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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Tuesday Tip: Get a coach

This could be the difference between giving up and pushing your limit. You will want to read this particular Tip

I was at the stadium in my town about 2 years ago. My routine that day involved me running "steps". Now this is some serious lower body workout and the endurance requirement is quite high. Running steps means this....

     Picture a stadium, or better yet look at that picture above this write up. In between a couple of rows of seats, there is a long step that runs from the ground to the very top of the stadium, like the very top most top (if there is such a word). Now running steps is starting from the ground and running up the stairs one by one (not skipping a step or two with bolder lunges as you make your way up) until you reach that top of the stadium. The way I was doing it that day was like this... I'll take one straight line of stairs and run up to the very top, when I get there i'll jog to the left till I meet another set of stairs, i'll take those ones all the way down, jog to the left again till I meet another set of stairs then go all the way to the top again and continue like that. I did this till I met the gate of the stadium then turned around and did the same thing while making my way back to the beginning.

Now while I was doing this suicide mission that I call a workout, I had my coach with me and even before I started, when he told me what I was going to do that day I thought I couldn't complete it. However his presence alone and him constantly pushing me helped me to complete the workout. That same day there was another man that was there in the stadium doing exactly the same thing and he didn't get through the first half of the whole workout before he sat down halfway on one of the stairs and was panting. This man on a normal day would appear more physically fit than I am. He would endure far more than I would. So what was the difference? Why was I lasting more than him? It was the presence of an extra person giving me some motivation and an occasional distraction disguised as discussions. The difference was the presence of a coach.

Once in a while, it is important to get a coach that would help you out and act as your worst nightmare or your personal cheerleader depending on his/her method of training. Most people might see it as a waste of money or time. But if you try to learn everything in life on your own and without the help of a professional then you wouldn't might not it very far on your own. You are going to either give up before you should, or live with a false mentality that you are doing your best or that you are very good at what you are doing when you can be even better or pushing harder than you are.

Remember that a coach isn't there only for the days that you personally want to workout. The coach should help you set your workout routine and calendar. Involve the person in your life program and have them act as a reminder for your workout sessions. Naturally no body likes to hurt themselves so ones the pain of workout kicks in, you will find yourself holding back but a coach will help you push past that barrier that pain creates. Just like after the pain of workout kicks in after the first day, you might need the help of a coach to get you through the second days workout. Most people tend to give up right after the pain of that first day.

Finally remember that it still all comes down to you. As they say, you can drag a horse to the stream but if it has no desire to wet it's mouth then you are wasting your time. The coach can do all he/she can for you but you still have to decide to listen to them and take their instructions seriously.

That's it for Today's Tuesday Tip. Get a coach today, a good one that is your kind of person, someone that you will willingly listen to and you will see the difference in your workout. Try it out.

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At 26 May 2015 at 16:14 , Blogger Unknown said...

I love it ,at times some guy's we ask them self's what's the essence of having a coach without knowing that without a coach all you are doing is but noting.
If not the help of coach i we not be were i am today,now lets talk about football do we think that keshi is just there wasting NOP in every terms of life coach is needed.without a coach every thing we be messmerize so the are there to lead as we obey them.another word of coach is counselor or mentor so the are there to instruct us on what to do to avoid error.
You might think you are doing it well it take's only intervention of coach to tell you is err.

At 26 May 2015 at 17:29 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

So true,an extra little push can make a whole lot of difference!

At 26 May 2015 at 20:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

**waves** Hey mi darlin' blogboo...**flicks hair** I will have you know that I got me a trainer or a coach...and the bloody routine carved out for me???? **shakes head** I registered in the gym and with her so I could work out, I do not intend to die anytime soon, so I have decided to either sit at home and get fat or just keep going to the condo gym like I have been doing.....Papi, I refused to be be bothered mehn...

How's you doing dear?

At 26 May 2015 at 20:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

is't possible to have a male coach,avoid..........

At 27 May 2015 at 01:59 , Anonymous Brielle said...

Ralph maybe you could hook me up with a coach...because my workouts doesn't seem to be paying off

At 27 May 2015 at 03:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

My stomach is the only problem I have. I wish it will be flat

At 27 May 2015 at 07:56 , Blogger esit said...

Ralph pls allow yourself to be used by the lord & come & coach me. Let's get Esit some abs!

At 27 May 2015 at 13:39 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Getting a coach ain't bad...but I don't nid one for my squats naa!!

At 27 May 2015 at 16:09 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Lmao, I was going to say this.

At 28 May 2015 at 09:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nah you don't need a coach for your squats, you only need them for more rigorous exercises sessions when you have to push very hard. The person can then schedule squats for you in between those sessions. It's good to squat but don't neglect other kinds of workout

At 28 May 2015 at 10:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! The both of you are not well. Anyway esit you wouldn't be able to survive it if I was to coach you. You will either run or simply refuse to do what I tell you to do. Lol

At 28 May 2015 at 10:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

You need some good cardio first of all, think of skipping, running, jumping and jogging to reduce the fat very well. Think more of protein foods and less cabs. Do not eat later than 6 p.m. After you loose the necessary weight around your stomach then only then should you use sit ups and crunches to tighten those muscles. Hard work and dedication is all you need.

At 28 May 2015 at 10:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya brielle, that would be lovely, just tell me your location and i'll look for someone for you. Just make sure you work out for a period of 2 months without taking more than a day off in a week or maybe 2. You will see results trust me

At 28 May 2015 at 10:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's very possible amaka. You just have to be careful and set some boundaries.

At 28 May 2015 at 11:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello hun, my very own blog boo. Lool. I know that feeling when you just do not care about the benefits of the workout anymore. It almost seems like you are going to the gym to suffer than to workout. long as you are okay that's the most important thing. we still love you no matter your body type.


At 28 May 2015 at 12:27 , Blogger esit said...

Oh gosh i really need to be checking up on old posts & their replies. Maybe sodiq will be a better option since ralph is the Coach Godzilla!

At 28 May 2015 at 12:40 , Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha...i'm not that horrible o! I'll just make you work till you puke...nothing more


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