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Thursday 14 May 2015

The mind knows what it wants.

         Good morning Fam, hope every single one of you had a great night and is up and ready for another great day. Today we are going to be doing this puzzle I have above and also discuss a little on it. Y'all can see the concept of the puzzle written boldly above right? It says that "The first 3 words you see are what you want in life".

I came across an article online with a similar puzzle and in the article there was a strange fact that was quoted. They had their own cross word puzzle and they explained something. According to them, your mind and heart knows what it wants and transfers the signal to your brain. When you are presented with this kind of puzzle for the first time, almost every other word will make no sense to you until you are able to make out the ones that you want the most. This isn't because you don't know those words but because your mind already knows what it is looking for and is so focused on seeing it that it doesn't recognize any other thing.

Now I don't know how much this applies to the puzzle but I know that it applies to life in one way or the other. I also got this puzzle online but not from the website...

It's just like searching for a gift at the bottom of a cereal box. No matter how good looking or tasty that cereal is, once your mind focuses on what it wants from that cereal box, you are going to dig as deep as you have to while ignoring the cereal and even if your body is hungry, your mind will ignore it and not until you find the gift will you refocus on other signals that your body is sending. Hunger wouldn't matter to you by then until your body finds its priority.

The mind always knows what it wants. Even if the body resists or is unprepared, the mind will always stay focused on what it wants. It is left for you to train your mind to want the things that are more important. Those things that your mind wants are those things that you place as a priority in your life. I know this to be true, however I also know that you have the ability to change your priorities if they aren't of any good to you at your present situation. For example if your mind is focused on buying an expensive Mercedes benz when what you need more is a house to shelter you. It's a matter of self control and discipline to be able to know which one you need more regardless of what your mind wants. You will have to train yourself and your mind to recognize the things that should be top priority and place them accordingly.

Of cos I'm not sure if the first 3 words that you will see in the picture are your priorities so you should be the judge of that. So here is how we are going to play this game...

Look at the picture, what are the first three things you saw, list them in the comment box then take another look at the whole picture and tell me what your priority right now actually is using the words on the picture. Write it out as what your mind tells you and what you tell your mind. I'll go first and show you and example...

First Look - My mind tells me: Lust, Fun, Health
Second Look - I tell my mind: Experience, Fun, Money
So how about you? What's it going to be? What does your mind tell you and what do you tell your mind.

List your first and second look below.



At 14 May 2015 at 10:32 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

First look - love, time and experience.
What I want - success, fun, money and many much more.

At 14 May 2015 at 11:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

I first saw love youth and success

Kinda what I want ..

At 14 May 2015 at 12:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

I first saw love youth and success... Kinda what I want Iam n in my youth I will soon experience love and become successful

At 14 May 2015 at 14:33 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

First look was--success,youth,popularity
Its so on point with my desires right now,am trusting God for these and much more!!

At 14 May 2015 at 16:26 , Blogger The other woman in marriage said...

The three I saw sound like Chinese language. I will need an Interpreter pls

At 14 May 2015 at 20:04 , Blogger esit said...

First look - love, beauty & experience
second look - intelligence, popularity, freedom
Ehhh I saw what I want in my 3rd and 4th look which is happiness, success & of course love again.

At 14 May 2015 at 22:44 , Blogger Unknown said...

You never tell me the reason why you're always deleting my comment since last 2 day's.

At 15 May 2015 at 07:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw intelligence, freedom and love......good

At 15 May 2015 at 07:51 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! You need to look for the first set that you recognize.

The other woman, where have you been? It's been quite a while, hope everything is okay with you.

At 15 May 2015 at 07:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry Mr freeborn but i didn't delete any of your comments. If you don't see them then they didn't get through. I approve all comments. Just try again and it might get through like this one.

At 15 May 2015 at 08:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

My own mindset tell's
I tell's my mind;power.popularity.honesty.
Just that am not too much good in puzzle's.

At 15 May 2015 at 15:46 , Anonymous Cyndy d gal said...

1st was Health,Honest and Beauty.the 2nd tym was Health Experience and Money.I got want I want frm d 1st n 2nd(health)repeatedly

At 18 May 2015 at 21:34 , Anonymous Brielle said...

so on first look i saw popularity, success and health, then taking another look i saw experience, success and money....i guess d mind does know what it wants


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