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Wednesday 27 May 2015

Happy Children's day

   Kids...A blessing to every one who has them, is related to them or even as much as comes in contact with them. Naive of their surrounding and yet do not live in fear but in freedom. The purest form of the human beings. Pure in heart, body, mind and soul. They are fragile, weak and tender, cry easily and yet have the feature that qualifies as true strength...they forgive so easily. Though they are quick to cry but that cry can turn into laughter in a nanosecond  and all you have to do is make a silly face, give them an ice cream or their favourite toy. The cutest kind of troublesome, living and breathing natural disasters when they are awake and yet calmer than the calmest of seas when they slumber. just gotta love'em

Happy children's day to all the little ones out there. May you all grow to be better than the generations before you. May you all achieve greater heights than those who taught you and those who came before you.

As a kid life was so easy and stress free. Back then I used to think life was hard but I had no idea what responsibilities could do to you and that growing up as a whole was a set up on it's own. Lol. An irreversible and unavoidable set up. I have a couple of fun memories that I know most of you might have shared. Here are a few 'em

  • I polished my shoe with Vaseline and tissue to make it shine
  • In Primary school, when they sang "Are you in the lords army" in morning assembly, when the song get to  "...So I will never steal from my mummy's pot" I would look around for my mum cos it was already too late, I had taken meat from her pot. Yeap...I was guilty
  • When the song continues to "I will never...beat up my younger ones" I'll pretend to demonstrate the beating action and hit the kid in front of me real hard.
  • I spoke into our standing fan, my voice would come out distorted and i'll claim I was robocop
  • I Tied wrapper round my neck and ran around the house claiming to be superman 
  • Best game was Suwe...That thing rocked! lol
Lol.. And these are just a few of the fun memories I had. Things have become complicated now so to the younger ones and especially to the elders who have kids. Make sure they experience all the fun they can while they are young. Give them good memories and fun times. Make sure that they have a good childhood, do not take it away from them. There would be time for responsibilities so make sure that when that time reaches they would have fun memories to reminisce on.
To the grown ones, you might not be as little as you were a couple of decades ago but do not forget to always have the heart of a child. I promise it comes in handy once in a while. You will need it on those days when things seem to be tough on you.

So to both the young in body and the young at heart one more time I say a big Happy Children's day to you.

....Now how about you? What are some fun memories you recall? What are those things you miss doing?


At 27 May 2015 at 11:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

Awww! I wish am still a kid.... happy children's day to all children and to my unborn children too :)

At 27 May 2015 at 12:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

My fun memories i can recall now is few but sweet as heaven and hot as hell loi.
I use to fight as mayweather,when ever i see the fragile kids i we beat them for noting just to here there cry. but there is this boy when ever i see him i'll run pass our house,because he we feed me with sand after beating.
As a boy born close to the river in bonny i love to swim.the senior ones we set a swim contest who ever win we have 1 or 2 naira"so as a trickish boy i am if i see that other guys are swimimg fast to reach the pole i we run fast near them an hold there leg and know one we know i we score first or second.
I love to hear tale's by moonlight or story story storrrry ones is 7pm i'll make such i finish my evening duty fast,then we will gather at one bugamuni place the mama we tell's us many stories about tortoise at times as a child i we practise the tortoise's trick.
When ever i insult my elder ones or take what did not belongs to me hmmm my mom we not beat me immediatly she we wait ones is 12am my yanch we be hot.she make use of that time so that i wont run to other peoples house for help this is my hot and funny memories i always laugh when ever i remember's it"so thank you Mr Ralph for making me remember when life is sweet as los angeles US.
Happy Children's day to every one here.

At 27 May 2015 at 13:18 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

I recall going to Leventis ..oh my suwe rocked gaàn!! I remember this police and theif Playing daddy and mummy with my neighbors. Loved watching super Ted and voltron (defender of d universe) I remember always hiding wen this tv program starts "Willie willie". I enjoyed watching family circle and checkmate..... Lots of memories jare Ralph. Let me tink of more stuffs

At 27 May 2015 at 13:34 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Lol at ur mum waiting for 12 am to flog

At 27 May 2015 at 14:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya Fam and mi lovely blogboo **flicks hair** So my childhood wasn't so much fun buh I do remember always singing into a comb when we had guests....Oh lord, I should apologize to all the poor people who actually listened that horrible voice of mine...and I loved playing dress up with my aunties clothes...I also loved licking toothpaste....It is literally 'Hide the toothpaste' day in my house every other day....hehe...crazy right?

At 27 May 2015 at 15:03 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Happy children's day, my childhood was fun, I miss all my childhood friends, those guys are the best of friends!

At 27 May 2015 at 15:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya blogboo! been a while. Oh wow! Even though you were most likely raised in a different country I practically did most of those things and Yes I dressed up in my mums clothes and had lipstick on...lmao! The innocence of childhood. I sand into a comb and licked toothpaste although with the way you are sounding I don't know if mine was as bad as yours. Lmao! How are you doing boo?

At 27 May 2015 at 15:23 , Blogger Unknown said...

Childhood friends are always the original friends. After childhood most of the people you meet either need something from you or you need from them. The childhood friends just love you for no reason....good times!

At 27 May 2015 at 15:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

We all wish we could go back to the good ol' days dear. Its was crazy fun and my only regret is that I didn't savor it as much as I should have. But as for the fun? Yeap....I had mad fun back then. lol

At 27 May 2015 at 15:25 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lool. Mr Freeborn you were a mean bully back then, hope you aren't one any more. Tales by moonlight was awesome!

At 27 May 2015 at 15:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

Are you sure you would have been able to beat me in suwe. I was a king. lol. Police and thief!!!! I remember that game! and Willie Willie was scarier than the scariest movie till date, say what you want to say, that was a true horror film. Lol

At 27 May 2015 at 16:04 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Oh!!! My favorite den was jumping outside wen it's raining and bathing under d rain wen my parents ain't I rmba pple saying don't pick money from d floor so u don't turn to yam..lmao!! I rmber making paper boat..hehehehe!!I loved Sundays cos I get to eat and watch tales by moonlight... Ralph tnx for making me rmba dis stuffs again.

At 27 May 2015 at 21:47 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I had madt fun whilst growing up,it was the best time of my life,those memories are so dear to me an i won't let 'em go till thy kingdom comes,here are few of 'em
1--climbing trees,yea u heard me right,i was a tree climber,there's virtually nooooo tree that yours truly didn't climb,from mango tree to guava tree,fruits tree to coconut tree,pear tree to apple tree,cashew nkor,orange tree nkor,,nor tree wey i nor climb oo,i'd hold fast to the branches and start,gangilova epomotor,my dad wud come look for me with cane and beat the crap outa me,but efiam,i'd go right back †Φ climbing the trees the next day...lolzzzz

At 27 May 2015 at 21:51 , Blogger Unknown said...


At 27 May 2015 at 21:52 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I was the DON when its comes to SUWE,ooo larwd,no body beats me in that game,i and my crew wud play it from dawn to dusk,i wud build multiple,i played it til junior secondary skol..lolzzz,
Talking about games,i played the hell outa tinko tinko,whoopp whooop,i be the DON!,peeps wud be dragin to have me on their team cos they cwud nkor?,story for anoda

At 27 May 2015 at 21:55 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

My crew and i wud go to omo igbo shop and tif their garri,rice and beans and go cuk it into agolo miliki,,lolzzz,one person wud bring maggi 4m her house,anoda wud be pepper,salt and evri ingredient and we wud cuk it in the tin of milk and wack it

At 27 May 2015 at 22:02 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I played ball eh,especially the four corner post,heheheheheh...i really had crazy fun al true..
My crew and i wud sit on mats when the moon is shinning bright and the elderly ones wud nack us stories about the tortoise and other,twas always
Our parent wud send us 2 go fetch water,instead of fetching the water,we'd branch to a nearby bush and cut down sugarcanes to lick,we wud lick it till our tongue gets sour...lolzzzzzzz

At 27 May 2015 at 22:09 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

as for films et al,i watched virtually al,from ewejoko to family circle,village headmaster,checkmate,roza etc
Cartoons nkor,i be jaguda for that one,don't joke with it...
Lemme stop here biko...
Thanks to ma parents for letting me have a simple but beautiful childhood,i won't trade it 4 anytin in this world..
Mind y'al,i ate countless strokes of cane too as a result of my playfulness,stubborness et al....#coversface#...lolzzzzz
Apy children's day 2 al da kids in the www!!

At 28 May 2015 at 11:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

Apparently thelma had enough fun for herself, her siblings, her future kids and the rest of us put together. You to go girl!!! Lol


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