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Tuesday 5 May 2015

Don't be afraid to ask for assistance.

Good morning everyone, hope you all had a good night like I did. I think I have to cut back on my drinking a bit. I can't believe I was out with my friends on a Monday night. Anyways I had my reason. I Went back home to an angry tone from a certain someone and had to beg and seduce my way into forgiveness. Good thing I'm not too proud to admit when I've done something wrong. Anyways it was a friends birthday and she invited us out so I couldn't disappoint her. Nice party Uju, happy birthday one more time to you...

 Before I start this post I just want to say that if you are are still sad over Mayweather remaining undefeated then I'll be serving panadol later on today so just meet me up and i'll give you your own. lol.

So today we are talking of asking for assistance. It's going to be a short one...I hope...

I believe in the saying that no single man is an island and in the saying that 'united we stand, divided we fall'. Most of the time our goals and target destinations stare us right in the face, they seem so close to us and yet so far away. This has happened countless times to me and I can tell you that the frustration of having something in front of you that you can't touch is crazy. Most times all we need to do is turn around and ask for a little help from people around us but then again, we as humans have our pride. We miss out on so many opportunities thanks to our pride and other reasons.

Personally I used to have this thing in my head, like a resolve, that I never want to thank anyone for my success. Mine was so bad that I wouldn't even want my family to help even if they offered. No matter how small the offer was, I would refuse it. It helped me both positively today and had it's own negative side also. The negative effect was that my growth in those areas I refused help was stunted and really slow. However through that I gained the knowledge I have today of how we all need help. As I grew I learnt that all you can do is to put a limit to the number of favors you ask from people. To make sure that out of 100% you ask for help for only 20% of the whole process or even less. You need to show that you can go a certain distance on your own for people to take your requests seriously. The truth is that the ladder of success is a very unstable one, not only is it unstable but it is very high to reach the top. In order to climb successfully you will need the advice of those who have made it to the top before you. You also need a couple of people to help hold things in place for you while you climb.

I know that most of the time, the reason most of us refuse to ask for assistance is that the help we receive form other people never come straight from their heart. Most of the time there are other motives behind them but we can't always turn every help offered to us down. The best we can do is to weigh the consequences and benefits of the help we are receiving and know if it is worth it. To try not to be too desperate and yet not too loath. The help doesn't have to always be financial or anything physical, it could even be just words of advice. No single entity knows it all so once in a while it is okay to ask for assistance to scale a bridge or reach a goal if it is too far. It doesn't make you too dependent as long as you find a way to also make moves and take steps on your own.

Sometimes you run the race of success for so long and all it takes to complete your journey is just a little extra step, just a single step but you are too exhausted. It is allowed to get that little nudge that will tip you over the finishing line. It is okay to ask for help once in a while. Just remember those that helped you cross that line and help them in return to climb when they need.

Abi I told you people it was going to be short...



At 5 May 2015 at 10:14 , Blogger Unknown said...

I believe the reason most people do not like asking for help is if i ask then this person won't respect me or see me the way he/she used to...I have a problem asking...even when i'm praying and i'm asking God for things, in my mind i'm like 'God i know my wahala is plenty and my request is getting too much of late but please don't forget the kia car we talked about last week"...hehe. But some people are so used to asking for help they hardly ever do things on their own. They dont know what once in a while means...haha. Nice post.

At 5 May 2015 at 10:21 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Short indeed, I used to think I didn't need help from anybody too until recently when something happened to me and I realised that I needed people's help, the thing is, we all need each other to see life through and the earlier we reduce our shoulder pads, the better and easier for us...nice post.

At 5 May 2015 at 12:07 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Asking for assistance comes handy once in a while but the thing is,one should apply moderation whilst asking for help.

At 5 May 2015 at 12:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm i concur for now because to me is hard@times for me to beg for assistance from people because some people's tongue are sharper than razor the we assist an announce it on tv or newspaper..

At 5 May 2015 at 13:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey blogboo......I have NEVER been afraid to ask for help....I mean, no man is an island right?....I have no shame in admitting to myself once in a while that I am human and I can't do everything myself....sometimes when things get too much for me or when my plate is full, I don't mind asking for help cuz I don't mind giving people credit.....some people have a problem with that....

How's you Papi?

At 6 May 2015 at 07:16 , Blogger Unknown said...

Ma very own blogboo. I'm doing great. It's good to set that pride aside every once in a while and just do what you have to do. No man is an island at all. I guess it is going to be easier for you because something that people who are in the position to ask for help forget is something you just credit. That is a vital point. Thanks mami. *muah*

At 6 May 2015 at 07:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

I understand what you mean. It's those kind of people that we all should be careful about

At 6 May 2015 at 07:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Moby, thanks for your comment. I think you are right about the PRIDE issue. That is the major issue because I know it was a big issues for me.

I visited your blog. Really lovely blog you have over there. I'll visit more frequently. Hope to also retain you as a regular visitor

At 6 May 2015 at 07:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

Dancing shoki! the assistant i seek from Miss Linda ikeji really work for me guy's.

At 6 May 2015 at 09:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashawo meet ashawo.

At 6 May 2015 at 10:53 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh nice one missbeauty, so what's the good news? What did she help you with?

At 6 May 2015 at 10:54 , Blogger Unknown said...

Exactly, there should always be moderation in anything you do. It's not good to pull favours all the time, a little every once in a while will do the job

At 6 May 2015 at 12:29 , Blogger Unknown said...

Just that she fulfiled her promise to me by paying for my.........Mr Ralp i we send it to your mail.

At 6 May 2015 at 12:29 , Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous are you hungry.

At 6 May 2015 at 16:34 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's good to ask for assistance because no man is an island, but it feels so bad when you ask and didn't get.

At 7 May 2015 at 08:03 , Anonymous Samson said...

I'll prefer to not ask for any assistance form anybody just like Mr Ralph but still I think i've gained some knowledge from this post. NO man is an island truly

At 13 May 2015 at 16:33 , Anonymous ennygee said...

I agree that no man is an Island but the fear of being turned down can be a reason for not wanting to ask for help. But that not withstanding, I believe that people will run away from us if dont share our problem with tem once in a whilem they will see us as being secretive

At 13 May 2015 at 16:34 , Anonymous ennygee said...

I agree that no man is an Island but the fear of being turned down can be a reason for not wanting to ask for help. But that not withstanding, I believe that people will run away from us if dont share our problem with tem once in a whilem they will see us as being secretive

At 13 May 2015 at 16:34 , Anonymous olusola ukaegbu said...

I agree that no man is an Island but the fear of being turned down can be a reason for not wanting to ask for help. But that not withstanding, I believe that people will run away from us if dont share our problem with tem once in a whilem they will see us as being secretive


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