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Thursday 9 July 2015

Morning Coffee

Hey everyone! Top of the morning to you all. I got to work this morning and had very little to do. When I finally opened my laptop to type this post, some evil spirit convinced me to open up my Facebook account so that was exactly what I did. I obeyed that tiny little voice, thought hard for my Facebook password, logged in and met the cobwebs on my Facebook wall. It's been ages I went there! I scrolled through the timeline and saw a bunch of funny videos that almost kept me from typing any post at all this morning. Among those videos was one done by a group of people called "wowo boys". The video was on cooking blunders and how Igbo men react to them.

In the video one of the guys spoke about how his girl cooked a dish for him, he didn't see meat and thought that the meat would be at the bottom of the plat but when he finished he still didn't see the meat. Another one spoke of how his girl used stew from last week to add to the one she had just finished preparing. Generally the whole idea was just a joke because these two boys called wowo boys are very notorious for their hilarious jokes. However while reading through the comments I saw a particular guy that didn't find it funny at all. He got pissed off by the video and said that men love to talk down on women and make them feel like they do not matter. Well it's the internet so as expected it started a little trouble and people followed up on his comment by reminding him that it was a joke. I personally felt he was out of line and regardless of the fact that the video was about women, I think the punchline was actually their own reactions, mimicking how Igbo men react when little things that mean nothing but mean everything to them happens. I really felt there was nothing wrong with the joke. I mean if a person was to make fun of something insultingly you would understand but an honest joke that is just meant for nothing else but humor should be taken as it is regardless of who it is aimed for. Talking of jokes i'll be addressing something a certain pastor said about making jokes later on, maybe today or tomorrow or whenever. I'm not yet sure.

Anyway, based on what this dude complained about and the video. I remembered something and i'll like to share it with you guys. Sometimes, depending on the level of rapport you have with your partner. The best way to make corrections is by making jokes out of the wrong doings of our partner. I remember a friend of mine who whenever his girl cooks a dish that is below his expectation he goes..... "Hian! baby bay! You don cook am o! you too much abeg but you go need sitdon with me make we follow chop this one cos e too sweet"..... He always drops these funny sarcastic comments that makes her understand when she does something wrong. She adopted that and whenever she wants to complain about a thing, she simply praises him in an obviously sarcastic tone that suggest no manner of insult. I think this is one of the ways you can reduce argument and those awkward confrontations in your relationship. Remember though, you need a certain level of rapport and understanding to be able to pull this off.

Well that was what I got from the video. I am still amazed at how far my thoughts go from the tiniest and mostly overlooked things that happen around us. Guess that's my gift, I dunno. Either ways i'm glad passing some advice and knowledge over to you guys.

 See? That evil voice wasn't all evil after all....

Well you know what it's the morning coffee section. Unedited and unaltered, so if you notice any wrong spelling just use your head and make out the real thing. Time to talk about anything so knock yourselves out. You can talk randomly or on this topic.

Good morning Fam!

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At 9 July 2015 at 10:29 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

My blogfam!,uno gud morning oo..
Hope una sleep well?...

At 9 July 2015 at 10:34 , Blogger esit said...

"Hian, baby bay you don cook am o". Ralph why do i get the feeling that friend is actually You. Yes You granpa! Sounds like something you would say when you're trying to tap into your igbo razz side lol just kidding just kidding.
Look yall when r we going to get paid?? Niggas is broke! The 400 billion naira Sai Buhari released for workers salaries, is it gonna reach us or nah?
Let's just say I fucking hate that I'm working in this country. I'm sorry are we allowed to swear? No? Ok scratch that.
I'm having a glorious slow day with only 4 patients under my supervision so I'm not about to jinx anything but it's a good day people. Enjoy!

At 9 July 2015 at 12:26 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

@esit am with u..... oga Ralph u sure say no b u u describe for up so? Lol.
Dunno y av bin soo pissed since I woke up today..... Hian! ! Gess I woke up on d left side of my bed as pple wld say, bin a long while I felt this way.

At 9 July 2015 at 14:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

So that's how Esit and Anu Funke caught my disguise. Thank you very much esit for exposing me. I will pay you back, just watch. Lmao!...Just kidding you are yet to catch me. By the way why do you keep insisting that I am Ibo? What if I told you that I am Ogoja?...*wink*

At 9 July 2015 at 14:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

The struggle for twerking assets is real...*just passing by and talking to no one in particular*

At 9 July 2015 at 17:35 , Blogger esit said...

Pele my dear. Some days are like that. And i agree 100%. No more swear words. Except of course I'm uber pissed then I'm sorry in advance for my cuss words but I'll try!

At 9 July 2015 at 17:36 , Blogger esit said...

Ogoja ko, Urhobo ni. You won't tell your bvs that your ibo name is Tochukwu. Don't allow me to expose you e hear? lololololol

At 9 July 2015 at 18:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! Well the more people that believe my name is tochukwu the more I divert people from my real identity which is the whole idea actually so....I confess! My name is Tochukwu! Esit caught me red handed and I can't deny it anymore. Lool

At 9 July 2015 at 22:17 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

ΐ dey watch una with 3d glasss,..
@mr ralhpie,the struggle is so real oo...
I must get that twerking asset oo..lolsssssssss
ΐ squated till my hips began to ache
Mr toluchukwu, ka e mesia ooo,

At 10 July 2015 at 19:14 , Anonymous Brielle said...

U guys have killed me here! Lmao @ esit! Mayb d truth about ralph is beginning 2! stress nawa o, preparing 4 final exams, I rily knelt down today to Thank God Its, Gbolahan hope the exams are coming fine dough?...


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