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Monday 27 July 2015

Morning Coffee

     Top of the morning to you all from Ralph here. How was the weekend, hope you guys had a good one! Guess what people? This is the last week of the month, this is the last Monday of the month of July and after this week we are diving straight into the 8th month of the year! How time flies right? It seems like it was only just yesterday that I wished you guys happy new year on the blog and asked everyone to drop their wishes for the new year. Crazy stuff huh? Well... speaking about wishes. So far, how is your goal for the month and year coming? Have you made progress or have you remained stagnant? Have you made significant improvements since the beginning of the year or have you been crawling towards your destination. If you aren't where you thought you would be as at August then I think it's time for you to restrategize don't you think?

Here is what I want you to do....

I need you to take this seriously and actually do this little non workout exercise this Please don't just read and summarize something in your head or maybe smile and read on, only to ignore everything after you get to the end of the post. have to do this with me okay? It's going to help you track your progress and provide you with the motivation you need to keep pushing.

Alright so first of all you need to think back and remember your goals for this year. Remember all the things you were so determined to accomplish at the beginning of this year. All those things you promised yourself that you wouldn't leave 2015 without accomplishing...remember them? Nice! Now get a piece of paper and I want you to write out a list of different things. I want you to write out the list of goals you have accomplished from that list and the additional ones that you never even planned of, also write the ones that you have abandoned and finally the ones that you are still working on but haven't accomplished yet. Have you done that? I need you to compare that list. As you can see we are already two months past the middle of the year 2015. On the list you have just made, if the list of things you are yet to accomplish and the ones you have abandoned outnumber the list of things you have accomplished then you really are lacking behind. You, my friend will need to up your game a lot. You are running out of time and the sooner you restrategize, the better for you. There is no better time to pick it up and start working towards your goal but today, now and this very moment. You have to get up and start up. However I don't want you to panic, panicking never solved anything, it only makes things worse. So what do you do?....

Now if you look at that list and the difference between what you have accomplished and the other two categories is huge then I need you to calm down. I want you to know that all hope isn't lost. Just as I have just said, you can start now. Sit down, clear your head and just begin from somewhere. Pull your thoughts together and start working towards those goals. That is the reason I said you should calm down, because you need to collect your thoughts in order to move forward. You might have spent the past 6 months+  doing nothing and the 7th month might also be coming to an end but do not look at it like it's the end. Do not waste time looking at time you have wasted, that's only more time spent doing nothing. Instead I want you to look at it like you have 5 whole months to still accomplish all that you can. You need to look forward and consider what you can accomplish with the time you have left.

Take this as a competition this morning. I want you to start working on using these remaining 5 months to accomplish more than you planned to accomplish. I want you to beat the goals that you have set for yourself. I want you to break your personal records. Do this and you will come out at the end of the year knowing that you are fully capable of doing anything that you want. But remember that delay can be very dangerous. You need to start now, do not feel like you have too much time on your hands, you are already suffering a set back. I only ask that you take a deep breath and use the remaining time you have to accomplish more than what people feel or see as possible. I trust in you and I know you can do it if you just put your mind to it. My belief in you isn't going to mean much if you don't believe in yourself though, so get yourself together.

Break records this morning! Good morning Fam!

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At 27 July 2015 at 08:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for that delay is part of me on this issue but there must be a way out.
#sad indeed#

At 27 July 2015 at 10:53 , Blogger esit said...

I'm sick on the gloomy Monday morning. I need some chicken soup with a margarita.
Don't nobody wanna hear about work outs and 2015 new year resolution which i never made!
Send me some chicken soup Ralph!

At 27 July 2015 at 13:14 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Monday morning #yawns

At 27 July 2015 at 19:59 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Thing aloud *pensive*

At 28 July 2015 at 09:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

Chicken soup coming right up. I'll come to your door with it but you have to give me 50 push ups before you get it. If you stop at 49 and half am sitting and eating it in front of you.

At 28 July 2015 at 09:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

*covers your mouth for you*

At 28 July 2015 at 09:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Speak your mind

At 28 July 2015 at 10:17 , Blogger esit said...

You are brutal!


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