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Monday 4 May 2015

Looking out for the chances.

      Hello and good morning once again to you awesome members of the AskRalph fam. How is everyone doing this good morning. I'll like to know who and who went out with me for the morning jogging today. Why do I have a feeling none of you got up?...Well...did anyone workout at all? Lol. Well just let me know via the comment section if you managed to workout or go out to run this morning. It's all about having a good and healthy start to your week. Alright then moving on...

On better news, I was able to cover a good distance running to and fro the house and it felt really great. Y'all should really try it out. To even make things better, I was able to finish on time and make it to work early, now how awesome is that. The only problem is that I didn't eat before coming out but oh well...there is this nice lady that makes good food beside my office. I'm going to be her customer this morning. Now about today. It's Monday and it's only right that I leave you guys with a little motivation to get your week started so walk with me so we can talk...

As you all know by now for those that have been with the blog and also to inform those that are new to the blog, we have monthly focuses where we take a full month and try to develop a particular area of our life with hopes of becoming a better version of ourselves by the end of each month. Well the focus for this month is "Taking Chances'. We want to try and be more open to the opportunities that will present themselves to us. To try not to shy away from new things and to be able to seize opportunities when they come. This week I want you to do something for me. I want you to work on your mind state. That is the key, it is the key that will open your mind to those opportunities when they come to you. I want you to be able to perceive opportunities, I want you to have a free mind that is willing to take chances and isn't afraid to try something new.

You see every single step we take, every person we meet, every encounter, every scenario and situation we come across in our life is an opportunity to us. Our ability to recognize the opportunities, whether we see it as good or bad and the way we decide to tackle it is now up to us and our state of mind.
There are no 2 days in this life that are the same and as the days vary so do the opportunities that come to us vary. The problem most of the time is our mind state. You see first of all you have to be ready to take chances. You have to work on your mind to be able to be and stay open to different opportunities. They are all around us but if we do not train our mind to perceive them, we will never be able to recognize them. If we do not recognize them then we will never be able to seize them. And if we aren't even ready to seize them or willing to then we are going to still be stuck on the same things we see everyday. We are going to end up feeling that nothing new ever happens meanwhile, it's all our fault. It's all because of our state of mind.

So when you feel that opportunities aren't coming to you just look around more closely. Ask yourself if you are fully ready for them. If you are mentally focused on perceiving and recognizing them when they come to you. If you are actually willing to receive them when they come and if you have the right attitude towards them because trust me, attitude matter...a lot!

Sir Isaac newton would have easily tossed that apple away after it landed on his head. But he was calm enough and able to recognize the opportunity. An opportunity to be the one to discover something that his name would be tagged to for hundreds and thousands of years to come. Gravity has always been there before Isaac newton but just google who discovered gravity and see what google will tell you.

One more time i'll say this, every single step you take is an opportunity. Every single day is packed with hundreds of chances. It's up to you to recognize and explore them more. Learn to be open minded...learn to take chances...learn to explore new things....

Good morning.

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At 4 May 2015 at 09:44 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Gud morny blogfam,i woke up late so no jogging for me today buh i squatted tho...
Thumbs up for this piece mr ralph!

At 4 May 2015 at 10:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

I one's told some folk's that poverty is not all about lack of money or finance@times is the state of the mind or mindset.when your mind are closed blinded to see the opportunity right in front of the mind have to be trained saturated with positive thinking to perceive them to recognize it when it come's.state of the mind matters alot so that our life we not be filled with the same story seeking whom to blame why it's our fault.
Every accomplishment,great or small,start with the right john sanford say,opportunity can drop in your lap if you have your lap where opportunities drop.the reason why some folk's keep on complaining about oppoturnities is because they are not fully ready for it.most@times attitude over some thing matters alot.we have to work on our mind set guys to be able to recognize the oppoturnity when it come.
Failures is not an overnite event.failure is the combination of repeated error's guys.............

At 4 May 2015 at 10:26 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Yeah, u got it, I didn't get up to run but I did some push ups, that should count...looking forward to better opportunities this new month.

At 4 May 2015 at 10:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya Papi...I was nodding my head while I was reading this...You nailed this mehnnnn....Kudos! I believe that every 24 hours you are opportuned to have offers you 24 x 24 opportunities....all you have to do is reach out and grab one right...Muah to mi blogboo!

At 4 May 2015 at 10:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Where have i been since that i didn't discover this space????
everyday is indeed full of opportunity,most of us are just scared of trying out new things and i am part of them. This just challenged me
Thanks so much for this Ralph

At 4 May 2015 at 11:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely motivational post Ralph. I don't usually comment but I had to...keep up the good work

At 4 May 2015 at 13:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks thelma....nice one on the squatting you must have really strong legs by now

At 4 May 2015 at 13:48 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Mr freeborn, please check your mail ASAP. I want to discuss something with you...

At 4 May 2015 at 13:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Push ups are a good all round exercise. It doesn't work your stamina or build your cardio like running but it's still good. Try to include some cardio every once in a while to support your muscle building. Nice one sodiq

At 4 May 2015 at 13:52 , Anonymous hillary said...

The post doesn't make any sense. What does Isaac newton have to do with the price of fish now.abeg more Dear Ralph and less of this motivation posts.

At 4 May 2015 at 13:53 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya mami...Thanks a lot for the complement. I also get some good ideas and motivation from your blog. Best blogboo ever... muuuah!

At 4 May 2015 at 13:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello ajibike and welcome to the blog. Thanks a whole lot for visiting and I hope to retain you as a regular visitor. Welcome to the AskRalph family. We love new member and we serve i'll definitely go see your blog.

At 4 May 2015 at 13:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks anonymous. Even though you are anonymous. your presence is highly appreciated


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