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Saturday 29 November 2014

The beginning is always harder

         I got some sense talked into me just recently. Let me share a little experience I had two days ago with you guys.
          I opened this blog on October 2nd 2014 which was just last month beginning. I make sure to put something on it everyday to keep my readers interested. But my main aim has always been to help people out and coupled with the fact that I love writing. So I do my best to help people out as much as I can while knowing that I will never have all the answers to all the questions. I keep on trying my best to at least show that I care and hope that even if I don't solve a persons problems that my show of care would help. If you notice about two days ago I slowed down a little and put up only 3 posts. But what you all don't know is that I was almost giving up.

   You see for me to be able to help people I need those emails that you people send to me and the bbm messages which is why I expand as much as I can to as many platforms as I can from Facebook to blackberry messenger and so on. Well I tried different means to reach out to people and spread the word of my blog and its reliability but it seems I was short handed. I normally advertise through the comment section in LIB but as you all might guess a lot of people would see it as a means to make cheap advertisement so I have reduced drastically the way I do that and I am trying to contact Linda to pay for a proper post on her blog for people to see it. Anyway as expected I started getting a whole lot of hate mails that were questioning the credibility of my blog and people criticizing my work. To be honest It weighed down on me to an extent but I fought to keep my faith up for the few that are really relying on me. You can Imagine the dissapointment that comes to my face when I get up every morning hoping to see plenty emails and I see two scam emails and about 15 email in my inbox, I get my hopes up only for it to be crushed because more than half of those emails are from critics.
About two days ago I began thinking about how to close up the blog and just vanish out of the scene since no one knows who I am. So I called my closest friend that helped talk me into opening this blog and that, I have to say was the best call I made. This my friend is really stubborn and doesn't take no for an answer.
           I was shouted at, cautioned, cried for and all sorts of efforts where put in by this my friend to make sure that I didn't close it down. After I acted like I didn't want to listen while secretly appreciating the sincere care in my work I cut the call. My bbm notification beeped and I checked it. It was my stubborn friend at it again telling me how I was really stubborn and that I just want to give up when I am not even up to two months old. I put up a fair fight as long as I could but it is really hard to win against this my friend. It gave me the major nudge I needed to carry on and keep doing what I am doing. But that wasn't all that helped me.
       In the lecture that my friend gave me, I recall the stubborn human being saying "Do you even read your Inspirational section yourself". So I clicked on that section of my blog and scrolled down. One of my other good friends that has helped in criticizing my works with the sole aim of making me improve. This my other friend has always said how I have a good way of selecting pics to represent situations but there was a particular one he said he didn't like until he read the quote on it. And that was the pic for the post titled " Continuity and Consistency ". So I selected  that particular post and read through it, I couldn't believe I was the one that actually wrote that but what helped me was the last line of the post which read....

 " And when it looks like its never going to end and you are tired and feel like giving up just look back at the long road you have walked and ask yourself if you want to go back to the way thing used to be before you made it to where you are presently"

That was the last push I needed to find my footing and start again. I remembered once again why I loved doing this. Why I want to lend out as much help as I can to anybody who is willing to listen and needs it.

The beginning of anything you do is going to be the hardest no matter what it is. You just have to remember why you decided to do it in the first place. Never give up, never say never. Keep on pushing and forging ahead. Keep those stubborn and close friends that would not hear that you are thinking of giving up. I scroll through my contacts and comments through the short while that I have run this blog and I smile at the participation. I thank every single one of you and I really appreciate the way you welcomed the idea of this blog.For those that I have helped, I am happy that your life has gotten better and I had something to do with it. For those I didn't succeed with, I really hope you forgive me and find the strength to keep trying. For the critics, I understand that you might not see what I do as genuine for now but I promise you, you would grow to love me. To my closest and stubborn friend, you are too stubborn o! but you are the best I swear. I really appreciate every single thing about you. In the mean time I am going to take your words and use them to make myself better so for that I thank you guys also.

This our little family is growing one person at a time and I am really happy for this. I will also try and participate more in the comments section so as to give this our family a little more homely feeling. Once again I thank every single one of you. You all are the reason why I am still pushing forward.

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At 29 November 2014 at 17:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please continue wit ur good work.
People will always talk b it good or bad

At 29 November 2014 at 17:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you very much. I plan on doing just that, they would always talk but I would always ignore

At 29 November 2014 at 22:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph u nid 2 introduce me 2 dis stubborn friend of urs...I culd do wit a friend like dat

At 29 November 2014 at 23:11 , Anonymous Haaj said...

i'm just gonna ask u dis? Hav u ever seen or heard of a successful person dat doesnt have people tryin to pull him down? The bigger and better you are, the more the haters. If u ever think of quiting, think of we the fans who have come to trust you and your advices. As u said, sometimes, we just need someone to nudge us in the right direction, please dont abandon those in need on account of the haters. Remember its not worth it, til u work hard for it.

At 30 November 2014 at 13:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I am sure glad you got a reality check. Well look at it this way if you are getting a lot of criticisms? Then you must be doing something right in the first place to get all that attention.No worthy cause is achieved without a fair struggle.And you must know the journey to the top is the hardest, coming down is the easy part.Never ever lose your momentum.You are headed in the right direction...You have no idea how important what your blog is.Hang in there friend!

At 3 December 2014 at 16:48 , Blogger Examoracle said...

Giving up Ralph is accepting defeat. Please, don't give up. You may contact me - I have a good idea but needed a partner for it. This idea will definitely work by God's grace but i need someone to join forces with. My email is regards.

At 4 December 2014 at 07:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph!!!! Are you kidding me! You wanted to shut down the blog!!! no! no! no! lol I am stomping mentally stomping my foot like a child now.

I discovered your blog through the comment section of Stella's blog about a week and a half ago and I have been marking register everyday since.

Your blog is wonderful inspirational, you remind me of the great Chaz B, an amazing inspirational rhythm 93.7 OAP who just passed away, If he had a blog, it would be something like this.

This blog is destined for greatness, Not only am I prophesying it, it's just common sense, Speaking as an unbiased spectator, not a lot of people are doing this and of the few that are, I am not kidding when I say you give the soundest advice you never judge and are never preachy, you instead try to help people look at the situation from different perspectives, that they might not have seen, u say what ur personal opinion is but u don't shove it down their throats, ur reasonable and rational and very kind.

Now Ralph, you are too smart to think this blog would blow over night, like anything else great, it will take time and consistency. But it will get to where it needs to be eventually, why? Because it is truly a great blog.

I can't believe you've just started in october, see how many stories you've put up already, its a whole lot, how can you not see that.

God will be your strength, grateful for you friend as well, high 5 that friend for me.

My 1st time ever of commenting on any blog, I had to. Please lets not hear any of this you want to give up nonsense again, thanks.

Excuse any errors. too tired to proof read.

At 24 May 2015 at 13:21 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Keep keeping on!!
Don't give up!!
Slow and steady wins the race!!
More grease to your elbow!!
This blog is a breathe of fresh air for me and am looking forward to sharing my success story some day...
Forward forever!!


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