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Tuesday 11 August 2015

Take an Extra Step

   Improvement! That's the key word here. That's a very important aspect of our life. Everyday, we get up and carry out our different various activities in different categories of our life, with hope of improvement and getting better at what we do. However what most of us fail to realize is that improvement is a gradual process and not something that is rushed into. It is best to improve gradually because the thought of the work that you have to put in, in order to improve yourself to the extent that you are looking at, at once could discourage your mind. We all know how important your mind state is in anything you do, the last thing you want to do is to discourage your mind. So for you to get better at what you do, there is just one way and one thing I would like you to do today, I would like you to take an extra step....

    Yes, just take one extra step towards your goal. I mean just think of it and you will see how much sense it makes. Most of us underestimate the little details but those are the things that matter the most and make the most difference. 2 seconds to you might be the same as one second, the interval in between them matters a lot more than you think. If they both were the same thing, there wouldn't be any need for differentiating their name right? That single second that you neglect and feel like it won't mean anything is the same second that could mean success or failure. What i'm trying to explain to you is that even a single second extra, a single micro second more could count as an improvement for you. Anything you do at all to push yourself further would all add up at the end as the major contributing elements to your general improvement in any and every sector of your everyday life.

 I urge you today to do something extra in every and anything you do today. If it seems too much to incorporate this into every single thing you have to do today then it's okay to also take it easy and slow. Start out with one thing today and move onto another by tomorrow but no matter what you do, make an extra effort today. Do it because you have to do it. Take an extra step because you have to improve yourself today. Most importantly, take that extra step, put in some extra work today simply because staying stagnant isn't an option and it would only be a matter of time before you start sliding backwards. Don't you think it's better that you put in that extra effort and endure through the pain just to move forward than to stay where you are and risk loosing everything you have worked for up to this moment.

Like the fitness trainer Shaun T would say..."If you don't push yourself past the barrier there is no way you can progress". This is a principle you must adopt today. Just think of it, you work very hard everyday in those areas of your life, be it your fitness, job, relationship and many more areas. It gets to a point where you get so exhausted and it seems like you can't do it anymore. You are physically and mentally worn out and it seems like you just can't go any further and most people see that as the point to give up and take a little break before starting again. Well guess what? That is actually the point in which if you push yourself a little more, if you push yourself just a little further, you will see improvements. That is the point that records are broken. That is the threshold that you have to break to set another for yourself. That point is the point that you either get better, stay where you are or even worse, risk backsliding, the decision is all up to you but I know you do not want to be stagnant or slide backwards so it's time to push forward my people. It's today that counts, you can't put this off until tomorrow.  It starts now, the little details make the huge differences. Day by day become a better version of you, it all starts gradually.

So go a little further, push a little harder, do an extra assignment, cut down on one stick of cigarette, drink an extra bottle less, do one thing to make you happy today, do one extra thing to make your family happy, do even one more thing to make people around you happy, give that relationship a little more time, do one extra push up, do an extra crunch, jog or run an extra distance, be patient for an extra minute, take a little more, squat a little lower, jump a little higher, try a little harder....I'm sure you get the gist by now, just take one Extra Step....

Good morning!



At 12 August 2015 at 10:43 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

This post came at the right time,have been having bad days and feeling so discouraged,moral had been dwindling with speed and i just feel so odd and unhappy...Jesus take the wheel..

At 12 August 2015 at 11:17 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Yeah, the little things make the difference, let's just hope it makes the difference we's going to be fine Thelma!

At 13 August 2015 at 11:22 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Thanks sodiq

At 14 August 2015 at 09:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry about that thelma, stay strong and do not worry. Keep your head up and just keep pushing. These storms would always come but be rest assured that they will pass. Everything will be alright...


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