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Thursday 3 December 2015

Monthly Focus: A Giving Heart

      Hello and good morning everyone, hope you all had a wonderful night. I woke up this morning and my usually oily and bright face felt very dry. I rushed to get ready for work because I kind of slept late due to some extra work I had to do. When I got out of the house to get into my car I discovered why my face felt as dry as it did. The air was filled with thick fog and it only meant one thing, The Harmattan was here to claim it's territory. Well apart from the fog in the air there was something else out there that I noticed, it took me a while to notice but after a while I caught it, it was a scent in the dry breeze. You know that smell of Christmas that gives you the nostalgic feeling of what true Christmas is meant to be like. You know the type that reminds you of how it used to be when you were younger? Yes! Exactly that scent was what I caught in the air. Everyone has been announcing how close Christmas is but it was just this morning I truly felt and perceived the season.

Now it's the holiday season. A lot is going to be happening this period. A lot of events, occasions, unions and reunions. You are going to meet with old friends and you are going to meet new friends. A lot of drinking, eating, partying, fun, outing and many more is going to go down this season. Now it isn't bad for you to go out there and participate in the festive seasons however you or the people around you choose to celebrate it this year but I want you to also remember something. I need you to do something this Xmas season. You see one thing that the nostalgic feeling that I caught in the air reminded me of is that Xmas is a season of giving. So that's what we are going to focus on this month...

I want to urge you all to give this month. Give to your friends, give to your family, give to your relations, give to your lover or lovers (lol). Give to yourself and give to your enemies. However most importantly, I want you to also give to those who truly need it. Take a trip to the motherless babies home and give a little. Give to the homeless and give to anyone who isn't able to enjoy the luxury of a descent meal, cloth or shelter.

Finally I want to give you all a challenge this season. Most times we hear people say that "you should give so that you will receive". I personally think  that this is very wrong. I do not believe that we should give in order to receive, No! that clause "so that" ruins it all for me. I believe that if you must give you should give simply because you just want to give and not because you are expecting a favor from God or the person in return. Expectations like that kill the spirit of giving when nothing comes back to you in return and most times when the favor does come back to you it doesn't meet up to your expectations so you fail to realize that you have reaped what you sowed. So my challenge for you all this Xmas season is that you Give.... Give.....and Give..... Do not do it because you want something in return, do not do it to impress anybody, do not do it to win an award or appear in the news. Do it quietly and out of the sincerity of your heart with no extra expectation attached.

Have a lovely Month everyone....!



At 3 December 2015 at 11:40 , Blogger esit said...

You're on a roll this week. Who appeased the blogger gods for ralph to bless us with 2 posts in one week?
Happy new month.
And it's a lie o. Give so that you'll receive. When we're not father Christmas. Lol jk.
Season's greetings fam x

At 3 December 2015 at 12:36 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Yes oo it's a month of giving......

At 3 December 2015 at 12:38 , Anonymous #bringiton said...

Xmas is truly in the air!! Hamathan has started in full force......

So Mr Ralph what are you giving us for Xmas? Any giveaway???????????????

At 3 December 2015 at 17:09 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Lol... leave Ralph oooo...
Aw u doin babes??

At 3 December 2015 at 17:10 , Blogger Anu Funke said...


At 3 December 2015 at 22:21 , Blogger esit said...

Lol I will not leave our daddy.
I'm good my love. You good?

At 4 December 2015 at 08:51 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Yaas, christmas is here again, i was really looking forward to the season, so many places i wanna go to. I think the season itself is about giving, so we're on the right track. Happy new month y'all.

At 4 December 2015 at 09:02 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lool! Esit we might have to set up a boxing ring to deal with this thing once and for all. lol.
By the way what are you giving me this xmas?

At 4 December 2015 at 09:13 , Blogger Unknown said... put my self in trouble by myself or not to put myself in trouble by myself...that is the

At 4 December 2015 at 12:52 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Oga Ralph abeg oya ansa #bringiton ooooo!!.Kikikiki

At 7 December 2015 at 21:07 , Anonymous Brielle said...

ralph they say charity begins @ home, u have two options, either you put urself in trouble by urself or esit, bringiton and the rest of the gang will do it 4 seasons greetings blog fam!!!

At 10 December 2015 at 20:36 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I love the feeling Xmas brings
Yummy yummy yummy
Hop up hop up
Remembering those good old days wen we'd make Xmas hair and tie it with scarft cos we don't want our friends seeing our hair do till dec 25th.....lolzzxx


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