so my fellow lodgemates and i do charge our fones in a neighbour's house to collect it the next morning and i do collect theirs alongside mine evry 5:30am or 6am cos that's when this neibor of ours goes out till dusk.....on dis very day,i didn't wake up on tym 2 go get the fones buh these lodgemates went and collect theirs and left mine behind,wen i got 2 know about it,Ī was red with anger and confronted them and they said they thought had collected mine.....i was offline for the better part of that day......since then,i only go pick up my fone and leave theirs so they'd have a taste of what they did to me!!!......

There's anoda neibor of mine that begs alot,i mean he can beg anytin begable, im longtroat tooooo much,so what i do is to toast,fry,and cook my delicious delicacies right in his presence without giving him a bite!!!! *wideGrin*
Hello Mr ralph!!!

At 10 May 2015 at 17:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

Well I don't see eliminating someone that isn't of any good out of your life as necessary evil. I don't see it as evil at all, as long as the person is having a negative impact on your life and you have tried your best to co exist with the person with no positive result.

At 10 May 2015 at 17:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

That's a good way to look at it esit. I hope the change that is coming would be a positive one though. Nice answers to the rest of the question and don't worry yourself, I know work has been crazy for you.


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