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Monday 4 May 2015

Dear Ralph: Should I take his offer?

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Dear Ralph,
        Serious confusion going on right here with me. I don't even know where to start but I guess i'll just say what I can. Back in the university I used to be a very crazy and wild girl. I decided to have all the fun I could in the university before settling down. I met with rich men and had my own fair slice of heaven but I am all repented right now. I met a wonderful man and was quick to recognize it. He isn't very rich but he loves me. He is the only person that never judged me for my past life and loved me for who I am trying to be. He has really tried a lot for me and is a good mentor and although he never judges me, he expresses his jealousy whenever anybody I had something to do with in the past comes into the scene again. So far I must confess Ralph, he has been wonderful all round and supportive. Last 2 months ending, we got engaged and we are planning on getting married by the end of this year but there is something that is bugging me.

   Before we got engaged, one of my past lovers came back into my life. He is really rich and nice. He started getting close to me again and I told him clearly that I was in a relationship and that nothing could ever go on between us. He said he understood but that he just wanted to be a friend to me so we started talking. Sometimes I go out with him when I am free. Now as I said before, my boyfriend isn't really having much and when we were making plans for marriage he told me of how I was going to stay at home for a while so he can save up money to open a business for me. It all didn't sit well with me so we ended up having a quarrel that day. While I was out with my rich ex the talk sort of came up and he offered to open up a 7 million Naira boutique for me. He said everything is going to be in my name and that I would be the full owner. I asked him what he wanted in return and he said nothing, that he just wants to help me and my family and that he doesn't want my future children to suffer. I was over excited that day and I ran home to tell my boyfriend. Before I could say anything, another issue came up and we had another quarrel and ended up going to bed angry at each other. While I was laying down that night and thinking of everything it occurred to me that maybe it isn't right to tell my boyfriend. He might take it the wrong way. I decided not to tell him anything and up till today, he doesn't know. But if I have the store then where would I say I got the money to open it from? I am very confused right now Ralph. Should I tell him, should I leave it, I don't know what to do or if to take the offer. My fiance and I are quarreling right and I don't know what to do because this is dragging on for too long. Please help me.


Dear Chidera,
        I understand the tight corner you must find yourself in right now. However I must plead with you to just calm down and think of the situation very well before acting.

I think the first thing that I would advice anybody to do in this situation is to clear things up with your fiance. When in a relationship you have to learn how to quickly tackle your issues and settle them without bearing grudges for each other for a long period of time. It is really unhealthy for the relationship and could be responsible for so man bigger problems that might come up. Since you both are going to be entering a marriage then i'll advice that you both brush up on your communications and issue tackling in the relationship. So just try to solve the quarrel between you two first.

About you telling him or not, i'll simply highlight your options for you. Let's start with telling him but this should only come after you have tackled the present quarrel. When you both are okay with each other then my personal advice to you would be to let him know what has been happening. It wouldn't be good at all if he finds out on his own so I think you should just come out plain and let him know everything. Allow him to state his own opinions of the whole thing to you. If he starts getting angry then let him know what it took for you to come out and tell him, let him know that if he continues like that then he is going to push you away from telling him anything in the future. But do not say this as a threat, say it with concern for his actions and if he misunderstands your statement then try to explain better to him. I believe it is going to be good for him to know and who knows, he might allow it. But even if he doesn't allow it then let him also express his reasons so you get to understand from his own side. Also i'll like to let you know that naturally, a man would hardly ever let another man take care of his woman especially financially so most likely your fiance would refuse. But still try to tell him.

If you do not tell him then you are most likely to just go on ahead with the offer. The truth is that yes, the business is going to make things better for your family. It's going to be a source of livelihood but I want you to be careful when depending on a man that is not your own for financial assistance. The thing about going to other people for favor is that once you need something again and your man can't provide, you will most likely fall back to him again. From there anything could happen, the person could have his own demands or you might find yourself comparing the person to your man. Issues could arise from this because of the subconscious behavior you will exhibit due to the fact that you have an option to satisfy your needs.
    It is also very possible that you will do this, start up the business and not tell your man anything and somehow he might not find out. But if he happens to find out then depending on who he is, you might have some serious issues later on. This particular option might look safe now but is a huge gamble in the long run.

Honestly there is nothing wrong with a friend offering to help you out. There is nothing wrong with you asking someone for a favor from a friend. Although I feel you shouldn't let yourself receive too much even if they offer. The issue most times is the persons own motive. I am not saying that their are right now, just that it's a possibility. It isn't easy for a person to just bring out that amount of money and give it to another person to start up a business. Usually their are hidden interests that you might not see at the initial stage. It is when you are fully dependent on them that they will make their demands. When you do not meet the demands then be ready to be blackmailed with guilt..

This is just a suggestion though...Why not introduce the man to your fiance instead and let him offer to help your fiance directly since he wants to help your family. That way if your fiance agrees then it will be between the both of them. Just think about this and know if your man would appreciate it.

Finally I'll like to advice you to not easily speak of the quarrels and challenges you have at home to your friends especially those of the opposite sex. It is best to look for solutions within. Please be really careful if you are going to take that offer. Support your man and work with him to build a better future together. A future that no other person will boast of helping you both to build. Even if the person doesn't use it on you, he can use it on your man. Things wouldn't always be easy but if you stay with him and help him grow instead of falling to another man for assistance then he will appreciate you more. Read through my reply to you thoroughly and make the wise decision. The wise decision is right there for you to see, don't block your mind to it.

I hope everything is sorted out cleanly and that you and your man settle your issues as soon as possible. Take care Chidera and welcome to the family.


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At 4 May 2015 at 16:09 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Dear poster,kindly sort out the issue btw ur partner and urself and since you alreday know the partner's attitude as regards you been friends with ur EX's,kindly desist from hinting him further about them.....,also,as regards the money issue,i would advice you to take up the offer and keep shut about it,if he comes to demand an explanation,then cook up a convincing story for him,you could tell him you got a loan or ur folks got a loan for you bla bla bla....or,you could just tell ur EX to pay the said money into a new account bearing your name,then as time goes on,u'd know the next step to take...
Chidera nwannem,biko take the money and don't dull...
Make sure your EX isn't gonna demand for your cookie in return.

At 4 May 2015 at 16:48 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm well i have small contribution on this matter.i have to start from the guy who promise to open a boutique for you is good not bad sha.but @times the gift are called the more you look the less you don't have to let your man knows it now until the differences is settled,so that he won't lay hold on it as the cause of the quarrel you know we men act funny @times.
You don't have to depend on the guy and never you tell him any thing like bizarre or quarrel going between you and your me since is obvious that he want to help your family why not introduce him to your husband openly.

At 4 May 2015 at 18:15 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

This is a serious issue, I think Ralph has said most of what there is to be said, i'll just say that after u tell your boyfriend, accept whatever he says and know that it won't be an easy decision for him, pray too...Goodluck!

At 4 May 2015 at 21:21 , Anonymous Cyndy d gal said...

I concur wif freeborn.plz dnt make a mistake of taking d money without letting ur partner kn abt it.unless u are ready to loose d man dt accepted u d way u seem to be a nice offer but at the end,u wudnt kn wot u hit u.

At 4 May 2015 at 21:25 , Anonymous Cyndy d gal said...

did u ever fink dat he wouldn't find out d truth at d long run?(daz if u end up nt telln him)and den dissue of lack of trust will set in.did u also fink dt afta collecting frm ur ex without ur partner's approval dat he wouldn't use it as a form of blackmail tomoro?plz dnt jeopardize ur rltshp.

At 4 May 2015 at 21:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God! you are a horrible person. Just look at yourself and the advice you are giving. So what happens after she lies and enters marriage, she keeps lying abi? I pray your husband lies and lies to you. people like you deserve the worst of men. You will get what you deserve

At 4 May 2015 at 21:51 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

@annon,ure such a cray person,give ur advice and move along,don't give urself HBP on the advice i gave the poster...and those cusses of urs would go back to you in double measure,pressed down and shaken together...
Mr ralph,kindly post this 4 me...

At 4 May 2015 at 22:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4 May 2015 at 22:32 , Blogger Unknown said...

Dear poster, I quiet understand you, but then again do not forget the mantra nothing goes for nothing, I dn't believe that someone wants to give you a whooping sum of 7million without asking for nothing, men are not that nice, about telling your fiance, you have to know that keeping secret is bad for an healthy relationship, because if d truth comes out then it will crush his trust for you, and then if you tell a lie , you have to tell many lies to cover it up, I will just advice that u come out clean, tell your fiance, you guys should take a decision and make sure you stick to of luck

At 6 May 2015 at 17:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

My simple and candid advise is, forget this ex and his promises and focus on your husband, support him the way you can, God will lift him beyond your expectations.. You never can tell what this ex have in his cupboard.. Thanks

At 7 May 2015 at 17:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a similar experience,where I was offered money for business n trip,i refused cos I just got married den,months later I tild my hubby about the offer I had and declined,guess what he said( I trust u enough to let sumone from ur past help build u up,if such opportunity comes up pls let me know bfr making any decision cos its all for the families growth..believe me,am still awed at my hubby for trusting me dt much..mind u hes almost a 7 digit salary earner so am not suffering at all.,this things depends on trust, how you present the issua and the individual involved.

At 13 May 2015 at 17:07 , Anonymous Olusola Ukaegbu said...

Really, it is obvious that the fiance is the jealous type. from experience, i have noticed that whatever causes issue before marriage is always turn out to be the major issue after marriage. though you feel your fiance doesn't care about your past relationships, truth is, he does! and you have to be very careful of not making him jealous. Men have pride and most of them will never want to collect something from your old friend.
Let me share my experience with you. When I first got married and before my husband and I bought our first car, my husband will never allowed us to get a ride home from my male friend after service ever sunday from church though the man was already married. We will all just greet and say bye. Each time they offer to give us a ride, we will just say we were not ready to go home. though we will have to go and join a long queue and struggle to get on a bus.

So, now after six years of marriage and many experiences on how to avoid issues at home, what I do is not to mention an issue immediately it happens but to wait for a period when my husband is in a happy mood, then I just explode and tell him about all that I have been keeping to myself that way, I avoid keeping information to myself.


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