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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Dear Ralph: Why should I spend on her

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Ralph deals with everyday life issues from relationship, marriage, self esteem, Insecurities, Family, Parenting Issues, Fitness, Health and many more. Generally when you need advice or a friend to help you through those troubles you are facing in your life you can AskRalph. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issues. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright then, let's do this!

Dear Ralph,

      I am going through a little problem with my girlfriend. We have been together for 2 year and 3 months. She keeps complaining that I am too stingy because I don't like spending on her and I don't give her money. I mean why should I spend on her. Her parents are alive, they can take care of her. I am a student like her and I don't make any money. Every time we quarrel it's always about money and how I never want to help her out. I don't work and I survive with what my parents give me and a little extra hustle on the side. She keeps complaining that she can't ask me for anything and threatening to break up with me if I continue like this. She says I would be stingy when I get married to her. The thing is that I don't even disturb her for s3x and she is asking for money. Yes, she helps me out in my room by cooking for me once in a while and I give her the money for that but I don't see why I should bring out money that I don't have to give her just because she cooks. I am not denying that the cooking she does for me doesn't help me, it helps me a lot but I still don't see any reason. This has gone on for a while and I decided to ask someone that isn't my friend or that doesn't know me to judge this from a neutral ground. I love her and don't want to loose her, I know I am not stingy and when I make money I will give her. Right now i'm just not financially stable enough to take care of her and I am working on being strong enough for her when we have a family. Please help me out.


Dear Simon,

        Let me start by saying as I always say that a relationship is not a business agreement, meeting,  set up or whatever. It isn't a situation where people meet and exchange services for money. I think the mind set that you and your girl are using to approach this relationship is a little too based on materialistic things. That is the reason why your quarrels are being materialistic. I personally believe that when it comes to issues as sensitive as money both partners should be very careful and try their best to understand each others situation. With that I want to ask you this question. When she asks for money, have you ever asked her what she would like to use it for? This isn't an attack on you but I feel that if you are able to show her care and concern for her needs, even if you aren't able to provide for her at that point, she would know that you care and the issues might just reduce. Also if you have a solution to her needs or a way around it that isn't going to dent your bank account and still help her out then you might just try to pull that out and offer it to her. Understanding her situation could go a long way in reducing your quarrels. So try to hear her out when she asks for money and help her with other solutions you can offer.

Secondly do not think in the direction that you are thinking right now. The direction I mean is that which tells you that until you start getting intimate with her, she doesn't deserve your money. There is only one set of people who offer s3xual services for money and I don't think that is what you want to turn your relationship into. If your girl is heading towards that direction with you without her even knowing it then please make it your duty to call her back and talk to her against it. It isn't healthy for your relationship. Now having tackled that, I want to tell you that it's actually okay to give her something every once in a while to help herself out. However financial assistance to whoever is something that must come from your heart and not forced out of you due to certain 'terms and conditions'. You can decide to limit what you give her. For instance if she needs 5000 naira you can decide to assist her with half of the money if that's all you can afford. You can also decide to limit your help to the things that you see as very important so that it doesn't grow into extravagance in the near future, at least not until you can afford to be. Just as I said earlier, you don't have to wait for her to give you something or do something for you before you do something for her. Help her out when you want to simply because you love her and wouldn't want to see her suffering when you know you can help her out of it. Do not stand and count what she has done for you and what she hasn't done in order to know if she is worthy to receive financial aid from you. Do not think towards that direction at all. I understand that you don't want to spend much on her or maybe "spoil" her so just do this when you can afford it. It only gets bad when it gets too much and her demands becomes too frequent and unnecessary.  So what am I trying to say? It's simple, open up your heart and take care of her out of love and not out of duty.

There is one way around this issue also. Once in a while you can set out a little money and take her out as a treat. It doesn't have to be to the most expensive place and you don't have to spend all your money. Just target a place that is okay for a little time out with her. That way she can have a good time, you wouldn't hand any physical cash to her and it could help cancel that thought in her head that you are stingy. It's okay to just treat her once in a while to something nice. Maybe even buy a little nice gift for her that isn't expensive, the most important thing is that it comes from your heart.

Finally I just want you both to talk about the threats she keeps throwing your way about breaking up with you. Explain to her who you really are, calmly and quietly. Do not try to start any fight or raise your voice even if it seems she isn't understanding you well. Take your time and explain why you act the way you do and let her know that it's the position that you are in presently that is the main issue. Also make sure to let her know how you feel about her threatening to break up with you every time.

Remember Communication is key! It can solve your problems more than you might realize. You just have to know the right way to talk to your partner and everything will be fine. So find out the best way to speak to her and you might succeed. I hope you both can sort this out. Take your time and build a relationship that isn't centered on materialistic gains. That is the worst thing to use as the foundation of your relationship. Welcome to the fam!


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At 12 August 2015 at 10:53 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Dear poster,the truth love is sharing,love entails giving,love is not just a word of mouth,its practical,you need to start practicalizing it by giving her little gifts now and then,you could buy her recharge card or a swrist watch or a flat sandal just to appreciate are her bf and as such should be able to care for her in your own little way.

At 12 August 2015 at 11:10 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Hi Simon,
I think we've all been in ur shoes @ one point or the other, but just like Ralph already stated, communication is key, just sit her down and explain things to her, make her understand u don't u don't have much and u would give her if u have. What we don't really know is that the little things matter in a relationship, u don't have to spend all ur savings on her to come across as caring, u can buy her little gifts once in a while and make her know u're giving it to her with love. I really hope it works out...good to be back on the blog.

At 13 August 2015 at 08:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Dear man,am in support of your action*65*.you are a student surviving with the money your parents are given to you!like wise her,i don't see the reason she demands alot from you when she knows that both of you are student.
I blame you for allowing her to come over an cook for you when you know after the job you don't give her any she your wife just a girl friend that might breakup tomorrow.i don't believe that given or sharing is part of love,i can see that you love her,you have to sit her down an explain to her some thing how you coup so that she we not think you are too stingy.

#sad indeed

At 20 August 2015 at 06:02 , Anonymous Brielle said...

I beg to disagree with you freeborn, you sed "I don't believe giving or sharing is part of love"....(everybody is entitled 2 dier own opinion too not trying to refute urs) it is actually d foundation and dat is wat relationships involve, dere just have 2 b sacrifices 4rm both sides, and pls don't get me wrong I don't mean giving Asin financially only, but based on ur understanding with ur partner, doing sometin no matter how small for d significant other will make dem feel special, and dats wat makes d love grow...even dough it shuldnt b done on a scratch my back I scratch urs basis!

At 20 August 2015 at 13:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

Reading all this just makes me smile hmmm dear poster like Mr Ralph said give her something once in a while just to show that you care physically, emotionally etc


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