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Wednesday 27 May 2015

Ralph's coffee ( for lack of a proper name for now)

    Good morning AskRalph Fam! How is everybody doing today? I think that Drink called +Trevo  works very well for me because I bought it recently and took it last night. I passed out and slept like last night was my last opportunity to get any sleep for a month or more. In all it was a great one, so thumbs up to the makers. They managed to make a drink that has some serious health benefits, packed with lots of natural ingredients, nothing artificial and most importantly didn't taste like wet chalk.                
  Alright enough of that and on to the post for this morning which as usual I have no idea what it's going to be about. I think I'll call this morning segment where I just talk generally Ralph's coffee or something else. I'll think up a name for it later so that once you guys see it, you will know what i'm about to do. Come to think of it I don't even take coffee.

I do have a new thing to introduce to the blog though so let's do this...

So you guys remember last week when I was asking for a couple of suggestions from you? Like new features you will want me to add to the blog to make it better? Then +esit  came around and said I should fulfill my promise of adding a music section? Y'all don't remember? Nawa! Anyways all that actually happened last week. lol. I have been searching for the best song to start with and I haven't made any kind of progress because I've been too busy with work to actually think of any other thing like music or fun. I do have a couple of ideas that I would bring in to that section but I will do it as soon as I find the right song to start with. However I did think of a brand new addition to the blog, it directly involves all of you! Well the ones on my BBM and other social networks.

So once in a while people put up different display pictures on their profiles and write different status updates that pass across different messages. I decided to use all that and make something out of it. This idea actually came up after the election period when I took a couple of people funny updates and made a post out of it. So here is the deal.
     If you write something I feel I would like to discuss with you, i'll buzz you and start up a discussion with you, at the end of the discussion which could be in agreement or in dispute of what you have put up, i'll ask to copy it and paste it on the blog as a post. If I simply wish to discuss a picture you have put up on my own on the blog, I will contact you or simply use it and make reference to you with your permission. If you put up a funny picture and I wish to use it as one of our funny mid day posts. I'll also contact you and tell you my intention and of cos mention you in the post.
        So what do I ask from you guys?  Nothing really, just go ahead with your usual selves, you are an inspiration to the people around you if you live your life the right way, all I want to do is to help expand your reach through this site and get your message across to other people. Also you might not know the full meaning of your message and I might not understand how you feel when you put up your message at the point you do so all this is to bridge those gaps of knowledge. It's all for good. Now the next thing i'll ask from you guys is, What will you want me to call this new segment? Also what do you guys think of it? Is it a  good idea or a bad one. Let me know in the comment box.  That's all for now but do not worry, i'll keep thinking up ways to make the blog better and more interactive. Do not forget to drop a comment even if you do it anonymously, just get the interaction going, i'll always try to respond to your comments when I feel it is okay to.

Finally just a reminder from the pic I have above. Give yourself a positive boost today. I know life isn't always easy but what can you do? You can't stay down, you are a fighter so you need to get up and fight for what matters and what matters is your happiness. No matter what you are going through in your life today, make a decision to be happy. Look for the tiniest ray of hope amongst all the doubt. Look for a reason to keep moving on. It is right there but you just have to look closely. Have a positive mind state and regardless of whatever happens today, I want you to refuse to be affected by any negative thing that comes your way. You deserve the best and that is what you are going to get today. You just have to be willing to get it and make a strong decision to stay unaffected by the negativity of the world. Have a lovely day subs. You guys are the best, you make this worth it and I hope you all find happiness in your own way today. Keep believing.

So as I asked before, what do you think of the new segment? What do you feel I should call it? Let's discuss this in the comment box.

Good morning!



At 27 May 2015 at 09:22 , Blogger esit said...

Ralph's coffee sounds nice & tush.
Ralph i know you like to be inspirational & deep with all things but your music corner shouldn't be a struggle. Give us ratchet music. Something to get us hype & turned up for the day. Anything really!
By the way i need me some of that Trevo drink!
meanwhile like I've been kicking it with the askralph game section, how can a sister snapshot a pic when the results disappear soon as they appear? Fix up! Have a great day!

At 27 May 2015 at 10:34 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Turn up mr ralphie!!
The new segment sud be named 'RUBBING MIND' or 'hEART to HEART' or 'BONDING hour' or TIMEOUT with RALPH' or 'CIRCLE of FRIENDS' ...lemme go think some more,i'll get back to you!!
As for the muzik,any inspirational songs will do just fine...
Where z mr Freeborn??

At 27 May 2015 at 11:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, that's a good idea:). If you decide to add music section please add both hip hop, christain, tradional, and inspirational music 'separately'. For the profile discussion you can name is "inspiration with ralph" or talk to opinion.

At 27 May 2015 at 12:40 , Blogger Unknown said...

Am always with you my lady and queen of the house Thelma.

At 27 May 2015 at 12:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

As a house boy here sit down the look.still confuse about music section of a thing.

At 27 May 2015 at 13:22 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

For d music thing I rili don't know aw dat will go bur u cld do music on some ol ' skl tinz, then blues too ain't bad...But rili like I said I don't know aw it wld go.

At 27 May 2015 at 13:23 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

...and on d name guess u cld pick sometin from Thelma ' s suggestions.

At 27 May 2015 at 13:24 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Nice suggestions on d names.....

At 27 May 2015 at 15:14 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I say AYE, it's a nice concept.

At 27 May 2015 at 22:20 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralph,the names of the artist sud be included a sucker for good songs...
Mr freeborn,lol...hpe ur day went well...

At 28 May 2015 at 10:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

For the music session right? I'll definitely have to include the names of the artists because I don't want any lawyers knocking on my door

At 28 May 2015 at 10:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm...old skool and blues, I think I have a couple of them. I think my main aim is inspiration through them though

At 28 May 2015 at 10:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

What do you think of Morning Coffee? I reallly like ralph's coffee but I don't want to attach my name to everything I do in the blog. I see what you mean about the music section and I think you just gave me great idea. I'll see what I can do. I won't remove the inspiration from the music totally though. Maybe a couple of writeups on some days. So do you have any songs you want me to start with?

The tic-tac-toe is really fun. Lol. I'll check it out and see if you can screen shot. Any other persons discovered the gameroom yet?

At 28 May 2015 at 11:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

You have a truck load of ideas thelma. That's really nice, i'lll look into them and see what I can pick up or use any of them to do

At 28 May 2015 at 11:02 , Blogger Unknown said...

I;m sure going to add a vast collection of music. I just need to find the right way to do it. I just don't want to seem like any other blog out there.

At 28 May 2015 at 12:34 , Blogger esit said...

Give us shania twain music. I know she's your fav plus u don't get down to music of this generation lol

At 28 May 2015 at 12:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

Shania twain is going to be everywhere but she is not my fav joo. she is just among the best country musicians I know.

I will surprise you, I know Rick ross o! lol!


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