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Thursday 23 July 2015

The ideal time to get married

   In this months polls, our debate is on how long it should take a man to propose to his girlfriend. That in other words means, the amount of time since they started dating that it should take the man ( or the woman even ) to propose marriage. So far only 6 people have been able to vote but from that alone I can see that majority of people would go for 6 months - 2 years after the couples first meeting to propose marriage. Well I have something to say about this because I personally do not agree...

I real feel that a couple should have dated for at least 3 - 5 years before entering that union. I know it seems like a lot of time but I have my own reasons and let me explain well to you guys.

Remember this is just the opinion of one man...

You see I read all your comment from the original post (READ ORIGINAL POST HERE ) and everyone had really good points. For example... Esit said that anything less than 6 months and you won't know the true nature of the person you are going into the commitment with and anything more than that, the guy gets too comfortable and the relationship then starts looking like a roommate thing. I say, you really are going to be roommates so there is no use postponing what would still come to pass. Why delay the inevitable? If it's going to come it's best it comes before the marriage so you find out the kind of roommate you will have for the rest of your life. If the man or woman is going to run away because of your behavior as a roommate then best they take off now than when you have invested your heart fully in marriage. Others made similar points and these points are correct although I personally disagree with the time frame given by you guys for the effects of either neglect or ignorance towards your partner to take place.

You see I feel that one mistake that most people make is getting into a marriage when that initial dreamy effect of meeting someone that you "feel" is the one for you is still strong and lingering. We tend to mistake this fantasy for reality.That is the reason we breakup and feel that the "Love is no more there" after a while or in a case where the fantasy was still there until after the wedding, they get a divorce. The truth is that even with the one that you fall hard in love with, that fantasy that you fell in love with in the beginning is bound to fade away in no time and if you haven't spent enough time building friendship and something more than what you both had in the beginning then you both would find yourselves lost. Marriage is more about friendship and endurance than love.
   Now I didn't say the love wouldn't be there, but if you think of marriage as a ship then here is what you will have. The love would be the sail that would lead you to your destination, the ship itself that would hold you both afloat would be the friendship and endurance would be the anchor that would hold you down each time a storm comes. Oh and let's not forget the sharks and water below, those would be side chicks, sugar daddies and the boundaries you dare to You are going to  have to experience a lot together and endure the worst parts of each other over and over again until you both die....I don't think you understand fully. It's not for a set period of time, this is for as long as you both live or at least until one person passes away. So how do you know the kind of person you are going into commitment with and if you would be able to stay committed? Well it's by spending time with that person, building friendship and knowledge together. True friendship is found in different individuals but only through a long period of time. So give your relationship time! Feed it with time so you can find out what you really need to know about each other.

I really feel 3 - 5 years is the correct time to get married. Trust me anybody that is determined could mask themselves for up to 2 years and you wouldn't even know who they really are until they choose to reveal it to you. It is only with time that the initial dream and fantasy would fade away and the real relationship would start. It is only after that fantasy fades away that you would truly know if you would be able to endure and coexist with your partner for the rest of your life. It is only after you find out that you are capable or incapable of being with that person for the rest of your life that "You both" should decide on if to get married or not. The only reason why so many couples are getting divorced these days is that they lack the knowledge of what marriage actually requires and the discipline to run a family. Remember that I am still talking of the stress you both would face dealing with just each other alone, because when kids come into the equation then you both would be taken to another level of stress to deal with. However that's a gist for another day...

So do you strip away the fantasy from the beginning and dive straight into the friendship and endurance right from the beginning? Nah! You don't do that, you should take your time and enjoy it all from the beginning but you also have to have it in your mind that there would come a time when things won't be the way they were in the beginning. There would be a time that you would doubt the love you have for each other, you would fight so much and be on the verge of breaking up. It's those memories you made at the initial stage that could save your relationship so do not strip the fantasy away right from the beginning of that relationship. Enjoy dating your girlfriend and your boyfriend before getting into that marriage. It is very important to date. Take your time to enjoy the love because it is going to fade at a point. Do not get me wrong, it isn't going to fade completely but it's going to be suppressed by a lot of other factors. It would only be dug up again to the surface by true friendship, dedication and as I would always emphasize on, endurance!

Marriages can succeed or they can fail. It all depends on you and who you are with. Do not just think of the fantasy. Think of everything, look at your partner closely before getting into that union and find out if they are able to take care of the job they would be required to handle in the marriage. If anyone of you isn't ready then you should take your time to educate each other. Grow together and make the right decisions to wait before getting married. Forget what people might say and make the right decision, concentrate on the important things that are involved in marriage. Let the fantasy in your head come only as a bonus to your union. Plan carefully for your marriage and be prepared.

Finally remember that A Marriage is far different from A Wedding. Which would you like to spend more energy on? So do not rush into a marriage because you want to have a wedding. Instead you should have a wedding because you truly want to and understand what it means to get married.



At 23 July 2015 at 16:01 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralph,the point you gave up there is not concrete enough,are you trying to say that maxim of 2yrs is the fantasy period while 3yrs upward is the reality period??'re so wrong!!,a couple can have a happy marriage irrespective of the fact they got married few months-few years of dating each other while some couples divorces after dating themselves for3-1oyrs,will you now tell me they didn't get to know themselves whilst dating all those years??..
The truth is,if the man is ok financially,loves,respects and sees the lady he's dating as the right one to take to mama,then let him hit the aisle ASAP,......#i rest my case#

At 23 July 2015 at 17:15 , Anonymous samson said...

I strongly agree with what Mr Ralph is saying. Most people that are saying 6 months - 2 years only want to get married as soon as possible. Most people have no idea what they even want, all they want is to get married.... I stand with Ralph on this one

At 23 July 2015 at 18:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi thelma...well, the situation I speak of is that which occurs for majority of people. Yes there are exceptions like in the situation you have pointed out and you are absolutely right however you can't use that exception to judge most relationships. I find it better to play it safe and if the exception happens to work for you then fine. If you read the article you would understand that what I advice is to give yourself and your partner time. Getting married to the first dude that proposes to you after a couple of months rarely works. My article only encourages you to take the time to study your partner, plan the future with the person and to take your time to get to know the person better.

The dude might love, respect and see the lady as the right person hit the isle "ASAP" and later find out that she isn't the right one for him. Or she could discover that he isn't the right one. So how do you reduce (not eliminate) the possibility of this happening? By giving it waiting for that initial awe, that initial dreamy fantasy to fade away.

This is one man's opinion however. If yours works for you then i'll be rooting for you of cos. The ultimate goal is happiness!

At 23 July 2015 at 18:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Mr Samson

At 27 July 2015 at 13:20 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Naaa!!! I no gree.... Long dating for me is a no no!! Wat r we waiting for? If I tell u aw long I dated for b4 getting married e go shock u. Ud always know wen d right person comes. Ur intuition cnt be wrong

At 2 August 2015 at 06:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with u one hundred percent I think most people are just in a hurry to marry. Think about it what can your partner hide from you after 3 to 5 years if dating?

At 2 August 2015 at 06:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you one hundred percent
Think about it what can you partner hide after 3 to 5 years of dating

At 13 August 2015 at 14:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone who can mask a charcater for 2ys can also successfuly do same for 10yrs. There are characters that u as a person might even posses but u won't know till u r married. The important thing is not the time but how prepared u are as an individual. Trust me u can never know all even if u court for 20yrs.

At 13 August 2015 at 20:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its good to spend time to know someone but you cant know everything even if u date for more than 5 years. So what happens when you date for that long and you realize he or she isn't good enough? Would you have to start all over again with someone else for another 5 years?? We only need God to help us make the right choice


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