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Monday 11 May 2015

Happy new Opportunities

Hol up...Hol up, hol up... we dem boyz! Don't know why but that song has been on repeat in my head for a couple of days now. Guess it has something to do with a particular mood in the bar the other night and the song being played at that particular time. It kinda got stuck in my head since then.
     Anyway Good morning and a happy Monday to you AskRalph family memebrs, bv's and first time visitors. Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was mixed with work and fun but generally it was wonderful. This mornings post is just a random reminder on different things mixed with a little inspiration. So you guys ready? Alright then...

First of all I'll like to remind everyone of the months focus and tell the new comers of our monthly focus. It is designed to help us build ourselves to become better as the months pass by. You see every month we pick a particular Focus and we work on ourselves to improve that area of our life. This months focus is on CHANCES. This month is about taking advantage of chances you are given in life. Being able to recognize them and to use them for something positive, productive and beneficial to you or people around you. It's also about being open to new things and taking a chance at new things in life. Trying out new things can take you away from your comfort zone an can be seen as a risk, however this is a risk that is worth taking. No body ever discovered greatness from his/her comfort zone, you have to be willing to take that risk.
    It's Monday and the first working day of the week. Opportunities are knocking on your door but you have to get up and go open that door. If you don't hear them knocking then take a step outside and go look for them by yourself. The fact is that their are chances and opportunities waiting to be exploited by you, you just have to put in some effort on your own side. There are billions upon billions of chances out there for you. Train your mind to recognize them, train your heart to accept them and train your body to work towards them.

I want to also remind you guys about the months poll. The topic is on Who gets to choose the number of babies that will be born into a marriage but only IF ONE PERSON HAD TO CHOOSE. You can see the original post when you CLICK THIS LINK. As usual you can read up on the post on that link and drop your comment and contribute to the poll. It is on the left side of the blog and you won't be able to see it if you are viewing the blog through a mobile device so try to look via a PC. So far just 5 people have been able to vote and 3 voted for men, meaning that so far, it is the men that should choose the number of babies to be born into a marriage, however it isn't the final conclusion, we still have about 19 or 20 days left to vote.
      Remember that these polls do not mean that this is the way that things should be done in your relationship or marriage. It's just a fun and educative interactive 'set up'. So if the way things are in your marriage right now is working out just fine for you then please stick to it. This poll isn't meant to cause a quarrel or misunderstanding in relationships. As a matter of fact I strongly stand for most decisions being made by both parties in the relationship. This particular poll is just designed for fun.

Finally i'll like to thank everyone again for participating on the blog. My loyal fans and subs, the new bv's and the old ones, i'm really thankful and grateful to have you all here.

Ralph wishes you all an opportunity filled week. Jah bless!



At 11 May 2015 at 09:49 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Way to go!!!!!
Ave been refreshing this blog like kilode *puppyFace*.......wishing us all a blessed week!!

At 11 May 2015 at 10:29 , Blogger Unknown said...

I one's again commend you Mr Ralph for your support and energistic helpfulness and enlightened arcticle about opportunities.many of us don't know what is opportunity?that is why it comes and go an we keep on waiting for it as the jew are still waiting for christ why he has come an go.
There is far more opportunity than there is ability.
At times we have to go out there an look for opportunity,i believe weakness an laziness is another enemy of opportunity we have to let it go.

At 11 May 2015 at 11:22 , Blogger Unknown said...

Have a lovely week Ralph
Nice read

At 11 May 2015 at 14:25 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Mr. Ralph, did u go on sabbatical??? No one has ever found success in their comfort zone, true talk, it's all going to make sense one day.

At 11 May 2015 at 17:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey blog boo!! So quick question Papi, is it weird that every time I get on this space I'm short of words and I keep nodding my head? I mean, it's starting to freak me out...**grumbles to self** dunno I loved this dude that much that he could do no wrong by me... Grrrr... So I agree with everything you wrote papi... And besides everything thing in life is a risk and some risks are very worth it too... I voted in the poll... **whispering** it should be the woman lah...muah!

At 11 May 2015 at 18:05 , Blogger esit said...

Among these billions and billions of chances out there waiting to be exploited by me, that door waiting to be knocked on, I hope a job that pays in 7 figures is out there waiting for me but who am I kidding, ain't no doctor salary paying as much but still, trusting in our good lord to give me better chances. And you're welcome Ralph. Loyal fans tho? You feeling yourself ain't ya? Lol!

At 12 May 2015 at 22:47 , Anonymous Solomon Oluwatobi said...

Nice work Mr Ralph...

At 13 May 2015 at 08:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

lol @ puppy face. Thelma you don't want anybody to see your back in this top comments

At 13 May 2015 at 08:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Mr freeborn

At 13 May 2015 at 08:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks ajibike and have a positive week ahead full of possibilities

At 13 May 2015 at 08:51 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Mr sodiq, yeso! I went for sabbatical leave. I do that very often in order to explore my world and gain enough inspiration to inspire

At 13 May 2015 at 09:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya blog boo. Lol. I guess we agree on most things that's why. But then again blogboos are meant to agree on most things right? Thanks for the participation in the polls. I can see the ladies gained an extra vote. lol... SO what is your reason for your choice of ladies being the ones to choose?

At 13 May 2015 at 09:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. I didn't even notice that I used "loyal fans" on the post. I haven't even started and i'm talking of fans. It just slipped out of my fingers unknowingly. No arrogance intended...SO...whats up doc?..hehe been meaning to say that for a while now

At 13 May 2015 at 09:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you Mr Solomon and thanks for visiting the blog. Feel free to participate in the family discussion. We are happy to have you.


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