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Thursday 13 August 2015

Dip in the pool?...Anyone?

   Partying, drinking, clubbing, dancing, smoking whatever! These are the things we usually go out to do in the name of fun. There are two facts that I have discovered that is almost 100% spot on when it comes to us who reside in Nigeria. Every time the word "fun" is applied in anything, we find a way of making it all about drinking and eating. I mean just think about it, when you and your friends "go out" or when the work "go out" comes up, the first thing you think about is the nearest pub or fast food joint. Anytime your boyfriend or girlfriend brings up anything about stepping out, your brain practically zeroes in on drinking and partying. However this is just because of the way we have conditioned our mind, drinking and partying isn't actually the fun in the whole thing. This brings me to my second fact which is that...The fun we actually have is because of the company that we have at that point....

Let me explain better.

Have you ever tried going out to do all these things by yourself? If you have tried it and then tried going out with your very good friends that know how to have fun, you will understand that fun has more to do with the company you have and less to do with the place you are and what you are doing. However because we are already used to viewing drinking and partying as the real fun, we tend to mistake the roles that these two facts place in fulfilling our hunger for fun.

Here is what I want you to try. The weekend is already approaching, you have probably been going out every other weekend for the past who-knows-how-long to drink and do the same thing over and over again with your friends. Well, I think it's time to give your liver a little rest because it's done a good job and it deserves a vacation. So this weekend, either tomorrow, the next day or the day after that, try to suggest to your friends that you guys do something different. Go out to the nearest recreational center, hotel or wherever that has a swimming pool. Instead of spending this weekend with the partying, just try something new and you will see how fun it will be. You might feel like it's going to be boring but trust me, as long as you are in the midst of those your crazy friends, there will never be a dull moment no matter what you guys choose to do.

The good thing about swimming is the exercise and stretch that it provides your body. Plus the fact that you are doing something new or something you haven't done in a long time is going to give you a new and refreshing feeling of fun. You don't always have to drink away your night and wake up the next morning with a banging head. Instead take a dip in the pool, swim away your night and wake up with aching muscles. Lol...yeah that's right, your muscles will ache because swimming is exercising on its own but trust me this is one exercise that everyone loves to do. It is inexpensive and is very easy to learn.

So just for this weekend, try it out and if you like it then you can try to remember to do it more often. If you do not like it the fine, next weekend will try movies!

Happy Thursday Fam!



At 13 August 2015 at 09:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

Am sure this advice is not for people that have swim pool in there house.the next fun the need is to hit the cenema or club or hotel an chat an have some fun as for me am tired of swimming for now.

At 13 August 2015 at 11:26 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralphie,i take it dat ure tryna advice urslf in trying out new spots as ure always hitting the bar parlour with ur friends evry friday nite..lolssss

At 13 August 2015 at 18:42 , Blogger esit said...

You will go through the ends of the earth and back to find a way for us to exercise wouldn't you???

At 14 August 2015 at 09:34 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! caught me red handed, nice one esit...nice one

At 14 August 2015 at 09:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

Motivate myself? 4 where? This one is strictly for you people, I am going to be dragged out of the pub today with a rope. I'll make no effort to help the person dragging me. Lol

At 15 August 2015 at 10:11 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lol @_u'll make no effort to help the person draging you...hahahahahah
Mr ralphie wil nt kiee somebody wit lafff

At 15 August 2015 at 12:15 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Hehe, all these commenters sef, una no go kill person o, keep up d good work Ralph.

At 17 August 2015 at 08:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol...don't mind all of them. Thanks bro

At 17 August 2015 at 08:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

lool. I'm telling you. I'll just allow the person to pull me. I'll leave all my body weight for the victim


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