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Saturday 22 November 2014

Dear Ralph: Urgent Help needed

Hi Ralph,
well done for the good job you are doing. I Came across your blog from LIB I think and I have been addicted ever since.
        Let me go straight to the point. Got married this year July n am ashamed to say it feels like i want out. Before I go further I just want to let all single ladies know that d grass ain't greener at the other side and don't be in a haste to get married.
    Now I met my husband on a dating program and we didn't date for so long. We met Oct last year. Yeah I guess I didn't take too much time to know him, plus I let pressure cloud most of my judgement about him. Its like we belong to two separate worlds. He can vex for Africa. I used to be the one who had mood swings and get annoyed easily but reverse is the case now.
We both are Yoruba. You can't believe that since he got married to me he hasn't visited my parents for once,though we don't stay in the same city but not withstanding. I don't have a job because he asked me to resign that he'd be paying me monthly since my job wasn't where we reside. Since then he hasn't given me a dime. He's always finding fault in all I do, I can't even visit my parents and that's whats hurting me the most. He doesn't allow me visits,except for a friend of of mine. I am ALWAYS apologizing when there's any issue in the house, not like I am weak but at a time when I tried not to apologize we went on for over a week without speaking to each other, I had to break the silence at last and that's because I can't keep malice at all even during my uni days and I see it as one of my weakness. For him he said he can go a year without speaking to someone.
     Ralph honestly am tired. I Have cried, prayed, talked but yet its same. He has his good side no doubt but when he shows the other side it weighs me down. I really don't know what to do any longer because even now we ain't talking because of some flimsy thing. Am tired of being the one talking all the time about issues. I really wish I could have waited more before settling down. Now I want to find something doing to occupy my time before I give birth because i'm pregnant. Sorry for d long story but really I still feel like going on because my heart is really heavy.

Am seriously losing it and I think I might just run away or something because no week goes by without a quarrel with him. I know d early stage could be frustrating but dis is too much for me and am still too young for all this
 Have a blessed day.


Dear anonymous,
           I am deeply sorry to hear about the mess you are in and what you are going through in your home. I want to start by saying that everything is going to be okay, so just calm down and think of the suggestions I want to make. Let me first ask a couple of questions. Is there anything you have done in the past to change he's character that he is trying to pay you back for? Has he always been like this or did he suddenly change? Has he tried to hint at what the problem might be, why he restricts you so much? Is there a big age gap between you two? Does he have problem with your family? Does he think you love your original family more than him and is placing these restrictions on you because he doesn't know a better way to control it? Is he feeling insecure about something?
          I personally think you should find out from him why he acts the way he does, I know you are tired of being the one to always do the talking but I ask you to be a little more patient. Find out if there is anything that he is hiding from you or if there is anything he has been angry about. Ask him the things you do to annoy him and listen to what he has to say. You know your husband best and you know the best way to talk to him and get him to open up but I always advice people on a more gentle approach to situations. Hopefully he would tell you and you both can start correcting things one after the other. It isn't good to be scared in your marriage but I understand your reason for the fear, the constant tension in the house is bound to create that feeling. But you still have to be strong and fight it. Open up and tell him of how the heated arguments are causing your health to deteriorate and let him know that it could affect the baby. He needs to know every single effect of the disputes so don't be afraid to let him know. At least he isn't violent so he would only talk but pour your heart out.
Also if he points out any problem with you, don't argue at first when he says them even if he is wrong, just listen until he let's it all out. Let him know that you understand what he has explained,  then go ahead and EXPLAIN any thing he might be getting wrong.
         The constant quarrel is taking a toll on you and you really need to be in a place with a more positive energy. For your own health and for the health of your child. So I think you should talk him into letting you stay with your mum for the duration of the pregnancy.If possible I think this is a time you can involve your mum or dad, let them call him and tell him to allow you come stay with them for some time. I don't usually advice people to let their parents into their relationship problems but I really think you need it right now, I think this can be an exception. The distance and time away from each other would help you to get your head straight and know what you both want from this relationship. It would also give you time to focus on things to do and keep your body and mind busy and away from the troubles of the marriage. If he would understand then you both can use the time apart to get to know each other better and revise certain rules in your home.
      The restriction from friends is really too extreme and I think it is something you should bring up also when you both talk. Let him tell you why he doesn't want you to see your friends, if there is anything he feels about any of your friends that's making him restrict you then he should let it out. But still let him know that it is best to offer you advice and talk things over instead of dictating things for you. I would also advice you to invest some time in planning something to do after you deliver. Even if it is taking up tailoring classes. Just anything at all, it isn't good to be without a thing doing and according to you he promised to pay you monthly but you don't see any money. So I think you should start thinking of your own way of getting what you need.

Be strong for now and please take things easy, tomorrow will be a better day. If there is any new information or development you can let me know and I would be glad to keep doing what I can to help you out in your marriage. Concentrate on your little one for now and on how to remain happy and positive. I wish you safe delivery when you are due and say hi to the baby for me :-)


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At 22 November 2014 at 10:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God,I really feel ur pain ma.I'm hoping that ur husband is going tru a lot of pressure right now and doesn't know d right way to express it.I'll suggest that u give him space by going over to ur folks for ur baby's sake and probably his too.scientifically it is proven dat cohesion at home have a way of affecting babies in d womb.may God give u d strength u need and safe delivery in advance.we re all praying for u.


At 22 November 2014 at 10:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That man is evil, better run for your life please

At 22 November 2014 at 11:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! my dear please that man is very dangerous o! run to your parents and tell them what is happening and leave him

At 22 November 2014 at 11:02 , Anonymous haaj said...

wow, i was eager to see how Ralph would answer this, and this answer is the best you can get. Just follow through with the advice and God will see you through.

At 22 November 2014 at 11:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why r guys Rilly proud 2 apologize to dr partner, its all about dier ego & pride. my dear, tk hrt & do as Ralph said in addition, engage in activities dat make u happy cos of ur health & dat of ur baby. Tkia dear

At 22 November 2014 at 11:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's really terrible of your man. I hope it works out. take it easy my dear

At 22 November 2014 at 11:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think ralph has already said it all. GO to your parents house and stay there till you deliver safely. It isn't healthy for the baby

At 22 November 2014 at 14:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just take it eaasy dear. If its too hard then end the marriage, you can't be killling yourself for something that can't work. not in this new generation

At 23 November 2014 at 22:36 , Anonymous mimi said...

I suggest u RUN 2 ur parents house and stay der till u put 2 bed.don't return until he comes for u apologetically,promising 2 behave himself.don't forget 2 be more prayerful and sow seeds of faith too,he will shud learn 2 treat der wives well,only then can they find favor wt God

At 28 November 2014 at 23:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tanx all for ur comments n to Ralph God bless u. He actually called me 2days later dt we should talk n i poured out my mind to him like neva b4.He also talked abt y he's acting dt way. Long story short he apologised for d 1st tym n promised to change n not sleep ova any quarrels we may av in tym to come. He made me breakfast d nxt and i tink he's getting to change for d beta.
God bless New family av got here,....

Av a nyc wknd y'all.

Worried poster turned Happy poster

At 29 November 2014 at 10:48 , Blogger Unknown said...

I am so happy that you could sort this out. Communication always help. No matter what it is just learn to pour out your heart in the best respectable manner possible. God bless you and your house hold. I am really happy for you


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