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Saturday 2 May 2015

7 months?... Gone?!

 Good morning y'all! How are you all settling into the new month. I am looking to hear some great news from you guys very soon. Remember our accomplishments section is still here so feel free to write to me and i'll put it up for you. It's free!

Ooookaaay then....We have two great news today! First of all, today is the date for the most anticipated boxing match of recent times. I mean at their weighing in alone was the first time that tickets was sold at a weighing in. 11,500 people showed up for that alone. The fight tonight is going to be something else.
      Today is the day that Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao take on each other to prove who the best actually is. We don't care what their past records might have been. How many wins, losses or draws that each of them might have had in the past. Whoever wins today is the world best. Honestly as a big boxing fan I do not know who to go for. I am leaning more towards Floyd but i'm still confused. We all know Floyd is very good and has presently never lost any fight in his career but Pacquiao is ready to surprise anyone at any time. The speed and rhythm on that guy is something else. So are there any boxing fans in the family? Who are you supporting today?

Then the second news is...guess....I said guess! I know none of you guessed it right (shame on all o you) apart from my blogboo +Erniesha Tibs of I am just as guilty though because I wouldn't have remembered if not that my blogboo brought it to my attention....Well, today is my 7th month blog anniversary. Yeap...the blog is already 7 months old and well on it's way to a one year anniversary.  You need me to rephrase that?...fine...7 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby and named her Askralphblog and today she has turned 7 months old, now how awesome is that!
     I've gotta say it wouldn't have been easy without knowing that every single one of you has been here for me showing your love, support, participation and care. To those that have written to me for help, I really hope I was able to help you out with my words and be rest assured i'll keep improving myself to be able to help out more and more. I really appreciate all of you from esit , +freeborn zina , brielle, mimi, +Amaka Hundeyin , +The Other Woman In Marriage , +thelma enemuwe , +Erniesha Tibs *blows kisses*, Toni Tones A.k.a the mavinbot, +Ego Abili  +Omogbolahan sodiq , +rauzy thundra , Cyndy d gal, all the anonymous contributors and every single person that has viewed this blog. You guys are just too much abeg. I comot cap for una. lol. Seriously I appreciate every single one of you . Even if your name isn't here it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you, I really do so please forgive the omission. We are still very young and we have accomplished a whole lot more than I expected to under a year at the blog. I remain very grateful for that.  I think for 7 months I deserve a bottle of Heineken don't you guys agree? Lol.

I'm most likely going to escape from work early today then sit in front of my TV all day and all night waiting for this fight. My boss is going to have my neck but it's a new month. It's a fresh beginning, all my old sins should be forgiven and forgotten. It's time for new ones. Lol

So Who are you going to be rooting for?....What's it going to be for you? Maywheather or Pacquiao?

Morning again peeps!



At 2 May 2015 at 10:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

What a great accomplishment Mr are one in a million and on your way to stardom sky is just your starting point congreat@7months ibari gwagana.Mr Ralph there is some thing i we like you to consider in this vast blog to keep it hot an lifely as it alway's be,i've being following this blog right from day 1 when i saw it in ladun liadi's blog.whoooooping with enthusiasm as an enthusiast guy am optimistic of how great this blog we be in future.just 7month it look's as if it's a year plus.with a great joy in my heart an smile in my face an 3 bottle's of langwusha'S wine i advice you guys to be more serious,commited and dedicated to this blog am not pessimistic rather am hopeful pollyanna and optimistic of the greater glory waiting for AskRalph blogspot. Guy'S chill.
As for boxing match of recent time's floyd mayweather is still and must surely be my boxing hero am too dedicated to his boxing career.did i hear you Mr Ralph say's you deserve a bottle of heineken why not 4 loi,or go for origin drink because you are original and special an ginger your swag shark your eyes as oba Akiolu of lagos did before warning ibo's in lagos loi.
Mr Ralp i go for mayweather because his just undefeated and as a five division world champion,having won ten world title's an the lineal championship in four different weight classes.right from 1998 and 2007,winning (BWAA)fighter of the year award in 2007 and the best fighter ESPY award in 2007,2008,2010,2012,2013,and 2014. Manny pacquiao is great and superior sha but i go for mayweather.

At 2 May 2015 at 10:48 , Blogger esit said...

In another life I'd be a boxer. How the hell do these boxers earn $138,000 dollars per minute. They're like gods amongst us men. But yea, floyd money mayweather and his arrogance can take home the crown tonight. Or is it belt? What do these boxers take home? Congrats on 7 months!

At 2 May 2015 at 10:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

What a lucky one Ralph!just that my blog is too dull and athenic?i did'nt saw my name in the post Ralph.

At 2 May 2015 at 11:03 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

It's not easy mhen, happy monthiversary, for the boxing game, i'll just pass, not exactly a fan of boxing, I watch wrestling once in while tho'

At 2 May 2015 at 12:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

freebon womanizer.

At 2 May 2015 at 12:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you a boy or girl.

At 2 May 2015 at 13:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats Mr Ralph, more grease to your elbows

At 2 May 2015 at 13:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2 May 2015 at 13:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2 May 2015 at 16:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats Papi...I am so proud of you and really gladly I met you on this space...Big source of inspiration you are to me Papi...Thank you for being the best blogboo there is...**blows lots of kisses**

At 2 May 2015 at 19:46 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Moral high!!!!
Hahahahah,congrats mr ralph..
Erm for the boxing,av got notin 2 say cos i delike boxing with passion!!*wink*

At 3 May 2015 at 10:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

Mr Ralph am sure you're celebrating with me as floyd mayweather won manny pacquiao@last.

At 3 May 2015 at 16:40 , Blogger Zamani said...

Hey congratulations and a warm blog you have got here... Ok bye

At 8 May 2015 at 13:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

hmmmmmmmm, Funny


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