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Thursday 21 May 2015

Your personal success secret

    Good afternoon everyone, how has the day been for you guys? It's been very crazy at my own end and I didn't even realize I'll have the chance to type anything today at all. You guys know how crazy my end of week usually is right? Packed with torture and disguised as work from my boss. I am sorry this post is coming really late but seeing that most likely I won't be posting anything for the rest of the week I thought it'll be best for me to just still put something up before I leave. So y'all ready? Alright then let's do this.

Today, the topic is about your secret to success, your personal secret that is...

So I am sure you have been invited once or at least come across forums, hosted talks, conferences or any sort of group gathering that gives out different success secrets. From how Alhaji Aliko Dangote to +Mark Zuckerberg  to many different people made it using one secret or the other. Well usually I refuse to go to those talks because I am always like "so if you know all those secrets, why aren't you up there with them, why are you here giving me this gist". Then they try to sell you a book or something containing all the secrets that would magically transform you to a money making maching. Then I confirm my suspicion about their fraud when they hop onto a bus right after giving their talk and leave the venue (for those that host talks). I'm always like..."really? Not even a honda?".  Anyway you can imagine how I feel right now trying to do exactly the same thing, apart from the fraud of cos. Mcheeew. I feel like you guys won't even listen to me but anyhow you should just still read through and this might help you. I am not going to come here and tell you that there is a particular secret that if you apply, you would make millions or make your family happy(depending on your definition of success) in the next month. I know there are many secrets you can apply to help you stand a chance at success like patience, persistence, respect, humility, training and many more. I know all that but what I am about to tell you guys about is more of like the icing on the cake....or maybe the main cake depending on you. You know, the thing that will separate you from the crowd of people in your trade.

I believe that success on it's own varies from person to person, from what a person views as success to the level which the person views that particular thing. Certain people feel fulfilled in a bungalow while some others won't rest until they own a mansion in banana I said, different strokes for different folks. So just as these kinds of success vary, so do the people that are trying to gain the success vary. So personally I believe that the secret to success also varies in each particular individual and with that I believe that the secret to your personal success that is designed just for you lies within you.

I know that there are very huge similarities between different human beings. However I also believe that every single person has something about them that makes them different form other people that might have the same attributes as them. You know, there personal signature. I know that you have something that makes you stand out from every other person. The problem in most people is trying to figure that thing out. What is that thing in you, that physical attribute, that way of thinking, that way of solving issues that makes you stand out of the crowd. What makes you different?

Look at your occupation today, there are millions of people around you who are doing the exact same thing as you today, so why do you think that you would be better than all of 'em. How do you think you would be able to stand out amongst all those people. Is it by what you were taught to do alone? You can't be what people want you to be and at the same time, expect to be exceptional in your field. You have to learn to add your own touch. You have to learn to add your own flavor, that thing that makes you different. Be you a caterer, mechanic, doctor, engineer...anything at all. You want to be exceptional in that field? Then you have to bring YOU into your trade. You don't want to be mediocre right? You want to stand out of you crowd is it? Then you have to bring YOU into your trade.

Start today, search within you and find that thing that makes you different. That thing that gives you an edge over others. That thing that can't be pirated by anybody. Even if they try to pirate it, it would only work for a short while for them before they loose it. You are the original version of you but you have to find out that thing which makes you original. Look at +Basket Mouth and +Bovi Ugboma,  you can tell their jokes but you can never tell it like them. They can never be pirated, they can never be imitated. So what is yours? What is your signature? What makes you stand out? Unlock that and you might have found the key to your personal success.

Go out there and be YOU!



At 21 May 2015 at 17:28 , Blogger esit said...

Preach on pastor!

At 21 May 2015 at 17:36 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I used to think it's only me who thinks of all those so called motivational speakers like that, those people have a mouth that can move mountains except that the mountains refuse to move...i've always understood that no two persons are alike and what works for jack may not work for Jill, I strive to do the best I can and hope things work out well @ d end.

At 21 May 2015 at 20:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

Am just weak today,true talk and inspiring article.

At 22 May 2015 at 08:34 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

This one na nothing but true talk,,,there's a drop of greatness in each individual waiting to be explored,we need to be the best we can be in our chosen fields,peeps like banke meshida,fela durotoye,tyra and co inspire me to strive harder and be the best of ME...

At 24 May 2015 at 13:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

Mehn! On point! So damn true! Success is achieved differently...and you are right bout them motivational speakers....Phew!'s been a while Papi...

Hows mi blogboo doing? **waves**

At 25 May 2015 at 11:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that Freeborn says that i we get instant advise here!concerning my question on Linda ikeji's blog.

At 25 May 2015 at 11:27 , Anonymous Laila said...

Go meet doctor.

At 25 May 2015 at 11:27 , Anonymous Laila said...

I like you.

At 25 May 2015 at 23:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

You will my day visitation can't make a man a citizen why not appear full and than this anonymous of a thing please.
Keep on visiting you won't regret it dude or lady.

At 26 May 2015 at 12:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Anonymous, all you have to do is write to my email box and state your issue. I'll be more than happy to help you out with your issues. I'm here for you and so is the rest of the fam.

At 26 May 2015 at 12:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. They are huge frauds. However you can attend those meetings or "shows" and pick what you see as relevant and leave.

At 26 May 2015 at 12:22 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice one thelma, Apparently Laila has fallen in Love with you. Lol...I think I foresee a blog marriage.

At 26 May 2015 at 13:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya Blogboo. I am doing great, I just took a little break but i'm back now. You have noticed the same thing about motivational speakers right? Pure rip offs. Lol. Anyway I am glad we all have our personal choices and judgements.

Congrats again on 1 year of blogging.

At 28 May 2015 at 09:44 , Blogger Unknown said...

You will be my assisstant pastor. By the way what do they call female pastors? Anyone got any ideas of the name?


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