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Monday 4 May 2015

May Polls: Who chooses the number of babies?

Hey everyone. So it's been some days since the April polls on "What is the number 1 failure for marriage" ended but I haven't been able to put up any other poll cos I was kinda out of ideas. Well finally I came up with something last night while out with friends and honestly I don't know what led me to think of that  topic at all. Anyways before we carry on with this months polls I'll like to announce the results of last months poll....

So according to the number of people that voted. The number one reason for marriage failure is Lack of communication. I really have to agree to this because communication can make or break a relationship. The level of understanding that a couple has for each other can help the relationship to last very long. Without understanding a couple will always have fights and quarrels on things that are even baseless. Adequate Communication bridges that gap and brings understanding into a relationship. So try and build your communication today with your partners, it could save your family and your relationships from unnecessary issues.

Below is the score of last months poll...

  1. Lack of communication - 87
  2. Compatibility issues - 37
  3. Lack of respect - 18
  4. Cheating spouses - 12
So that's it for last months polls. Now this month we are going to be voting on who gets the say for how many babies that would be born into a family. For example the man wants 3 children and the woman wants 5 children. Who should be the one to determine?
    You see I discussed this with a couple of people last night and it was quite interesting. Now I don't want you guys to contribute  based on only your gender. I want you to tell me what you feel is right and not out of pride or just to support your gender. I need good reasons. E.g....

Man - Because it's from his pocket that they will be trained and fed till they grow so he gets to choose because he knows how man mouths he will be able to feed.
Woman - Because she is the person that will bear the pain of child birth and she alone should know how much she can take.

You have to choose one, either man or woman and give me your reasons. Choose regardless of your gender. Also remember that the poll box is to the left of the blog so after you comment just click and vote. If you are on a mobile phone platform then you won't be able to see the poll. Just comment for now till you get to a pc.

Alright guys. Let's do this...



At 4 May 2015 at 20:06 , Blogger esit said...

Woman because duh, she's the one to birth them kids. And we all child birth is not exactly a walk in the park. Except of course if the man feels like he wants to raise football team, then he can always go ahead to adopt or use a ssurrogate, it's his money innit?

At 4 May 2015 at 21:34 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

This is dicey,i think both the man and woman needs to come to an understanding on how many kids they'd love to have...
I'll split my vote equally between both genders.

At 4 May 2015 at 22:10 , Blogger Unknown said...

The decision is left for the man to decide how many kid's he want.
women have no business rather than given birth thats why the are weaker vessle.
Its the duty,responsibility of the man to fed for the children so is left for the man to decide.
If a man decided 2 or 3 and the women succeeded in given birth to 4 or 5 it might crumble the marriage because at time the decision is base on the man finance if the man can't provide for his family that we lead to what we are seeing in our nation were a kid we be hawking on the road for survival of his family,so the decision is for the man because he is the head of the family an if any thing bad happen to the children his the first person to face the music.

At 5 May 2015 at 07:36 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I'll agree with Thelma, it has to be a joint decision because the man and the woman has something to offer, there has to be some compromises from the both of them to make an efficient decision.

At 5 May 2015 at 08:59 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lemme counter mr freeborn a bit,decisions on n0 of kids must not rest on the man alone,since they're both partners,the issue must be discussed and numbers of kids agreed on,i know of a man who has close to 10kids now and he cant not cater for them,who sud be blamed for such a situation now??....A woman has a say when it comes to the number of kids she and her hubby wanna make.

At 5 May 2015 at 11:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

You're right my sister theima,but i think the man decision is all that matters in this situation as Mr Ralph ask.

At 6 May 2015 at 07:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

lol. Thelma and sodiq, of cos it should be a joint decision but in a situation where it has to be one person. I want ou to pick who it should be and your reason...

At 6 May 2015 at 07:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Am the one to decide not my husband,or else i sent him to exile of no kid's at all.

At 6 May 2015 at 08:36 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralph,this is selfish decision to make jawe but nevertheless,i'll go with the man choosing how many kids he wants his wife to bear for him..but the man must be considerate and reasonable in choosing the numbers else the wife go for family planning without his knowledge,,,he go just they shoot anyhow without scoring a single goal..lolzz

At 6 May 2015 at 09:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Action lady.

At 6 May 2015 at 11:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Loi@theima i don't see it as selfish decision rather i see it as smart one.because its in the holy book and quran man is the head.

At 6 May 2015 at 16:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

For me, I will say the couple should decide together, but in a situation where sitting on the fence is not allowed here, I will go for the woman making the decision, because she is the one passing through the pains of child bearing, for people that are saying that the man should decide because he is the one to train them, my question is, Is it only the man that cartars for the family? Some women are bread winners in their family.

At 16 May 2015 at 10:50 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr men love claiming head in issues in this but when its comes to money matter,y'al wud be claiming equality with ur spouces..lolzzzzz


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