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Monday 18 May 2015

Monday Myth: Wedding rings are hadcuffs

          Have you ever come across this saying.... "A wedding ring is the small handcuff choose your cell mate wisely and sentence yourself carefully". Yeah I bet if you have been on any social media for the past year or so then you must have seen it once or twice. Well this isn't the truth. We are going to be debunking this one today.

In all honesty, their are restrictions that will apply once you get married but it depends on a lot of things. Not everything you used to do would be easy to back to. This is mostly because of different reasons that range from personal choices, responsibility, growth and maturity, change in character and of cos restriction from your spouse. Yes even though I am debunking the myth I won't lie and say that there aren't spouses that might cause you to change a couple of things.

Here is the thing, you always have a choice in life. You can choose to be happy, you can choose to be sad, you can choose to be married or to be single. And just the same way you have these choices, so do you get to choose the person you are going to be with. Marriage won't feel like a prison to you if you get married to someone that you truly understand and that truly understands you. Yes! look at what I said, someone that you understand and that truly understands you. A common mistake people make these days is getting too caught up in trying to please themselves that they forget their partner. People tend to forget that for things to move smoothly, there has to be consideration from the both parties. Now if you find someone that has a good understanding towards you and vice-versa, even though duties and responsibilities might come up and restrict you from doing a couple of things once in a whil, you are hardly going to feel it because you will be happy.

Finally I'll like to tell you guys this....Remember what I keep telling you guys about mind state? Most things you do in this life especially how you feel towards certain things are all based on your mind state. If you have in your mind that marriage is going to be like prison. Yes, you might feel like you are bracing yourself and preparing yourself for marriage and everything it has to offer and I admit, depending on who you are with, you might be right. However by keeping that mind state, you would have already sentenced yourself to a restricted and frustrating marriage even before you get into it. The dangerous part of this is that people who think like this often end up unhappy and feeling caged in even when they aren't being restricted by their partner. You should learn to keep a positive mind because a negative one would have a negative impact on your emotions regardless of any positive action your spouse might take.

Learn to open your heart and mind to positivity, learn to choose happiness, I can honestly tell you that marriage isn't as bad as people paint it to be. Choose your partner well, there might be bad days but hey! who doesn't have bad days even on their own. Marriage is bound to have it's bad days but conditioning your mind that marriage is going to be like  prison is going to make it feel just like that for you. In the long run you are going to end up frustrated and frustrate your spouse out of the marriage.

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At 18 May 2015 at 15:09 , Blogger esit said...

Honestly marriage scares the bejesus outta me. I love my space. I love me time. I love to do things at my own time. Me me me. Sounds selfish doesn't it? But once there's another party involved, all that is thrown out the window. And then kids, the fact that I have to be responsible for another person's life is frightening. Or maybe I'm just being dramatic. Maybe it's the fact that in Nigeria, marriage is the ultimate goal. But my parents have been married for 32 years so perhaps this marriage institution is possible. Long as with God's guidance, you marry the person He ordained for you. It's not just about mind state cause if you marry the man that dashes you hot slaps every now & then or a woman who's a slob, that can seem like a life sentence in prison. K, I'm done.

At 18 May 2015 at 19:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

This article is pointing on my direction.
Before i taught that marriage is a bondage because prison is like a bondage until now i understand that my mindset is deceiving me.

i understand that the secret of every successful marriage is honest.
Thank you for this article i commend you for that.

At 18 May 2015 at 19:51 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Marriage, I don't even knw what to think of it @ d moment, but one thing I knw is that it has to be enjoyable, if it gives you anything less than happiness then it shouldn't be called marriage.

At 18 May 2015 at 20:01 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

MARRIAGE!!! Hmnnn! !
Ralph I tink u shld do a post on asking married pple if dey"ll still wanna get married to d same person in deir next life (if deres one). Am so sure ud b shocked at many comments.
Nice to b back here!


At 18 May 2015 at 21:45 , Anonymous Brielle said...

marriage isnt that scary...actually my belief is that if you can get through growing up with your siblings and survive all the squabbles, snitching, fun times, you can survive matter how much you love your siblings sometimes you just have issues that u dont even know where they emanate 4rm, but that doesnt make them just stop being ur sibling, the important thing is to have in ur mind that its for better for worse and just find a way to move past issues when they come up.

At 18 May 2015 at 22:19 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Seek ye first Gods kingdom and every other things will be added unto you,when our rship is built on christ from the onset,then entering into marriage with our partner would be pure bliss,our mindset must be purge of doubts and negativities regarding the union,marrying the right person will make our union blissful.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello esit, I agree and disagree with some things you said.

Marriage and child birth no doubt is very scary however they are things that also come with their own joy. Now Nigerians might have that as their ultimate goal but you don't have to think like every other person, go at your own pace and you will be happy. I know it's not all about mind state but trust me, the heart and mind you use to enter it plays a very huge role. You might meet the person that you are meant to marry but you will loose the person if your heart and mind aren't prepared or are too focused on the negative side.
Also being with a person that hits you or being with a slob is something I don't even count as a marriage union. It's best to go at your own pace and pick someone that you can live with. However I understand your points from your own view. It's just best to be the bet that you can be, know your limits and know who you can live with or without.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the contribution Mr freeborn and i'm glad I could reach to you with the article.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Honeydrop and welcome back to the blog. We have missed you here a lot.

Well I think i'll do that post. It is actually a good idea and i'll like to know what my married audience feels. I might even make it for both does married and those still dating. However I still strongly believe that even though there are bad relationships and marriages. most people ruin their chances at something good or at least fixable because of the mind state they keep. Most people from the beginning feel marriage is going to be horrible so they make no attempt to fix anything, not even the small issues. This helps ruin things further and is never helpful. It's good to be prepared for the down side of marriage but a positive mind state would also help to make things better and give the couple a better chance. This is strictly my opinion though.

Wow! glad to have you back. Don't forget now that you have a google account to get your comments up and compete for the top contributor spot to win prizes.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very solid point Brielle. If siblings can have all these issues then couples wouldn't be an exception. The key is being able to find the energy to move past it. To be able and willing to work through the issues. That is one of the differences between failed marriages and successful ones.


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