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Thursday 7 May 2015

How do you tackle anxiety?

Hello and good morning bv's. Hope you guys had a good nights rest. Looking forward to the day? Well not me. I might be a workaholic but I know how my office gets when it gets too busy. It can be too much for even a workaholic. Well this is my way of telling you guys that it's going to be a busy rest of the week. Don't worry I am going to do my very best to put up even if it's a single post every single day from today till Saturday. Alright on to the topic for the day...

Today we are talking of how lack of patience and anxiety can be an issue for your success goals. Cool down it's going to be short. I promise...*crosses fingers*

In our daily search for success and fulfillment. We encounter all sorts of disappointments and let downs along the way. This can be very frustrating and almost impossible to deal with especially when it keeps recurring at very small time intervals. It almost chokes us up and gives no recovery time before the next impact of disappointment hits and is felt. It seems like every single step you take is blocked by a bad energy or an opposing force. These disappointments tend to keep piling up regardless of  how angry or mad we get at the situation of things. In fact they happen to get only worse the angrier we get. This is the reason why we have to understand patience when it comes to success. Let me give you a little secret...

Anxiety! yeap! anxiety is the little secret, but not in a good way of cos. You see there is a cycle that I have noticed. Anxiety gives birth to negative mind sets, negative mind sets give birth to negative energy which in turn, goes around to give birth to bad results. Naturally when those disappointments begin to hit us over and over again, our mind sets itself to expect them. It could be a protective mechanism for the body, that I am still going to research thoroughly later. The fact however is that at a point, the mind gives in to fear, the fear of failure and another let down. Anxiety begins to set in through fear of the outcome of any thing you put your mind to. However this mind state can be very dangerous because just as I explained earlier, anxiety sends you on an endless part of of negativity which will keep giving you negative results.

So what do you do about this? How do you tackle anxiety? Well every single person has their own way of tackling it. As for me I have to say that it isn't easy because it is all in the mind.  First of all we have to realize that success is a very long road full of those disappointments that we encounter. I don't know of a single successful human being that doesn't have a story of disappointments. So Patience is key, we have to realize that we aren't the only ones facing disappointments. One of the difference between successful people and non successful people is the patience and endurance of the successful ones.

One more thing I do is this. You have to train your mind to be open, to be hopeful and yet not too expectant at the same time. It's a serious battle of trying to balance your emotions and actions in your head and physically. To stay positive but not too much just in case things still go wrong so you don't feel the impact too much. At least not to the extent that your mind gives in to fear.  This mind set also helped teach me patience towards success. I have accepted and realized that success isn't something that just happens immediately. It's a gradual process. According to Fred Shero the former professional ice hockey player, he said...

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must first set yourself on fire"...In other words, it's a gradual process.

This is how I tackle my anxiety. So I want to do you tackle your anxiety?



At 7 May 2015 at 14:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

Anxiety has being one of my weakest pont since this years.thank's Mr Ralph for this article.

At 7 May 2015 at 15:27 , Blogger Eniwealth said...

This is it for me, '' You have to train your mind to be open, to be hopeful and yet not too expectant at the same time.''

At 7 May 2015 at 17:19 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Patience is the mother of good success...
Anxiousness leads to something unpleasant for me,so what i do is to take each day and moment one step at a time and try not to get myself worked up unnecessarily....

At 7 May 2015 at 19:41 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Looks like this post is for me, I can be very anxious even over little things, i'm trying so hard to be very patient and less expectant, I hope to conquer my anxieties soon.

At 8 May 2015 at 13:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

I try to find sleep when anxious cos i believe that when i am on my bed everything is perfect no matter how hard it looks on the outside, so when t comes i look for my bed

At 9 May 2015 at 17:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for this Mr Ralph, it's really a problem to me, when unpleasant things happens to me, it will just be as if am carrying a heavy load on my heart. I will always pray over it and believe all is well.

At 10 May 2015 at 17:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Just always remember to take a deep breath and know that life isn't that serious. Don't let yourself be burdened too much.

At 10 May 2015 at 17:02 , Blogger Unknown said...

Yes sleep is also good, although lots of people tend to loose sleep when anxiety sets in but it's good that you are able to use that sleep to conquer yours. You are one of the lucky few...welcome to the blog rogers

At 10 May 2015 at 17:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

Keep your heart and mind to it, keep working on it and stay focused. Always remember to think twice before you take any actions and look at the positive side of everything. You will conquer your anxiety sooner than you expect.

At 10 May 2015 at 17:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

That's a very good way to tackle it. It's okay to just take things slowly and not worry about tomorrow.

At 10 May 2015 at 17:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Eniwealth, I believe that line also does it for me.

At 10 May 2015 at 17:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

You are welcome Mr freeborn

At 12 May 2015 at 19:42 , Anonymous S said...

I pray fullstop. Then I ask myself 'what's the way forward'.

At 13 May 2015 at 16:24 , Anonymous Olusola Ukaegbu said...

once I am anxious, i start blarbing. so what i do is to pray and search the bible for what God's says about my situation. Before I know it, I feel calm andbecome in charge of the situation.


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