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Monday 25 May 2015


     Hello and good afternoon everybody. Allow me to apologize for being MIA for a while now. Unfortunately I am still not fully settled but I just wanted to make sure I put up a post today. Well about nothing in particular, i'm just letting the words flow through my fingers into the keyboard without thinking of 'em as I type.

This is going to be a short one though.

Hope you guys are having a great Monday. I must say I missed having my fingers on a keyboard for a while now. Also I missed you guys very much. However it was only thelma that checked on me. So you people didn't miss me abi? lol. It's really good to be back and even though today's post is going to be a short one, you guys shouldn't worry. I have a couple of interesting stories coming up later in the week.

I want to first of all remind you guys of the poll that we have to the left of the blog. If you haven't voted yet then please endeavour to vote. The topic is on who gets to choose the number of kids to be had in a family. Should it be the man or the woman? We have just 6 days left before the voting finishes. Also do not forget to leave your reason why you made your choice in the comments section. So far there are only 9 votes in and the men are leading with one vote. So let's see your opinion and vote.

 I also want to use this medium to reach out to someone, hoping it would get to the person and that I am not too late. I received a mail from a reader on Facebook that is threatening to commit suicide and I haven't been able to reach him. If you are reading this sir please try to get back to me. There is nothing that you can't work through with the help of someone. Just try and talk it out and you will be surprised how much better you will feel. I really hope you are okay.

Finally I want to thank everyone for the patience. I know I have taken too many breaks from this my duty but that's what I get for trying to balance such a responsibility with a real life work that is very tasking. However I want you all to know that I am always here for you and even if you write to me and don't get to me immediately, it doesn't mean that I don't care. I just ask that you be patient until I am able to get to you.

I'll be off now guys. But before you leave, care to tell us how your day has been?



At 25 May 2015 at 13:28 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

My day is going fine
So glad to have you back mr ralph..
Am feeling so down right now,just got the news of my landlord's passage,he lost his wife on feb and her burial is nxt month....what a double tragedy this is for their family...*sadface*

At 25 May 2015 at 13:55 , Blogger esit said...

I am sorry i did not check up on you. No vex. No fuel, no light to charge phone hence my chats have been strategic you know. Except the person is owing me money or is dying, i leave chats. Gats save phone battery. Hard times. Anyway you good? I hope that person who's suicidal reaches out to you before it's too late. My prayers go out to him/her. Remain blessed yall!

At 25 May 2015 at 16:31 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Mr. Ralph be appearing and disappearing, i'm sure you had us in mind, to the human being who wants to commit suicide, I say think again, nothing lasts forever, not even our troubles, I hope you stay, fight and just resumed so i'm a having a hectic day, get here soon Ralph.

At 25 May 2015 at 23:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my man Mr Ralph should i say welcome or welback sir,hope all is for checking you i was amazed to hear that only my madam Thelma cheked on you its well.
My day is fabulous and julcy.
Special announcement my guy's......if you are living in porthacout here holla me for free fuel please or you can call me strickly for niger delta region please my Ralph fam.
Should i say is a new trend to show depression or frustration by commiting suicide.guy please i beg you tataliwa tamunalije'killing your self is not the solution and can never be.why not specify the reason please because i know is not ordinary, some thing lead to it but there is solution to it please leave your life because to every storm's in life there must be an ark to cross it i profess for you to understand.

At 26 May 2015 at 11:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ freeborn I hope u wnt sell d fuel @ 1000naira per liter...just passing by!

At 27 May 2015 at 22:35 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Esit darling,pls come share some films with me,jowo ke!!
Mr freeborn,hiya!!

At 28 May 2015 at 09:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about that thelma, please send my condolence to the family

At 28 May 2015 at 09:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

You! I will not even talk to you, abi you didn't check on me. Lol, don't mind me and yes please collect the money from the people owing so we can share. Lol. I am still waiting on the guy

At 28 May 2015 at 09:51 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. The disappearing isn't something I can control my brother, believe me. If I could i'll choose to be here all the time but other duties do call.

At 28 May 2015 at 09:53 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Mr freeborn. Hope your fuel offer is genuine cos there are a whole lot of people looking for the product right now. Wish you the best and lots of reward for your offer if you are being genuine

At 28 May 2015 at 12:32 , Blogger esit said...

I'm "sowee"


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