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Tuesday 19 May 2015

Tuesday Morning random

Hello and a happy Tuesday to each and every single one of you crazy AskRalph family member. Hope you all had a wonderful night. And I hope you all are ready to tackle the new day head on.  If your answer is yes then I have a 'hi5' right here waiting for you. You can come and get it anytime you want. Lol. Well today I'm having a really random day so this mornings post won't be centered on anything in particular. As a matter of fact i'm just typing as things come to my head.

So before we move on to the topic for the day, well actually we don't have a topic for this morning but anyway I'll like to ask which of you dared to get out of bed yesterday and who stayed back? I am sure most of you got out of bed. At least +Omogbolahan sodiq was already out of his house before he read the post so that's one person already, +esit didn't have a choice because she had lives to save, yeap we have a super hero in the name of Esit among us and she is that awesome. Oh and someone slept instead of going for her second lecture yesterday, I won't call her name but she comments here, who can guess who it is. Lol. Anyway I am glad you guys could find the strength to get up and tackle yesterday. If you did or didn't well today is a new day and it's time to get at it again. No food for a lazy man right?

Remember it's not just about finding the strength to get up from your bed. Anyone can get up from their bed and go out but achieve nothing at the end of the day. It's all about getting up and achieving your goals for the day or at least making a reasonable progress towards your goals. It doesn't end the moment you step out of your comfort zone....not at all, that is only the beginning. You still have to be strong enough and focused enough to make something out of the day, if not it would be pointless getting up in the first place. So just in case you have made any of this kind of mistake yesterday, just don't talk yourself down or feel bad. Instead look at this Tuesday morning as an opportunity to make things better. Correct those mistakes that you made yesterday and keep struggling to achieve more. It is still a fresh week and you have time to cover up for lost time. Just don't get too relaxed and feel like you have plenty of time, the time would fly by just as quickly.

I told you guys that opportunities are given to you everyday and you just have to see it right? Well today itself is an opportunity to do better than yesterday. It's time to grab it and make the most out of it, there is not time to waste at all.

Finally I want to ask a random question. If there is anything you guys wish me to add to the blog then feel free to make your suggestions to me either through the email section or the comment box below. I know the blog has a lot of room for improvement so feel free to contact me okay? I'll definitely look into whatever it is that you suggest and know if it would be good for the blog.

Well that's it for my random Tuesday rant. A couple of other posts are coming up today so still stay tuned.

Good morning Fam!

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At 19 May 2015 at 09:53 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Today is goinna be a good and less stressful day for me,yesterday was very hectic for me but am glad i achieved my will be pure bliss *shines tits*,i cant come and kie myself with work jawe...

At 19 May 2015 at 12:18 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

In school now and it looks like the day is going to b a nice one, have a nice day y'all!

At 19 May 2015 at 19:50 , Anonymous Brielle said...

Haba, ralph! U didn't have 2 say that, @ least I dared myself I went 2 d class like 5mins b4 d lecture day was gud eventually!

At 21 May 2015 at 07:12 , Blogger esit said...

Suggestion 1 - Give us the music section like you promised.
More suggestions coming up!

At 26 May 2015 at 11:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very true, I need to do that and as soon as I find a good song to start it with, i'm definitely going to do that. Thanks esit

At 26 May 2015 at 11:48 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. You have exposed yourself Brielle, I didn't even say your name.

At 26 May 2015 at 11:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

Have a nice day to sodiq, wishing you the very best out of today....even though this reply is coming a couple of days late but I wish you the very best still

At 26 May 2015 at 11:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. You can't come and "kie" yourself o my dear.


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