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Wednesday 19 November 2014

Q&A: Her man never gives any financial aid

     So two days ago which was Monday the 17th of November 2014, I was supposed to be a guest speaker on a radio show on Inspiration 92.3 f.m Lagos. I was meant to contribute in a segment for problems that single ladies face in life with Ms Ego Abili or Ego the love messenger as the Host. Things didn't really work out because of some technical difficulties and she had to make a quick switch of subject and reserve the topic I was meant to speak on for when everything is sorted out.

Q:    So the issue that was discussed was about a lady that was in a five year old relationship with her man, she say the man is really good, loving and caring. But that the only problem is that he never gives her any money. Throughout the course of the relationship he doesn't as much as give her recharge card or anything at all. If it is money related just forget about it. So I decided to do a little something on this topic here.

Click the link for my answer

A: I guess one of the unwritten duties and responsibilities assigned to a man is to take care of he's woman and that includes financially assisting her. But there are many reasons why a man might act like this in a relationship.
   One of the callers mentioned that it might be experiences from a past relationship that caused this and that was a point I personally agree with. If he was in a relationship that was all about the money previously then it might contribute a great deal in he's present behavior depending on how the other relationship ended. This might be he's way of making sure that the lady he is with doesn't see him solely as a source of finance and nothing else. But I advice the man in question to leave the old relationship where it belongs, in the past. If you meet a new person then judge them based on what they do and not what you ex did. Listen to the song "Ice box" by Omarion and understand more about the effects of this.
     Also ladies you need to understand that there are guys that do not believe in lending any financial help to a woman until they are married and settled and he is sure that she is now fully he's property and responsibility. You need to know if this is what he believes in.
    Another point I would like to raise is ignorance, it is very possible that the man just doesn't know that you need the money and this mostly occurs when the lady doesn't ask and assumes that he should know without being told that she has needs. But then again you need to remember that being in a close relationship doesn't make you both mind readers. You need to open up at times and say what you need.
      It also could simply be he's character. It isn't news that certain men find it difficult spending at all, both on you and themselves or maybe just you. It might be a really bad habit that he has been used to and regardless of what you do, it will be really hard changing these type of men because you know what they say about old habits dying hard.
   Finally an advice to the lady in this situation. Just try and actually ask him to help you out with a pressing need when one comes up and see if he would lend you the aid. You would never know by just standing and waiting for him to notice your needs and do something, at least you have tried that and it seems not to work so try something else. There are men that feel that there is no need giving you any money if you don't really need it and that if you need it you will ask for it, I personally believe that there is nothing wrong in that.

There are lots of other reasons running laps around my head but I would like to stop with these few for now.
    Also I have found inspiration f.m to be really helpful and enlightening. So tune in to their frequency and you might learn a thing or two just. And even if you aren't in Lagos you can still download the app for free and listen from wherever you are from the link given below. Tune in next Monday evening by 8:30 p.m and hopefully if everything works out, you will catch me addressing a particular pressing issue on most single ladies mind.

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At 19 November 2014 at 17:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

he is stingy o! not even recharge card

At 19 November 2014 at 17:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

not cool at all. I listened to the show and i still think she should run for her life

At 19 November 2014 at 18:47 , Anonymous big sexy mama said...

its not even possible. leave him once. why are you still wasting time? mcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww *cat walks away*


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