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Friday 1 May 2015

Goodbye April.....Holla at May

    Good morning fam! Hope you are all ready to kick it in full gear into this month.This month no dulling is permitted o! I just thought to let you guys know that one first...Alright moving on...

It's the first day of the month and if you haven't already done this as at yesterday evening then this morning is the perfect time to reflect on last month. It's time to sit down and recollect everything that happened for the past 30 days. It's time to look at the good, the bad and the ugly. It's time to appreciate the good times and toss the bad times away but not before learning a good lesson form them. Remember that every bad experience is an opportunity to learn something new.
     Today I want you to reflect on the past month and point out to yourself, those mistakes that you made. The thing about mistakes is that most times, you will feel that the fact that you have made them once will make you immune to making them again. The truth actually is that if you do not recognize them first of all as mistakes and make conscious effort to find a way to tackle them in the future, then most likely you will make them again. Start today by recognizing and realizing your past errors before you will be able to make moves to fix them.

It's a brand new month and it comes with a fresh new page for you to write your story. So what your story going to be? Is it going to be the same ol' story that your book has held in the past? Or are you going to make adjustments today and start writing a better story for yourself? The choice is all yours, it's all in your power to make the best decision for you. This is the best opportunity to set new goals. This is a good opportunity to start afresh and make sure to stay dedicated to the goals and achievements you set for yourself. If you have been faithful to your goals then you are on the right track, all you need to do is to make sure you do not slack off and if possible set new ones and continue to conquer. Yes! can conquer (positively of cos not starting a world war).

I'll like us to do a little something this morning. This exercise is designed to create a little self awareness for the things that have passed and the things that are coming.  Below you will find four questions and i'll like you to answer them one by one in the comment box below. They are all based on the past month and this new month, so here they are...

  • What did you regret the most in the April?
  • What would you do again in this new month if you had the chance?
  • Did you achieve anything in the past month?
  • What do you hope for in this new month?

As usual i'll go first, so here are my answers
  • Regrets...hmmm....I guess I regret not being able to do more than I already do for people, I regret not being able to reach out to more people that need what I do in this blog and touch them positively through my words/writing.
  • Oh...If I had the opportunity I will party as hard as I did this last month, crazy month I tell ya! I work but I also don't joke with my play. Lol
  • Yes, I kicked off a project and made major advances towards a certain little charity work I've been working on (i'll brief you guys on this later...very exciting I tell ya!)
  • I hope for growth and progress this new month, for every single one of this family, for the blog and for me personally. I also Hope to reach out to more people and offer my help...
Finally I would like to wish every single one of you a very happy new month. I hope your expectations and dreams become a reality this new month. Remember that hope is not enough to actualize those goals. You have to be willing to stress yourself and get up every morning. You have to get uncomfortable today to be comfortable tomorrow. So with that I want to advice every single one of you to sit up this new month. Be prepared for any opportunities that might come your way.

Have a wonderful May 1st, make the best out of it and carry it on through the rest of the month. Happy new month once again.

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At 1 May 2015 at 12:15 , Blogger esit said...

Waddup may. Please be good to me. Then again I have so many may-born friends and not enough money to buy gifts. Uuugh bye may!

At 1 May 2015 at 14:01 , Anonymous haaj said...

Happy new month fam

At 1 May 2015 at 23:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

I have already set my may agenda,not to make the same mistake i made on april as i pray to achieve more greatness and affect the life of people am better than.happy new month guy.......

At 2 May 2015 at 20:14 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralph,why did you MIA all these while???
*sideeyes*,i have refreshed sotey hand begin pain me *sadface*...
Am grateful for April,looking forward to better days in may!


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