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Thursday 28 May 2015

Morning Coffee (still playing around with names)

Good morning fam!

I just got out of the fuel queue and Mehn! I must tell you, these guys do not care if it is Children's day or a day after that or if you are child even. You need to see the way that gallons were being tossed up and down and out of sight. Anyway it's all good, we hope things get better in no time. I might have to go back and beg for fuel in my gallon because they weren't selling in gallons when I went there but I managed to get for my vehicle.  I also just got to work right now and walked in with a huge smile on my face, a black eye from fighting for the fuel and my smile increased when I saw my boss staring at me with the usual "you late comer". My reasons are very much justified today so he can't touch my salary or torture me with work today....I hope. Lol. I've been very good this month so he had better not use me to play.

As you guys can see I am still playing around with the name to give this my morning rant so what do you guys think of Morning coffee? Good? Catchy? Lame? I sort of don't want everything to have "Ralph" attached to it, I feel it will become too much and tiring for people. So let me know what you guys think.

Let's talk about a couple more things before we get started for the day...

First of all I want to talk about the focus of the month, which is all about taking chances. Exploring new things and opening your mind to possibilities. It is almost the end of the month, in a couple of days you would have had 31 whole days which is exactly 744 hours to do something new, to explore a side of you or your environment that you haven't explored before. You can't go through these 31 days without making any sort of progress towards this months focus. You must have at least done something new within the length of the month. If you haven't then honestly you are holding yourself back from a lot of things. There is greatness to be achieved but nobody ever achieved anything great by playing it safe. You have to take risks, push boundaries, break a couple of rules and think outside the box. At the end of this month I want you to be a different person than you were at the beginning. I want you to have made significant progress in exploring a new side of life. Start today, it isn't late yet.

Secondly, we had our giveaway two days ago and wow! the struggle was real, we got about 31 comments (which is a record breaker on this blog. lol) from about 6 or 7 people *face palm*. Thanks for the participation everyone and I would like to inform you guys that i'll be announcing the results later on today so just hold on. Once I get through with some work this morning i'll take a look at that and compile the list of winners. For those who do not win, do not worry, you are going to win one of these days, just keep trying. Also do not forget to get your commenting up and be among the top contributors to win additional shopping coupons by the end of the month which is in just 3 days! Being at the Top also qualifies you for winning something during our giveaways without having to even contest.

Speaking of 3 days to the end of the month. Do not forget to vote in our monthly poll. This months poll is on the person in a marriage that should determine the number of babies to be had. This is strictly if only one person had to choose. Would it be the Man or the Woman? Drop your answer and your reason in the comment box.

 Do not forget to spread word of the blog to your friends and family and social media contacts. I'll appreciate that form you guys. Tell them to join the family and participate, let us keep growing and keep getting better. Every single person is welcome to join us.

So as for you,  what new thing have you achieved this month? What new area of life have you explored? What new and bold step have you taken? As for me, I started a project that I've been meaning to start for a couple of years now and it is almost complete, I hope for it's success but only if it is meant to be. Now how about you?

Good Morning to y'all in a bit.

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At 28 May 2015 at 10:04 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Good morning Ralph, morning coffee is Ok, well it's morning and i've not had coffee b4 u offered one, the fuel crisis is slowly coming to an end, what would this country have turned into if it continued like that??? Have a nice day y'all.

At 28 May 2015 at 11:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Good question.
What i've achieved this month.i'll start by saying No1 thank the almight God for given me and every one here life to see the end of this month.
I was promoted last week even thou there is some folk's are kicking against it labelling all manners of evil,rumour against me but i pass them.
I was given a licence to start my new magazine,which we be convening niger delta region"as am praying for God to touch nyesom wike to redeem his promise as rotimi amaech did.
Its funny but to me is not,is a great wonderful achievement to me and my household by making my younger brother simalina rauzy to calm down and abstain from cultism and embrace my advice this month.thou we've celebrated on sunday.
To my understanding i have explore or examine mum-bo jum-bo and refug-nant.
The step i've taken is sitting down to ask my self the gain,i have gain from what am doing.since no gain or profit i have to abstain from it and do the right thing i we be proud of.
I pray to come up with tangible thing to present next month.guy's happy inauguration day in advance more especially to my chairman here.Mr Ralph.and my fellow sassy guy's here?Miss Thelma.Esit.Omogbolahan.Amaka.Anu.Amy.Ladun.Ghost guys are aesthetic and bonny chill.........

At 28 May 2015 at 11:27 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Gud morny blogfam *shines tit*..
I took the bull by the horn yesterday and i did something dat i have been procastinating al these months,am so grateful to God for it..
Be right back blogfam,lemme grab a bite..
Xup sodiq?,hw u doin?
#waves at Mr freeborn#

At 28 May 2015 at 12:22 , Blogger esit said...

Same to you x

At 28 May 2015 at 15:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Same to you man....have a nice one!

At 28 May 2015 at 17:02 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralphie,as per stil playing with the name thingy,how about using 'MORNING BLUES' in place of morning coffee??,its a suggestion tho..

At 28 May 2015 at 20:49 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Tnx.... wish u same

At 28 May 2015 at 20:50 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Mrn blues actual sounds nice n sexy *wink*


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