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Saturday 30 May 2015

Dear Ralph: Am I pregnant

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Hi Ralph,

I am Mary and I am 15 yrs old . It may look weird but I have a boyfriend whom I love so much. Few days ago ,I went to visit him and we had penetrative S3x ,and am a very religious girl and am scared of getting pregnant at an early age. But u see ,what really happened is that his d*ck didn't really penetrate. I don't know if his sp*rm entered or touched my vag*na. Bu I am certain, it didn't penetrate. I am really stupid for doing dis act, please can u tell me if I will be pregnant??? Also if a person was to go for anal s3x and the guy releases in her, would that make me pregnant?


Dear Mary,

    Thanks for writing to me, the truth is that I won't be able to tell you if you will be pregnant from this encounter but it is a very huge possibility. From the sound of things, you aren't absolutely sure of what went down that day.  However I would like to ask a couple of questions to help me narrow down my answers for you.  Did you use any protection? Did he release while inside you or when he pulled out?  Is this your first time? Where you ovulating when you had sex? What was the space between your last period and when you had sex? When is your next period meant to come? How many days does your period last and how long do you go before you see it again. All these questions will help me give you an answer close to the truth but just like everything that has to do with pregnancy, the answer can't be 100% correct. ‎I think the best thing for you to do right now is just to wait it out. Wait for your period to come or not and take things easy, if possible alert your bf of your fears so he'll be prepared just in case of anything. In my opinion, if he really didn't penetrate and didn't release inside you then you're less likely to be pregnant.

Secondly, if a guy goes in from behind and releases in you, you won't get pregnant. I really hope not but if you are planning on going for that then there are a whole lot of precautions that you should take. There are a lot of dangers in taking that approach. It isn't entirely safe and it can leave that part of you damaged. If you really want to go for that then please write to me and i'll give you the precautions you should take. I however would ask that you think deeply without the influence of any other person, think about if you really want to go for that.

This paragraph is just an advice i'll like to give outside of what you asked. It really isn't my business but I just thought i'll let it out and you can choose to read it or not. Pay attention to it or just ignore it but I really hope you at least read through and consider what i'm saying.
     I would advice that you and your bf both decide if you guys want to venture into sex at this age. It is honestly really early for you and I think you should take your time with it. There are a lot more things that you and your bf can concentrate on. You both should try and build your love and bond first. It's more important. I know it's fun but that's not the kind of fun you should be having right now in my opinion. It can be dangerous. Your fear of being pregnant won't stop you from getting pregnant if you have s*x and it's out of this kind of fear that people are pushed into abortion to hide the shame they feel when they get pregnant. Trust me you do not want to go through all that at such a young age. If you want to go into this then you have to be willing to take the negative side of it also so I think it 's important that I tell you all these so your mind can be prepared. Please if the both of you must have this, If you must have s*x then it's best to be safe. Please use some protection. Pregnancy isn't the only thing should be worried about. Their are STD's and some physical consequences especially when it comes to "going in through the back door". Also you have to be sure that your bf is responsible enough to handle anything that might happen. It's none of my business and you don't have to answer but please how old is your bf? I really hope you aren't being pushed into this.

 I know u might be curious for now about sex and all but if you aren't sure yet just let it go. Especially if you are being pushed into this then do not give in. Make sure you do it at your own time and that it's what you want. ‎I'll still advice you to just wait for your period. Do not do anything to harm urself. If you are really scared then just meet a doctor directly and let him or her run a scan for you. Welcome to the family Mary, we are here for you.


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At 30 May 2015 at 13:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

Good afternoon guy's.
Dear Mary sorry for not commenting on some thing that did not relate post.i apologise my sister.
I want to use this chance to beg all the guy's in AskRalph blog,if there is any way i've hurt each an every one of you here by comment action please and please forgive me i beg in the name of jesus and almight God and allah,which i know am innocent of this hate comment Mr/Miss anonymous is harmaring on me for no reason.
You don't know me and you hate me with passion like this as if Mr Ralph awarded multibillion naira contract to me my brother/sister i am a commenter like you your brother from another mother,lets make peace so that you won't kill me one day.
i am a some bodies son and first son second for that matter please please don't like me just leave me alone you have being sending email how you we kill me please don't kill an innocent boy please.even if am a muslim leave me please.
The kind of threat i've gotten here am astonish,i have being to many blog right from 2006 from sandra rose to nigeria's blog's which i was well known there almost 5 blog's even when i was nomited as one of there finest boy winner no body threating to kill me by all means as you say. Please my life is in your hand you say you know were i live in porthacourt please allow me to live in this small world of no man's land please.
Mr Ralph please you can remove my name from your top contributor's so that i won't die for some thing i don't know or bagain,please am a peace loving boy lets embrace peace so that this world we be a better place for you and i.
I we be glad to have you as my friend please.

At 31 May 2015 at 17:13 , Anonymous Laila said...

what pains me is that this anonymous is a christain loi,keep on commenting am solidly behind you,your comment here give's me hope and strength to be apropos here additional to Ralph's own!!

At 31 May 2015 at 23:44 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Poster,ure too young to be engaging in sexual intercourse,you ought 2 concentrate more in ur studies and shun any sexual at this stage of ur life......go over the counter and get a pregnancy test strip ,follow the iinstructions written on it,it wud weda ure pregger of not....
Mr ralphies pot of comment swallowed the previous lengthy comment i posted ystrdy,i dnt have strength 2 type again,so nwannem poster,follow my advice and desist 4m SEX..stop bitting more than u can chew!!

At 1 June 2015 at 08:26 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ralph y u swallowing my comments naa! ! Issokay ooo. Dear poster I think ure still too young for all ur dese am sure u don't Wana be caught unexpectedly in d Web of pregnancy except of cos ure ready for d responsibility. Pls take to all Ralph has sed. I hope by now ice bought a pregnancy test strip? Dat will give u an answer to ur qstn.

At 1 June 2015 at 09:35 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Wx kind gbaguans full ma comment so??chai,poster,jowo manage am,i cnt retype again joor


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