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Saturday 30 May 2015

I have a plan for you tomorrow

Good morning everyone!

New president, new projects so we hope for new outcomes, new opportunities, a new nation and a whole lot more but most importantly, we hope that all these new changes are going to be positive ones. Alright a big congrats to Mr President. It's your turn and we expect a whole lot from you. Do us proud boss!

It kind of felt wrong having two morning coffees lined up on the blog page so I decided to go with a little inspiration. Ready?Well even if you aren't ready it doesn't matter just read. You need it. Lol.

 Here we go...

Looking at my calendar this morning I realized that the month was already over. We just have today and tomorrow before we say goodbye to the month of May. This really got me thinking about if it was me or if the year was sprinting faster and faster. Then I thought back to when we were kids, how time seemed to hardly matter to anyone and sometimes the year seems to go on for like ever and the people who had it worse were the ones that waited on celebrations like Easter, Christmas, Children's day and others. Anyhow the years seemed longer because as kids you lived for the moment.
     I believe that it is the load of responsibilities that are heaped on us as we are growing that consumes all the time we have and makes the days look like they are going by faster than usual. We hardly get to live in the moment and enjoy a day. We get too caught up in trying to achieve one thing or the other that we forget to spend each moment well and try to concentrate on the moment that we are in. At least have a little fun and live a little. Yes of cos it's good to also keep your mind on your responsibilities but as I always say, life is about balance. You can't keep thinking about only the responsibilities and forget to be alive, to live in the moment. You can't afford to forget how to have fun and just be happy.

So here is what I will like you guys to do

It is the 30th already and it's a Saturday, you can spend the rest of today chasing whatever achievements you want to achieve before the month runs out. It is all fine and good if that is how you want to spend today. By all means make sure that before the end of today that you have made a significant progress from the level of progress you were in, at the beginning of the month. It's also okay to use today to plan and set your goals for the next month. You know the thing about being prepared and having a plan set out for the future, it helps ease a lot of stress and help you coordinate yourself more. So take your time and make those plans for what you want to do and things you want to achieve in the next month. If you want you can spend the whole of today till midnight setting out those plans for the next day, that is absolutely fine by me. However once that clock strikes 00:00 (midnight) and you go to sleep and wake up tomorrow morning. You better be ready to have some serious fun...

I want you to use that tomorrow and have all the fun you have been missing out on. I want you to end this month on a fun note. I would like you guys to carry a happy and positive heart into the next day and the best way to do that is to have all the fun you can and end the day on a positive note. I want you to go to sleep on Sunday with a smile on your face. I know the next day after Sunday would be the ever dreaded Monday but do not worry about that just yet. Just concentrate on the day you are living in, concentrate on that Sunday. If you take your time out today to plan out your goals and plan out your Monday then believe me you won't have much to worry about. Most of the issues people have with Monday is being too caught up in the weekend and not being mentally prepared to go back to the everyday hustle. But do your preparations today and see the difference.

You know how I told you guys that the months Focus was on taking chances on new things and projects? Well I mentioned a couple of things like new projects, new goals, new assignments and new achievements. However I also mentioned that you should do new and fun things that you have always been wanting to do. Life doesn't have to serious all the time. It's time to loosen up a bit and have some fun. Use this end of month to concentrate on the new and fun things you wan to do. You have spent enough of this month hustling and trying to make money or achieve goals. It's time for the wild part of you to come alive. You have to end this month on a good note. You know how important I tell you guys it is to start a month on or anything positively? Well trust me when I say that how you end it is equally as important. Use tomorrow to have some good fun, if you do not have any new thing that you want to try out available around you then it's fine. Either way just make sure you have fun tomorrow. It's very important.

So...if you are up for this let me hear it. What would you like to do tomorrow? As for me, seeing that I can't exactly just go bungee jumping whenever I decide to, I think i'll settle for movies tomorrow and a little outing in the evening when I leave the cinema. I'll Probably go with a couple of people. It's been a long time I saw a movie and I heard Avenger: Age of Ultron is out! I'll be back with spoilers by Monday. So what of you? What is your plan for Sunday...apart from going to your place of worship of cos.

Good morning BV's



At 30 May 2015 at 09:19 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

So true, time didn't move really fast when we were kids and all of a sudden it's like we take one whole year to blink, we really lived for the moment as kids...may has been a wonderful month so far, and I can point to some achievements so I am thankful and I look forward to the coming month with optimism...tomorrow is gonna be fun, i'm sure.

At 30 May 2015 at 10:07 , Blogger esit said...

It's now you're watching your own Avengers :age of ultron. I will spoil it for you but I'm nice like that. Another good movie to watch would be Mad Max, the movie is sick!
Have a good weekend everybody.
Turn up responsibly!

At 30 May 2015 at 10:21 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

As for me,i'd be indoor,there's no fun place in this jungle am in,so its gonna be just me and my phone as usual,i'd be tru with these villagers in a couple of days time,so till den,no fun for me...
Mr ralphies,kindly alert me of any vacancies at your end,thank you sir..
S/O to Mr freeborn and sodiq.

At 30 May 2015 at 11:47 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

For me I'd b indoors oo. My mum iz arnd so am gonna do all d suckling I can b4 she goes Prolly do some outing later on.

At 30 May 2015 at 12:06 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

As part of ur post tmr I tink u cld do sometin in asking wat we all are thankful for....well tmr is also sunday wich cld make Lil sense....

At 30 May 2015 at 13:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

You got that feeling also right? It's just crazy, these days time just flies by just like that. Glad to hear of your achievements. Keep reaching for greater heights. Hard work and dedication will lead you to success...

At 30 May 2015 at 13:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! esit you won't forgive me for being ancient abi? It's not like it's my fault, i'm trying hard to keep up with this generation. I'll look for the Mad Max and try to see it.

Oh and nobody should listen to esit, do not be...I not be responsible. Lol...just kidding

At 30 May 2015 at 13:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thelma how can you be dulling. you are in a jungle and you say that there is no fun? what has this world turned into? So you can't swing from tree to tree as your own kind of fun? If I start naming the things you can do you will be surprised. Lol....

Don't worry i'll let you know of any vacancies but you will stand in line because esit thought of this one before you

At 30 May 2015 at 13:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lool @ sulking. It's very much allowed

At 30 May 2015 at 13:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

I think this is a great idea Funke, I did it in the past before I started receiving comments so no one responded, I guess that's what made me stop. I'll do it again this month and if the response is good i'll carry on every sunday or every end of month.

At 31 May 2015 at 18:58 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Every end of d month is more like it......


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