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Monday 18 May 2015

I dare you to get up

Hello and good morning everyone. I think this last weekend has got to be one of the longest weekends I've ever had. Regardless of the fact that I was busy, it still stretched on long enough. First of all I'll like to thank everyone for their warm messages that were sent to me on Saturday via the comments section. I really appreciate all the love and concern. Thank you very much my peoples. The events were very successful and we are just glad and hope for the strength to keep moving on, that's life for you right?

Alright then it's a brand new week and I am not going to be leading you guys in with a mournful heart...nope! I am going to be leading you all in with a dare!

So y'all ready? Alright then let's do this

The only place that you are going to be safe today is on your bed and I am not even 100% sure that you are going to be safe there. I mean, who knows what crazy pilot might decide to crash his aeroplane into your house today, it's not like it has never happened right?Still don't understand what I'm going on about? Alright let me highlight a few more scenarios for you.
     Are you thinking of taking a bath? you realize you might slip and fall and hurt yourself right? Or maybe you plan on going out today to either buy something or go to work? With the number of vehicles that are on the road and with the craziness especially on Monday mornings, do you know the percentage of possibility of having an accident? Be you a pedestrian or a motorist, do you know that you can get seriously hurt? Let's say that by some miracle you finally make it to your work place, do you know that the safest work place has an accident percentage of over 65%? And I know you are not working in a flower shop so your percentage should be much higher.
      I think i'm even going too far, let's talk of the food you will eat this morning. Do you know you could choke on your food? And i'm sure you aren't totally sure of your body's health condition so you aren't sure of the particular nutrient you should be eating or avoiding this morning. You know that excess or lack of any nutrient can cause some serious health issues for you right?
       Also if you mean to go you and head to the hospital to get yourself checked, do you know the number of diseases you could contract from the people walking around outside the safety of your home? Especially from those in the hospital?Do you know how many people die from infections everyday?

Or let's talk about your work place. Do you know the heart ache you will suffer when you don't achieve your goals for the day? Or maybe somehow you feel that these disappointment do not add up? Aren't you tired of being constantly disappointed by your boss at work? You ask for a raise and he/she refuses.
     If you run your own business, don't you think that it might fall one of these days? You realize the smallest miscalculation or neglect could ruin your life right? For all I know, today might be the day your business finally fails. So you should retire while you are still financially okay and leave with your dignity. Better yet stay back at home and don't get up for today. I am really saying this for your own good.

Honestly guys I think you should stay at home today. I mean, today is a Monday, yes I realize that, I am meant to be motivating you guys to get up and go achieve one thing or the other but honestly the world out there is too dangerous. You can't trust what is going to happen the next minute. Failure, hurt, disappointment and so much negativity is everywhere. You will be better off just staying on your bed today. Trust me on this one...
And at this point, if you aren't even seeing the tiniest possibility of you surviving today or willing to even try regardless of what I have said then I doubt you are ready for today, you should just Go back to bed!
     However if you feel you are ready then I DARE YOU TO GET UP. I dare you to get up and take the risks that life presents you everyday. I dare you to go out and face the dangers of life and yet come out successful.
       You have to realize that every single thing you do in your life has a risk involved. Even the air you breathe to stay alive is risky and you could contaminate something harmful but will you stop breathing? I guess not. So if you can take that risk to stay alive then why not take other risks and keep pushing forward in your life. What is the point of staying alive without risking anything, without making any new move and without a little self challenge. You would just be existing and trust me, you want to be living and not existing. What is your fear? Why are you scared? Why are you reluctant? I don't see any sense in you sitting and trying to play it safe. How else are you going to grow or become a better person. If you are scared of failure then I have to tell you now that the scars of disappointments and let downs are not symbols of shame...not at all! Instead they are a symbol that  show that you have learnt something and that you are willing to take risks in life. They should be your motivation. You should be proud of them.

If you are scared then fine, stay in bed and don't achieve anything, I can't promise you are going to be safe but you will be safer than those who go out today. But if you feel you are going to survive today regardless of everything that I have shown you that could possibly go wrong today....then I dare you to get up!

On the comments section I want you to write something that you would dare to do today. I'll go first.

I dare to risk failure in order to achieve success today.

Now it's your turn....Good morning fam!



At 18 May 2015 at 08:48 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Top of the morning blogfam!!!...
Life itself is risky and only the tough people gets by,i dare to go beyond my limit to achieve my set goals for today,so help me God!

At 18 May 2015 at 09:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy new week guy' s.
As for what i we dare to do today. Avoiding mediocrity.i don't know about you,but one of the things i'm afraid most in life is mediocrity.
Life is too precious today to be lived in mediocrity.
Unfortunately,many people are traped in mediocrity .i believe one of the reasons is they do not dare to be different.i need to be different today if i want to be if i want to be above the average.

At 18 May 2015 at 09:56 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Oh my, thank God i've left home before reading this post, I might just go and hide somewhere, this is scary, this world is just too complicated but then we gotta do what we gotta do...I dare to give my all in all I do today and hope everything turns out well.

At 18 May 2015 at 10:31 , Blogger esit said...

My dare doesn't even sound as deep as yours. But I dare to have breakfast before heading to work. Yes, BREAKFAST! I rush out at 6am to work to review my patients just in time for my consultants to just stroll in and then shout at you for missing a diagnosis like the terrorists they are and work goes downhill from there. It's all running around till I get home at 11pm only to realise I didn't eat the whole day. Life is too short to be going hungry & looking skinny. So from now on, pounded yam kinna BREAKFAST! I would say I dare to talk back at my residents too but I'm not tryna get fired. Nuh uh!

At 19 May 2015 at 09:29 , Blogger Unknown said...

Yeap...breakfast is good. So did yo later get to eat? lol. Esit don't starve yourself, I hope you at least get the time to eat something during the day.

At 19 May 2015 at 09:30 , Blogger Unknown said...

hahahaha....sorry for the scare sodiq. Don't worry i'm sure you made it safely through the day and don't worry, other days will come and go safely also

At 19 May 2015 at 09:32 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice one Mr freeborn. Aim higher than mediocrity so even if you don't get to your target, you won't fall to nothing. Keep up the hussle

At 19 May 2015 at 09:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

That is a lovely dare thelma, now it's time to get up and go for it. It's time to go and achieve those goals that you have set for yourself. Never give up!

At 19 May 2015 at 10:07 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

#steps into the building#
*searching around for mr ralph*
*shouting at the top of my lungs*
*Mr ralph,where are you!!!!!!!!*
My body aches all over cos i was tryna be a Bosslady yesterday in order to achieve my set goals,...oooooppppssssssss,thanks for the push buh i guess i went overboard with it..
#going back to nurse my aching body#


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