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Wednesday 20 May 2015

The evil speedster awkward exercise experience. This would be my first story from the fitness and health section of this blog.

Back in the university I hadn't started taking my workouts as serious as I do now. However in secondary school we would workout every once in a while, do some jogging and other exercise but I never realized that it was all child's play that we were doing as at then. So when I got into the university I decided to take my workout more serious. One day I went to the gym to sign up and I was asked to run about twenty minutes around a little area outside the gym. You know, as a new guy that knew nothing about what fitness and endurance was about, I was feeling myself more than I should and trying to show off for the ladies that were present because I thought I was already good from the little I did back in high school.

       A girl was already running before I came and I hardly even noticed her when I walked by the first time. It was when I was sent back to go and run the laps that I noticed her sprinting around the spot over and over again. I got ready and watched her as she circled round the spot making her way back towards me. As she passed me I quickly checked my timer and followed up behind her. I could have sworn I saw another girl standing on the sideline and watching point mockingly at me for her friend that was standing with her to see. I didn't take it seriously and thought I was just imagining it. Initially I thought I was doing her(the girl running) a favor by staying behind her. I told myself I didn't want to embarrass her. My other reasons where two huge round reasons that jumped up and down behind her as she ran and right now I know to be truthful, those ones were more of the reasons I stayed behind and not just for some "courtesy". It wasn't long before I decided to get ahead of her and that was when I knew who I was up against.
It was like she had a mirror at the back of her head. Each time I drew closer to overtake her she would increase her speed but not too much. She would increase it just enough to keep me at the same distance from her. Regardless of how many times I tried to get ahead of her she would keep me at that very same distance. I must admit it was frustrating joor. At a point I started questioning if I was moving at all. I blamed it on the little food I ate that morning at a point. I told myself that if I had eaten enough I would have been performing better. Then I decided that wasn't it and blamed it on my gender, telling myself I was a male and had heavier bones and that since she was a female, she would have lighter bones and would be able to move faster with less resistance. This particular excuse sounded good to me so I stuck to it but I couldn't for long.

You know how time seems like an eternity when you are working out? I felt exactly that same way on that day. The fact that I couldn't meet up with her was getting frustrating and I was determined to pass her. At a point I decided to try again and I could have sworn she allowed me to get very close to her on purpose. Although at first I wasn't even suspecting it until she did what she did. You won't imagine what this female Usain Bolt did next. That evil girl turned and smiled at me as I pulled up close to her. She was smiling as if this was a friendly competition...mcheeew. As if she didn't know that it was a bloody battle to the end where our respect and prestige was at stake. She was busy smiling at me as if she didn't know but I wasn't going to be fooled. I mocked a smile back at her and gathered more speed,pushed harder and got ahead of her by about 5 inches or less but not without eyeing her as I passed. As at then I was already celebrating my victory with a wide grin on my face and wondering if I was being too hard on the poor girl. Well I didn't know I was the one that they were taking it easy on.

My lead wasn't even celebrated for up to 30 seconds or at least that was how short it felt to me. Before I knew what was happening she sped passed me and the grin faded away from my face. This time she wasn't having mercy on me at all. She passed me and the gap kept on increasing. I don't know if my looking at her caused me to slow down but as I watched her circle around the chosen spot for the competition, I knew she was going to over-lap me if I stayed in the race and that was going to be the height of embarrassment so guess what I did. I slowly came to a stop, turned around and walked out of the huge circle that we were running. It wasn't until I got to the side line that I noticed that I was panting so heavily, my head was spinning and I had to sit down so I wouldn't faint. I looked down at my watch that I had set earlier to time me expecting to see 5 hours or at the very least 2 hours na! can imagine the useless watch was showing me about 8 mins. I looked up at the girl and she was still running. She was running before I came in and still running now even as I was gasping for air. I confirmed my suspicion that she was on drugs, she had to be joor. Lol

The girl finally stopped after running about 5 more times around the spot, walked up close to me and gave me a handshake. I murmured and took the handshake, threw my face away from her and hissed.  She is just lucky I decided to leave her. I don't like embarrassing people o! If not eehn! She would have heard it that day. I just said let me not keep running and embarrass her. But anyway sha it is all good. I changed gym after that day and never returned there. lol....

Anyways one of the points of this story is that competition is very good. A little friendly competition is healthy when you workout. It would help you to push your limit further than you feel you can. Most of the time it's our mind that gets tired first, it wears itself out with doubt. If you have a little competition, your mind is going to be distracted with trying to win and you will find yourself performing better than you would alone. So next time you do any kind of exercise, try to go for a little competition and you will notice some significant changes.
The second point is this. Training and exercising doesn't care if you are a male or female. If you work out you will improve. There is no gender attached to it. A lady that works out will have more endurance than a guy that doesn't. It's just the way it is. A woman will beat you up if she is well grounded in combat. A man will be more flexible than a woman if he works on his flexibility. Yes each gender is born to naturally adapt to certain training faster, like men adapt to strength and endurance faster while women adapts to flexibility and athletics faster. However a person that trains would always beat a person that doesn't train in a chosen field regardless of gender. If you want to improve yourself then you will have to train. 

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At 20 May 2015 at 12:11 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Lmao, that was how u had pity on the girl o, feeling like Mr. Nice, are u??? You should have probably gotten to knw the girl sef, who knows where it would have ended??? I need to take my workouts seriously o, I can fit to allow one girl to come and embarrass me o.

At 20 May 2015 at 15:00 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

LMAO..hahahahahahahahahahahahahah,mr ralph cudnt resist the booty call..lolzzzzzzzz

At 20 May 2015 at 17:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

Loi,one thing i picked from this article of your university workout,is times i use to set a competion to some guy's as i go for it too.
There is some thing special about competition a mystery behing it which i don't think i we mention because competition is like a challenge and without challenge there is some level's in life you can's reach.

At 20 May 2015 at 22:57 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Lazy u.... lol

At 21 May 2015 at 07:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Laugh@Thelma there is a hidden magnate in every butt that turn Ralph.......

At 21 May 2015 at 15:44 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Missbeauty,hahahahahahahahah,you can say that again!!!

At 26 May 2015 at 12:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lool. You don't believe I pitied her abi? And getting to know her was out of the question mehn! a girl with that kind of endurance? will be hard o! if you know what I mean. lol

At 26 May 2015 at 12:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lool. What can I say? I was young and single...hahahaha

At 26 May 2015 at 12:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Competition is definitely good Mr freeborn. Thanks for your input as usual.

At 26 May 2015 at 12:02 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lool. My dear I won't deny o! I was very lazy back in the days. It was a miracle I even lasted that long on the first day.


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