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Friday 21 August 2015

Morning Coffee

Top of the Morning to you and yours! How is everyone doing this beautiful Friday Morning? Hope you guys are getting ready to go crazy this evening. You know we don't miss out on any Friday night groove over here at AskRalph family. So hurry up and finish up your work on time, sleep early and if possible in the afternoon so that you can wake up revitalized and ready for the evening. That way you won't take all the stress from work into the fun time you are meant to be having this evening.

You might have noticed that I have been putting up only Dear Ralph posts for a while now. Well i'm just taking my time to attend to peoples issues and balance that out with my work so when I clear them up to a good number (which will happen very soon) i'll get pack to putting up the random posts so for now just help me and lend your advice to other members of the family who need it. Please try and be as helpful as you can without sounding hateful, if you must critisize please try and make it constructive. Let's not chase people away from the blog by hating on their mistake and rubbing it in their face via the comment section. Thanks guys

I'll try and put up a song that you guys can jam to this weekend. Not everyone puts up their songs on Sound cloud so sometimes I have a hard time putting up the songs I want you people to listen to. If you guys know another music hosting site that is compatible with blogger you can let me know and i'll look at it.

Alright then have a wild and crazy Friday. Wishing you guys a nice and relaxing weekend.  Oh and finally, do not also forget to take a bath and freshen up before you head out it helps!. *side eyes esit*




At 21 August 2015 at 12:51 , Anonymous Esit said...

The devil is a liar!!!!!!! Someone will now read this post and think I don't "freshen up" whatever that means. I'm going to kill you !!!

At 21 August 2015 at 13:15 , Anonymous Esit said...

I never dress provocatively neither do I have a banging body or anything sexually attractive but these men keep chasing after sex with me like a child addicted to candy. It's nothing out of the ordinary for men to want to have sex with you,they are very sexual beings. However you have to set your boundaries with these type of men. On the other hand maybe try looking out for men in the house of The Lord or this nerdy types who are into girls for their brains and big heart. Best of luck b x

At 21 August 2015 at 14:47 , Anonymous Esit said...

I hate to burst your bubble darling but you're kinna dating a parasite. Yup. The kind that takes love from you but doesn't return that same measure of pure love you're giving him back. He's a leech! Telling you lies from the pit of hell of how you've changed him for the better and yet he won't make u a better version of yourself in this relationship. And of course he still sleeps with his baby mama,that's like his safety net. I know Ralph was trying to sound nice by telling you to give him space. This ain't about space love. You need to end it because this type of relationship is destructive. Sorry hunny. All the best!

At 21 August 2015 at 15:30 , Anonymous Anu Funke said...

Hallos blog fam..... bin a while! Esit am reading alot of meaning to Ralph ' s last paragraph

At 21 August 2015 at 16:50 , Anonymous Esit said...

Shay u see Ralph? Get your light skinned ass in the comment section & explain yourself!

At 21 August 2015 at 17:03 , Anonymous Ask Ralph said...

*whistling and walking by*

At 21 August 2015 at 17:04 , Anonymous Ask Ralph said...

Lmao! Be honest esit! Don't let me expose everything here

At 21 August 2015 at 17:11 , Anonymous Anu Funke said...

Hian!!! Light skinned wah????? *bothhandsonmywaist*

At 21 August 2015 at 17:27 , Anonymous Esit said...

You know I know so much shit about you enough to expose your lying ass for all your blogfam to see Mr. Anonymous

At 21 August 2015 at 17:29 , Anonymous Esit said...

Yo how many of y'all want to know details about This Igbo man Mr. Ralph ?

At 21 August 2015 at 19:23 , Anonymous Ask Ralph said...

Lmao! Go ahead please, let's see how much you know

At 21 August 2015 at 20:04 , Anonymous Esit said...

Right! I expose you, you expose me. I've basically told u my whole life so nope. But you tried it Tochukwu, you really did!

At 21 August 2015 at 20:12 , Anonymous Ask Ralph said... know I won't do that dear. Was just playing withchu. *hugs*

At 21 August 2015 at 20:14 , Anonymous Esit said...


At 21 August 2015 at 21:09 , Anonymous Omogbolahan said...

TGIF, been very busy lately! I just gotta rock dis weekend!


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