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Friday 29 May 2015

Morning Coffee

First of all I still haven't concluded on the name to give this so just give me a little time and +thelma enemuwe+esit  and +Omogbolahan sodiq good job so far with the suggestions. I really appreciate them and they are all really good ideas. If you guys have any more ideas let me know, although I have to admit that the Morning Coffee thing is beginning to stick but for some reason it just doesn't quite suit me. Might just swing with it at the end though....

Let's rant a little

First things first! Who is pumped about the change of power? Today is the hand over and I don't think Nigeria has been this excited since the country swapped from a Military rule to a Civilian rule. For some reason I today just seems like a Saturday, guess it's cos of the public holiday that was declared. So what do you guys think about the 'change' that is coming? Do you trust it? Do you really feel it's going to be as effective as they claim it would be? I mean I am not big on politics and all  but regardless of the fact that everyone feels this is going to be a good rule I still am really concerned for the country. I guess we have no choice but to hope and wait. Although I have one question that has been bugging my mind....when will the youths finally get to lead the tomorrow that they were promised years ago. It seems like the power keeps circulating around the same people. Oh well...that's politics for you. We usher the new government in with high hopes for the future. So what will you want from the new government? What do you see as the most urgent matter for the new government to tackle. If you were in power, what will be the first issue in the country that you will handle? Let's get your opinions. For me I'll say the Terrorists should be handled then the corruption but in a way I feel that it was the corruption that gave birth to the Terrorism. Just my thoughts though.

Anyway enough of  all that serious talk, It's Friday! So who and who is getting their TGIF on today? I think i'll go out with the guys in the office, it's been a while we did that. Our adventures always end with stories in take away packs overflowing for us. You see why I always tell you guys to go out and explore the world? Do new things and just start living your life. You only get one chance as far as we know so make the best out of it. Celebrate the Hand over today regardless of the Political party you are supporting. Go out and have a little fun, loosen up. It's the Freaking weekend.

Cheers to the Freaking weekend! And you can be sure as hell that i'll be drinking to that.  +esit  that isn't a 2007 rihanna song! It's more recent than that. I'm not that ancient now am I? *sticks tongue out*. Lol

Have a lovely weekend guys!

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At 29 May 2015 at 11:04 , Blogger esit said...

I'm so proud of you for knowing more recent rihanna songs. I know you went and researched the hell out of her!
I think the people of Nigeria need to understand that neither Buhari nor Osinbajo & all the people of the incoming government are magicians. We need to apply wisdom & pray for them. And be patient. The corruption has eaten deep into the heart of the country and left it shrivelled that only the divine intervention of our lord can fix. So am i excited about the new government? Hell yes. I am glad Jonathan is going. His passiveness & lukewarmness concerning burning issues in the country made me hate him. And let's be honest with ourselves, the country almost died in the hands of that man so good riddance! This isn't a PutJonathanOnBlast comment so I'll leave it here.
I'm at work, meh.
But no weekend duty at the hospital for me so turn up time for me tomorrow through monday.
May the new government be in favour of us all in Jesus name. Hallelujah amen. Remain blessed!

At 29 May 2015 at 12:20 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Finally,we've gotten a new president!,let's keep our fingers crossed and stay positive,i believe. God z gonna use sai baba to make nigeria a better place...
The issue of power supply,unemployment,provisions of infrastructural facilities should be put in place,i just pray and hope for a better nigeria....

At 29 May 2015 at 12:35 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I have mixed feelings about the new government, no doubt the president is a good man but what about his cabinet? Are they as good too...TGIF, sleep all through tho'

At 29 May 2015 at 13:38 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Glad we r in a new Era let's hope he's gonna change all d changeables......

At 29 May 2015 at 13:39 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

.....I love it wen he said "I belong to everybody and belong to noone" Hmmmnnn! !! Quite deep

At 31 May 2015 at 16:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

I had to go and research the rihanna girl and I must say she is a wild and adventurous fun in a weird kinda way girl. I think Nigeria never gave Jonathan a chance from the start, those behind boko haram and it's political sponsors used it to sabotage his image and make it look like his rule was the worst in the countries history. Anyway all that is gone and we hope for the best with the new government. Politics is a dirty game and you can never be too sure of their motives

At 31 May 2015 at 16:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

*fingers crossed* we hope for the best. Which do you feel is the most important between these four sectors you just mentioned?

At 31 May 2015 at 17:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

I just really hope the president fulfills all the promises he made when he was campaigning. Nigeria has had enough of unfulfilled promises. We really need a positive change.

At 31 May 2015 at 17:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Let us hope that his actions will overshadow his words. We don't need anymore empty words in this country.

At 31 May 2015 at 20:16 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Well if he doesn't it's just a matter of 4 yrs.,then we'd change him too


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