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Friday 1 May 2015

Friday Fact: Water is the better choice

  Yeah you read that right...Water is the better choice because it has no calories at all. None! Nada! Nil! Zero! I know you might doubt this if you have climbed a scale after drinking water. The only reason you might get heavier when you climb a scale after drinking only water isn't because you have added body fat or muscle mass. It's simply water weight and once you sweat or pee, it'll all be gone. That one is easier to loose than calories.

  In the world of fitness, weight gain and weight loss. The number of calories you consume everyday plays a big role. It could be the difference between maintaining your desired weight, having a higher or having a lower weight than desired.

Water on it's own is the 'default' liquid that we use to assist the food we eat to go down just right. It's the natural one but thanks to different companies, we have a variety of choices today. We have drinkable liquid substances that taste better or worse than water. The problem with every single one of these liquids is that they all contain an amount of calorie. Depending on your weight goal, there is a number of calories that you should consume everyday and depending on if you work out or not they may also vary. Now your regular food, even the healthy ones all contain calories also. So let us say that your calorie intake per day should be about 2000 k/cal then that means that the combination of what you eat and drink everyday should sum up to that amount of calories. E,g your combination of breakfast, lunch, dinner,snacks and whatever you drink should sum up to 2000k/cal. This could be 1600 calories of food substance and 400 calories of liquid substances. It could also simply be 2000k/cal of food and simply water. Now with this you have two choices

  1. You can eat your calories strictly through food and get the nutrients you need and then drink water to wash down the food without fear of adding any extra calories because water has zero calories or...
  2. You can take in fewer nutrients through your food, drink any of the substitute liquid substances you have around you to make up the calories or even add more excess calories, then have a harder time working the excesses out. Also you stand the chance of gaining some serious weight through this method if you keep it up for too long.

Now the problem about these sodas and other liquids is that not only do they come with extra calories that still won't get you as satisfied as water (with zero calorie) would. The sugar that they are usually packed proves more stubborn to burn through work out. So the same number of calories that you will be able to burn if you eat proteins or other food substances won't be easily burned if those same number of calories are acquired via these water substitutes (esp the ones that gain their calories through sugar).

So with that you can see that Water remains a better and healthier choice. Try to use water more often to wash down your food. Don't always go for the sodas. It's okay to indulge every once in a while and spoil yourself but don't do it all the time.

That's it for today's Friday Fact, now if you all would excuse me, I have a bottle of coke in my refrigerator with my name on it....

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At 1 May 2015 at 16:54 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Lol, ur name is now an excuse for u to take coke? I'll get u a pack with ur name on it, Goodluck on burning em calories...all those stuffs with d calories are d sweetest thing, i'm trying really hard to stop eating sweet things, God help me, I guess i'll start to take more water.

At 1 May 2015 at 18:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! sue me sodiq, either ways i'm still drinking this coke like my life depended on it. Lol.

At 1 May 2015 at 22:44 , Blogger Unknown said...

True talk all i have to say is this water is water and soda is soda is like even thou that some folk's are ignorant of this.water is natural why soda is not,i dont play with my early morning 3 cups of water because it washes away many things and energize me with strenght.congrat Mr Ralph for that now you should be proud of coke.

At 2 May 2015 at 10:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

I love the two.

At 2 May 2015 at 14:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's not really not easy but as of water, am good at that

At 2 May 2015 at 19:49 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Team water all the way!!!
Water is the best liquid ever,no drink or anything can contend with it...


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