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Sunday 31 May 2015

Morning Coffee

Good morning Everyboy. I hope you guys are having the fun you deserve just as I told you guys yesterday. Remember it's the last day of the month and the last day of the weekend. You wouldn't wan to miss out on all the fun today. By tomorrow you would start all the hustle afresh so just do this now, have all the fun and go into the new month knowing that you ended this month in style.

  I don't usually post on Sundays but +Anu Funke made a good suggestion the other day on something that I did in the past before I started to get steady comments from a couple of you so I think I'll re-introduce it again. Secondly I'll like to discuss a matter that has been going on for a while now even though you guys only noticed it recently. As a matter of fact I think i'll address that first.

So let's do this..

First of all I want to say that  Ralph and AskRalph blog does not stand with any religion, race, country, gender or any sort of classification at all. We accept any and everybody no matter your background or origin. We do not segregate and it is one of the things I stand against as an individual. If I had an option to choose between the religion, race or any other category that this blog was meant for I would instead close down the blog and walk away. It wouldn't be quitting, it would be the best thing to do. I'll say it again, Ralph and AskRalph blog stands for no sort of segregation based on any category of a person or thing. This blog is meant to build people as individuals not destroy them. It is supposed to bring people together and encourage unity not encourage enmity and hatred.
Yesterday someone sent in a comment among a couple of other comments from other bv's and I approved it. I got emails and BBM messages saying that it was wrong of me and I quickly went back to read through and delete it. You all know how my weekends are at the office, I get very busy. I didn't read through those comments before posting them and they came in with other peoples comments so I marked all and approved all at once with the intention of reading through and replying each one later on. You can imagine my shock when the emails and notifications started coming in telling me of what happened and how I should be more careful. I want to apologize to everybody and specially to Mr Freeborn, I didn't let that comment in on purpose. I admit that I am hoping for increased participation and comments from readers to give me the encouragement I need but I am not that desperate to go against everything I stand for. It would be better to walk away from this whole blog than to stand and encourage this sort of thing all in the name of having a number of comment counts. To those who wrote to me saying that it was what I was doing, I am sorry you feel that way but that isn't me at all. To every other person that is reading this, I am very sorry for the mistake

To the Anonymous person dropping the comments. I really love your presence and the fact that you are reading my blog. However please read through your comments before posting them. I appreciate you being a member of the family but family wouldn't act like this towards family. I want to leave this here, hoping everyone understands this short message. Please, let's build unity, you are allowed to disagree with a persons opinion or comment, even with my own advice or opinion just as sodiq did yesterday by writing to me (by the way +Omogbolahan sodiq, you are allowed to post that suggestion on the last Dear Ralph, so she sees it) but hatred just takes things to a whole 'nother level.  Please Mr Anonymous and every other person, let's not destroy what we have.

Secondly, this one is actually really simple. Thanks to Anu Funke I have decided to bring this back. Today is the last day of May 2015 and there will never be a May 2015 ever again on this earth or else someone decides to reset the calendar and start from year 1 again. Lol. The plan is to take your time right before you step into the new month and do a little reflection. Look at all the good, all the bad, all the new experiences, the laughter, cries, new love, heartbreak and everything. Look back at your decisions and their outcomes. This will help you calculate the best way to carry on with next month and everything that it might throw towards you. This is all a form of preparation for what comes next. No one knows what might happen tomorrow or what the new page that would be given to us by next month would look like. It however doesn't hurt to be a little prepared right?

So at the end of this post I want you to write the things you are thankful for and the things you regret and hope never to experience in the coming month. Your achievements and mistakes. Just generally write them out to drop the bad ones and carry on with the good ones.

I have spent so much time on this morning coffee that the drink has gone cold. Lol. Good afternoon fam.

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At 31 May 2015 at 15:19 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Good afternoon Ralph, it's good that u addressed the situation, I just think those are some of the things u get when you have a family of random people, I just hope everyone gets to live and let live...i'm happy and thankful for so many things in d month of may, I have very few regrets too tho', i'm thankful for life, for family, for friends for academics and for everyone that gets to read this comment, there's a habit that i've been trying to drop but I went back to it in this month of may so i'll say that's my only regret! Happy new month in advance fam!

At 31 May 2015 at 16:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the input sodiq...This habit of yours, I wonder what it is, you can write to me so we can discuss it further and let me see if I can help you out a little bit. Not everything ends up on the blog so you don't have to worry and even if you want it on the blog i'll be willing to change your name to a random name. Hit me up if you wish to talk

At 31 May 2015 at 17:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am well convinced beyond doubt that this evil anonymous reigning as ebola here is one of the guy's even getting tired of all this mess,who know's who might be the next,thou am phisically and spiritually powerful daughter of yoruba Goddess in akure land!!!

At 31 May 2015 at 17:05 , Anonymous Laila said...

Say's laila freeborn am solidly behind you!!!

At 31 May 2015 at 17:20 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Thank God all is well now...
Am thankful for life..
For gud health,
For peace of mind..
For my family,friends..
For my future..
For this blogfam..

I regret ever allowing my emotions get the best of me last night,i got so angry which is so unlike me,anyway,ave been keeping quiet and acting deaf to the happenings in d compound am in,but unfortunately,i exploded cos i was sick and tired of peeps taking my silence as weakness,had 2 put them in their place biko, far so gud,dats the only regret for me...
Mr Freeborn,hw are you doing?

At 31 May 2015 at 18:22 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Thanx for the offer Ralph, i'll put into consideration.

At 31 May 2015 at 18:41 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Am tankful for my life and dat of my husband and Lil baby. Am tankful for the type of loving parents I av. Any regrets? ?? Naaa!! None at all

At 31 May 2015 at 18:45 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ralph tanks for addressing dat issue. It wasn't a nyc comment at all. Going forward Ralph abeg take tym in proofreading comments b4 approving dem to avoid such in future.
@Freeborn pls ooo dnt stop commenting here , dnt let any comment derail u.
Happy Sunday blog fam

At 31 May 2015 at 18:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am tankful for alot of thinz but recently I started regretting y I made pressure push me into marrying cos rili I feel I dint marry who am supposed to. Most tym I just sit and think about my mates wu aren't married n even older ones and they look happy even IF dey might not be happy in d real sense. I wish I was still working. I regret giving up almst everything to a man wu doesn't seem to appreciate dem. I regret I dint learn d vocation I wanted to b4 getting married and now i cnt cos I av a kid. I just wish I could turn back d hands of time and undo alot of things. Am just sticking my head here and praying tins get better. Hopefully get a job and start my life again cos now it's like am a shadow of mysef. Am just happy dat I have good and caring siblings who I can always turn to. And my mum is my pillar shez d one Keeping me going cos at a tym I was at d verge of running away from home.
My advice to d unmarried ones....Pls biko e jor! !! Don't let pressure drive u into settling for wat u might not be happy with. Enjoy ur independence now cos ud crave for it once ure married.

At 31 May 2015 at 21:39 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Dear anonymous, whatever it is u're going through in your marriage shall pass, just be strong and pray! Everything is going to be alright, much love!

At 31 May 2015 at 23:31 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

@Annon,don't worry,Jesus is gonna fix it for you,just keep telling Him till your joy is z well with you!!....

At 1 June 2015 at 08:19 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ralph I think our dear anon nids some councelling.
@ anonymous plzz just hold on and don't tink of giving up. U can always send a private msg to Ralph if u nid sum1 to talk to.

At 1 June 2015 at 08:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Anonymous,

I a really sorry to hear what you are going through. Marriage isn't easy when you are with the right person then talk more of when you are with the wrong person. However I want you to know that all hope isn't lost yet. Things can still turn around, I am sure you aren't up to 40 years so even though you have a kid, you still have the advantage of youth. The mistake has been made so I would ask that you don't beat yourself up about it. I think you should involve your parents in what you are going through and have them know how you feel about the marriage. Sitting down in a marriage where you aren't happy is quite dangerous and could be damaging to your psychological health. I think you need to address these issues with your husband but if you have tried and he doesn't listen then I think it's time to talk to your parents and his if possible. I want to let you know that it is still possible to learn any trade that you wish to learn, it's just a matter of time and some extra effort. You have to plan your everyday program well. Know when you have to go to the place you will be doing the learning, when your kid will go to school or if you will leave the child with a helper, when you will come back and carry out your duties at home, just plan your everyday program. If you maintain a mindset of "I won't be able to cope" then you will not cope. However if you believe you can and at least give it a try, you might not end up where you want but you would see a difference. You need that job and hand work to get your mind off things.

If you aren't happy where you are then you have to make a decision to speak to your husband. You also have a decision to make for yourself. To stay and be miserable, to work things out and give the marriage a chance to succeed or fail then finally if you want to walk out permanently or briefly till you both know where you are. Think of the best thing for yourself and your kid. I know you might be scared of your child growing up in a single parent home. However you need to consider between the child growing up in that environment or in one where his/her parents aren't in peace. For me, i'll say the priority should be the child growing up in an environment that is physically, socially, mentally and generally healthy.

The family is here for you, everyone is here for you, I am here for you. You can write to me anytime or add me up on any of the social medias I have provided on my contact page. I will do the best I can for you from where I am. Just take things easy and keep working hard. Things are going to get better. You are going to smile, you just have to believe it and work towards it.

Take care dear.

At 1 June 2015 at 08:53 , Blogger Unknown said...

couldn't proof read because I was typing in a comment box. Sorry for the constant *gbagaun*. Lol

At 1 June 2015 at 09:30 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralphie,gbagans is allowed biko...lolzzzz

At 1 June 2015 at 10:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My parents know about it though I don't give them details cos no parent will b happy knowing the child isn't happy in her matrimonial home. Not like he's out rightly bad he sure has his good sides but wen d bad comes to play it totally overshadows d good.
Of cos I talk to him n let him know how I feel but doesn't rili hold water to him. He loves his child no doubt but dts not enuff for me. In fact I jst cried my eyes out b4 opening this post to see your reply. I told my mum if I can no longer bear it I'd take a wall and she sed God forbid. .lol. I don't even have frnds here because I relocated am just a lone ranger.
Tanx Ralph family for ur advice I appreciate u all. I'd just kip praying and hoping tins get better I just hope I don't end up cheating!!


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