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Friday 1 May 2015

May Focus: Chances

   Holla!!!....It's the month of May you awesomely crazy AskRalph family people. I wrote yesterday on how the monthly focuses I write on shouldn't be discarded once the month is over. We should learn how to work on the Monthly focus through the month and make it a part of us so that when the new months focus comes in, we would be used to the past one already. So you all remember that last months focus was on Appreciation. Appreciation of the simple things in life, the finer things that we get so easily, the things supplied to us by nature and by our environment. Those things that we take for-granted because of how easily they come to us. Well I want you all to take a moment and reflect on that...All done?... Promise to stay thankful and appreciative?...Awesome! Then let's step into the new month.

This new Month's Focus is All about CHANCES!....Still don't understand?...Even with the picture above *stares with jaw wide open* nawa 4 una o...Lol. Don't mind me that's fine, follow me so I can explain better...


The month of March is gone and with that we say goodbye to our past mistakes and missed opportunities. This month is all about taking chances. It's about realizing the opportunities that we might have missed due to fear or other reasons that drove us to not take the chances in front of us. This is the month of opening your heart to possibilities. It's time to calculate and make a decision towards those projects that you haven't started at all. It's time to pick up the phone and call in that favor that you have been scared to ask for. It's time to take that trip that you have been planning for a long time. It's time to ask that pretty girl in school or at work that you have been looking at for a while now out to dinner, someone might take her before you o!. It's time to try out something new that you have always wanted to try but have been too scared to do. And It's also time to look out for opportunities that come disguised so you don't miss 'em, does are the tricky ones so eyes peeled and ears alert.

Fear is a very dangerous thing. It is a mental barricade/thief that snatches and blocks any opportunities that might come your way. The worst thing about it is that it isn't even physical, it is simply something that we create on our own.The good news is that just how we create it, we also have the power to destroy it. Fear lives in our mind and eats away at any step we can and should take towards a positive outcome. Now don't you think it's about time you started starving your fears? I mean think of all those opportunities you have missed simply because you were too scared to take a chance. You only live once right? Why not make that once a roller coaster ride. Most of you out there still have the energy in you, I need you to use it for something. Learn to take chances so you can live without fear and regret. Fear makes you feel that any wrong move will leave you with regrets but that's wrong. It's not making a move at all that lives you with regrets. The wrong move simply leaves you with a lesson and you get to cancel one trial of a particular thing out of your list. Do not give in to fear!

I watched an interview about a year or more ago on CNN. I really can't remember very well but the person being interviewed was either a random person or a CNN reporter. I remember she revealing that she had cancer and that it had gone beyond the stage of being cured. When asked if she had any regrets she responded by saying that she had been shot on a war ground, she had done sky diving, done many crazy things and that she has no regrets. She told the interviewer that she had done almost everything that she ever wanted to do and more. I personally could see that fulfillment in her eyes, she was truly satisfied with the life she had lived. Now I wouldn't wish any "gone too soon" news for any of you my readers, however this short story should show you that it's time to start living your life because regardless the clock is ticking and we all eventually run out of time. This is the time... It's time to take chances on the things you want.

Take a chance at life. Take a chance at opportunities. Take a chance at love. Live freely and most importantly live fully.

       "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we didn't have, and the decisions we waited too long to make"  - Unknown

So what will you love to take a chance at?...something new that you have always wanted to do. Let's hear 'em. I still want to go skydiving.



At 1 May 2015 at 12:13 , Blogger esit said...

I wanna skydive too but I'm pretty sure I might shit myself so nah. I dunno how to swim, I'd like to learn but damn this bloody phobia. I'd also like to visit Asia but my bank account laughs at the idea. I'd also like to quit my job because I have no life but that can wait till my marriage to a dangote relative. Yall get free wedding invite. Peace out!

At 1 May 2015 at 13:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey mi lovely blogboo **flicks hair and eyes everyone** Thank you soooo much for the beautiful and supportive email....Grrr...Although **eyes you** I dunno why you won't just support me to clap that girl...**whispering** That's what blogboos do you could even ask me to throw in a lil headbutt!...hehe....Okay...Fear! some point in my life, I was scared of new things...I hated new things cuz I was scared of change mehn. The uncertainty of how long it was gonna be around for.

I think there is one thing I will take a chance at, Skydiving!...I have always wanted to know how that felt.....and maybe........**whispering** I will tell you 'in the moment'..hehe..

**big teddy hug** to mi blogboo...

At 1 May 2015 at 17:52 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Lol, u're complicated! Waiting for d invite.

At 1 May 2015 at 17:54 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Happy new month! No regrets whatsoever, head held high, so many things I wanna do.

At 1 May 2015 at 18:16 , Anonymous Cyndy d gal said...

Lol @ esit!happy New mnt every1

At 1 May 2015 at 18:30 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! Esit you need a chain. Anyways if you score the dangote relative don't forget Ralph. Lol

At 1 May 2015 at 18:34 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya sweet blogbloo...You know if it still comes down to only clapping her then i'll be for you hands down any day. I just don't want you to soil your fingers that's why. Lol.

We can do the skydiving along with esit and brielle anytime. We can then watch esit shit herself, I think that will be fun. Lol

*big hugs teddy hugs* back at cha

At 1 May 2015 at 18:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy new month bro! Wishing you the best this new month

At 1 May 2015 at 23:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy new month Mr Ralph.

At 2 May 2015 at 09:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

Same to you Mr Freeborn

At 2 May 2015 at 09:13 , Blogger Unknown said...

Cyndy! it's been a while, hope you've been good. Happy new month to you

At 2 May 2015 at 13:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

Good one.. Thanks for that, happy new month to you and the fam

At 2 May 2015 at 20:08 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Keep calm,MAY go make sense!!
Happiest new month happy people!!


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