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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Life with no network service



 Happy Tuesday Morning everyone!

To my readers in Nigeria, how crazy was your yesterday with the whole fuel crisis. It was crazy at my end, banks closed earlier than usual. Some teachers in schools refused to go to school because the transportation was ridiculously high and their low salary wouldn't cover them. This really went a long way to prove to people that at Nigeria's present state, fuel practically controls all the sectors or at least 99% of the sectors. As I was thinking of everything that was happening, a text came in from my internet and mobile network service providers. I had received such messages on my other networks earlier in the day. All 3 of 'em were bearing the same message. They were contacting their customers to inform them that their would be some down time in network for a while until things stabilize in the country. As I read the message, something crossed my mind.

Have you every considered a life without network services?

So the way it is right now. You all know that the masts that these network providers like Glo, Airtel, Etisalat and the rest set up at different sites is what helps the quality of the network or determine if there would be network in each mast's area of network coverage . Also due to the poor state of electrical power supply in Nigeria, these masts have to be powered with generators 24 hours every single day. These generators also do not run on water, they run on diesel which is purchased at a high amount. This is also part of the reason why call tariffs are exceptionally high in Nigeria. Well now there is shortage of diesel and petrol, meaning that these companies that provide mobile networks would have to ration the diesel that they have until things stabilize a bit in the country. The effect of this is that, the call tariffs might go even further up. However that isn't even the worst that could happen.
If things continue the way they are and importation of the diesel used to power these masts seizes finally over a long period of time, then the ones (diesel) that are in stock are bound to finish. It would only be a matter of time before these masts have nothing to power them and that means that there would be no network in the country at all. Or else of cos you use a Thuraya or other network providers that use satellite coverage.  Your cell phones will be useless and only good at playing games and using applications that require no network connection. There would be no internet and everything you do on your PCs and laptops that requires network would be useless to you. Your social medias like BBM, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram and every other social media would be gone with time.

Now Imagine a life without all these. A life with no phone calls, no internet, no social media, nothing at all. Imagine such a life that would take us backwards, like a huge reset button was hit and we were returned to a couple of decades ago. What do you think the effect of this would be? The effect would range from psychological breakdowns (yes it is very possible) to riots on the streets. We might not realize it yet and make fun of the situation but if prolonged, this could spell serious trouble for Nigeria. It's always good to have a little laugh regardless of how bad the situation to at least ease some tension but it's also good to face reality.

This is just a little analysis and does not even begin to scratch the surface of problems that we could face because of this. However we do hope for the best in the country and hope that things turn around for the better. So here are my questions for you this morning.

  1. If your mobile network provider gave each person 1 minute to make a call to one single person. Who will you call? What will you talk about?
  2. What will you do if internet was taken from you and you couldn't get on social medias, browse or do any other activity that relied on internet service.
  3. How will you cope without communication to your loved ones that are far away or without communication at all?

Let's hear your answers? Happy Tuesday Everyone and I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Finally to My Nigerian Readers and everyone around the world, do not loose hope, do not seize to believe. Yes most are saying that this might be the end for the country but most forget that this might also be a new beginning for the country. Things might seem bad now but things always seem at their worst right before a huge change comes. We hope for the best! Keep faith!

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At 26 May 2015 at 09:27 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

The one person i'd call wud be my mum cos i know she'd be so worried about me,my call wud calm her nerves...
I would fall sick If the internet was taken away from me cos that's what keeps me company..
Don't have an idea on how i'd cope witot hearing from my loved ones,the mere thought of it makes me shudder!!...

At 26 May 2015 at 11:07 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

I'd call my mum cos we gist n talk alot, a day without her calm voice wld b a messed up one for me.
All Tru ystday I cldnt access d Internet, it was like I was bin caged in a box, I hate dat feeling oo.

At 26 May 2015 at 15:54 , Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome back Mr Ralph.
As for fuel crisis in the country it didn't affect me rather we enjoy's it i own no one a plea or alibi.
If i were given 1 minute to call one single person,the person i we call must be my old lady,momma.
Hmmmm i don't know how the day we be it we be as the days of noah.that was the only reason i'm afraid of the scarcity of fuel in lagos when i heard about the shutting down of network's my dear i was speechless i became bugaboo.
No way of communicating when there is no comminication so i commend the white men for that.because the world we be in doomed and bored without comminication.

At 27 May 2015 at 03:30 , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not in Nigeria but I understand what it feels like

At 27 May 2015 at 07:59 , Blogger esit said...

1. I'll call my mom/whoever the hell owes me money just because.
2. Movies duh! I have 1 tera byte worth of movies & series so that should keep me going till i'm over it & begin to throw tantrums.
3. This isn't the 19th century so i'd like to have faith in the lord that it will NEVER happen. I mean what is life without the internet?

At 28 May 2015 at 09:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. I really need those movies form you esit, what type of movies do you have in your hard drive? Also these people that owe you money are in serious trouble, you aren't joking with them at all. Lol don't forget me when they pay up though

At 28 May 2015 at 09:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

OH nice a foreign visitor, where are you commenting from Amy?

At 28 May 2015 at 09:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you me freeborn.

At 28 May 2015 at 10:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Apparently everyone is calling their mums and no one is calling the dads. lol. I guess the mums always win when it gets to comparing favorites. Also I know what you mean about feeling caged in, it's not a nice experience at all without internet connection

At 28 May 2015 at 12:31 , Blogger esit said...

Horror/thrillers/drama/every every.
I shan't forget you.
Matter of fact i have rihanna's bitch better have my money as ringtone for reminder. I know you don't know the song since you listen to granpa music but thassokay!

At 28 May 2015 at 12:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

lmao! I don't listen to only granpa music joo. I know that rihanna person isn't she the one that sang one song with neyo? and Umbrella ella ella eeh! see! lol

At 28 May 2015 at 12:41 , Blogger esit said...

lmao yea from way back in like 2007. It's 2015 but you've tried!

At 28 May 2015 at 15:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha...esit you owe me some updates, send me recent songs. That reminds me I need to send you some of my songs


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