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Monday 13 July 2015

What if she isn't ready?

Hello everyone that get's to see this. Sorry about the late posting after the Morning Coffee. We had to work on the generator in my office and it took more time than I thought. The day was practically wasted. Forgive the late post please. This might also be the last post for today so bear with me, thanks! So let's do this then.....

This one is really interesting.

So I was out this weekend enjoying a refreshing bottle of my favorite...ehem..."drink".  You know, just a nice relaxing evening out on Saturday with my friends and we were generally talking about different stuff. We were just a combination of guys and girls from the office. Some came with their wives, some came with their girlfriends, some with their boyfriends and some with their husbands while some came alone. Our topic however was mostly based on things that happened in the office the past week, both things that were pleasant and things that weren't so good. Seeing that we, the people from the office were more than those that just tagged along because of their relationship with us working at the office, we outnumbered them. Also, the fact that we were talking of office matters left them kind of bored. They hardly had anything to contribute apart from little questions that were quickly answered or unintentionally dismissed in a couple of occasions when the person talking felt that what he/she had to say was more important and that diverting to answer the question being asked would cause he/she to forget what they were saying. Now while all this was going the boredom from those who tagged along was being noticed and even at a point one of them stopped to yawn loudly so we knew it was time to switch up our talk. We switched to general topics ...

As we were talking our talk diverted into relationships and somehow into marriage. I personally nudged it into the direction of marriage and proposal because of our months poll. I wanted to find a topic to discuss and I sure got it.

Now one of the guy that was with us (the crew from the office) was the one talking and somehow brought up an invitation to his brothers wedding and said that he didn't have enough but that he was inviting all of us to the wedding. This his brother is about a year or more older than him and In a way the fact that his brother was getting married was weighing on him. He was worried that he would be the next to marry but he wasn't worried because of the usual "guy isn't ready to marry yet" story that we are all used to. This was something quite different.

You see this guy was accompanied by his girlfriend of about 5 years and through the whole time we were talking more about office issues she was the one that mostly had contributions and even when she wasn't talking you could just see that she had energy in her. She is this naturally lively person. She talks loud, is bold and looks you directly in your eyes when she speaks to you. Now while we were talking about my friends brothers marriage he looked disturbed but we really didn't know what the problem was. At least not until he mentioned that very soon his parents would expect him to get married and we all laughed at his fear. We thought that was the problem but got to understand what he meant better when he quickly glanced over at his girl and said...."baby that means if they are getting married by this September then our own would be March next year". The girl looked back at him and shocked all of us. She turned to him and said "How many times will I tell you that I am not ready to get married, I still want to enjoy dating and being free". I practically froze and when I unfroze I found out that the rest of the table was still frozen....

It wasn't just the fact that she said it, we were all in a jolly mood that evening and could have easily laughed it off but with the seriousness she used to say it. This particular lady is one person that jokes a lot and talks very much but the problem she says something with seriousness, even if it has a twist of jest to it a blind person would spot it immediately. She was being very serious and we could evidently see that she was still out to enjoy herself. I scanned to be sure of her age and I was well convinced that she was at least well into her twenties. My friend later confirmed her age and yeah, she is old enough to get married. Well, she is old enough according to what everyone see's as old enough. She on the other hand doesn't give a care of what others think and she was making if very clear.

After a couple of interviews on that table that evening we got to find out that my friend had proposed to his girl 2 times in private and she turned him down saying that she wasn't ready to get married yet. I asked him in private later and he was really disturbed about it. What confuses him more is that he has told her that if she doesn't want to get married then that he would have to find someone to settle with but she refuses to let him go. She, according to him, really loves him and wouldn't want to spend her life with any other person. It's just that at this point in her life she really doesn't want to get married yet and she isn't in a hurry.

You know all these really sounded strange to me but looking at it closer it kind of sounded really familiar don't you think? This is exactly reverse of the typical situation we have everyday between the men and the women. The lady is usually the one waiting to be proposed to and the man is usually the one backing away from any kind of commitment

We have heard women complaining about men not being eager to commit into marriage and this is because of certain factors like age that isn't very pleasant to the female folks. I have also heard a lot of advice being given to the females to leave the man once he isn't ready to commit and look for someone else. However now that reverse is the case I really wonder what the general advice would be.

I know the advice I gave to him when we spoke. However I want to know what you guys think? When a man is ready to commit and the lady isn't but still wouldn't let him go what do you think the guy should do.



At 13 July 2015 at 17:31 , Blogger esit said...

Luckily for your home boy over there, society doesn't hold an age limit to men's head when it comes to marriage so he can marry whenever the hell he wants to. Women on the other hand, there's that stupid biological clock that keeps ticking reminding you that time is not on your side tick tock tick tock uugggh!
Honestly there's no one rule to this equation of love and marriage. If he's ready to settle down and she's not, he needs to ask himself if love is enough because sometimes it just isn't. Never settle. I don't judge her for not being ready, but i do judge her for holding on to him when clearly she can't give him what he wants at the moment, talk about being selfish.
Man, woman, non human. If you're with someone who's not ready to give you what you want commitment-wise in that relationship, i hate to break it to you but mayhaps, it's time to move on to the other 6 billion people in the world. You won't die i promise.
And what does he mean she refuses to let him go? Did she tie his spirit inside a bottle and keep it in her village?
My own opinion though.

At 13 July 2015 at 17:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for your input esit. I really appreciate it.

At 14 July 2015 at 02:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

My opinion. Both of them are adult. They need to seat down and talk about it. If she does not have a good reason for withholding his proposal he should move on with his life. For the comment the girl made in public about not being ready that's a slap on the guys face, she should have pretended and then remind the him in private that she is not yet ready. Lol the guy should make sure he is not a side guy oooo. #goingtobed#

At 14 July 2015 at 07:40 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

The problem here isn't the fact that the girl isn't ready, it's the fact that she's holding the guy back. What if the girl doesn't eventually marry him? What if she's seeing someone else and is just playing games with the two of them? Or maybe she's genuinely taking her time, whichever one it is, I think the guy should be on the lookout for someone else if he's really ready. This could actually end in one of several ways.

At 14 July 2015 at 16:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree with you Amy you just said what was in my mind. I can imagine how she made the comment about marriage, I'm sure it was very embarrassing

At 14 July 2015 at 16:21 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Am of the opinion that he shld move on. Like Sodiq said wat if she doesn't end up marrying him? Then that would be total waste of time. They should both go their separate ways abeg to avoid stories that touch.

At 14 July 2015 at 17:00 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

This is a typical case of peeps don't know what they have till they lose it,the said babe is a big joker,i mean,nothing stops her from hanging out with her hubby after marriage nau,there's this awesome feeling i get whenever i see young couple hanging out and folicking like bf and gf..hope y'al get wat i mean.....well,my advice to this friend of yours is to break up with the unserious babe and move move to the next available damsel,he sud dump her and move on with his ralph,tell him i said he sud dump her....

At 15 July 2015 at 06:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice point Amy. From what I could see, she sincerely didn't want to let him go and not because she had any evil intentions. It was purely out of her love for him, she stated that she never wanted to be with another person. The only problem is that she is scared of marriage and feels she still needs some time before committing...

At 15 July 2015 at 06:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the input sodiq. He should be on his guard just in case she decides that he is't the one eventually

At 15 July 2015 at 06:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

lol @stories that touch

At 15 July 2015 at 06:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol...thelma sef. I don't think he is ready to dump her though. And they were really close and all in public. It's the idea of commitment that scares the lady away. She just isn't ready to get married yet but according to her she still wants it to be him when she is ready.

At 15 July 2015 at 13:14 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

She still wants to b him wen she's ready?Rili??She's just a joker @ Ralph! !

At 15 July 2015 at 20:46 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralphie,she's so cray,she cannot keep eating her cake and still have it nau..*ShinesEyes*..i wish i know the guy to knock some sense into him....anyway,weneva the guy ready move on,let him contact me lemme give him correct babe to marry...#straightFace#


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